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Ansible tutorial

Note: This is tl;dr version for full tutorial here: Ansible tutorial Read it if you want to get more information. Tutorial on GitHub has only essential things from full tutorial:)

What is Ansible?

Simple yet powerful tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure. Great alternative for Chef and Puppet! Ansible is using SSH for communication with the server. Everything is based on YAML files and Jinja2 templates.

Use cases

With Ansible you can perform following tasks on your server(s):

  • Install software
  • Configure all services
  • Test your servers
  • Deploy application
  • Many more...

How to install Ansible?

Make sure that you are installing Ansible 2.0 or higher

Linux OSX Windows
apt or yum homebrew or pip apt or babun
Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial

Test environment using Vagrant

Create new directory and place following content in Vagrantfile:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "geerlingguy/centos7" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080 "private_network", ip: ""
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
     vb.memory = "2048"

Start Vagrant Box and you are ready to start with Ansible.

Inventory file

In inventory file you will keep connection parameters to your servers. Create hosts file in the directory with Vagrantfile with following contents:

[ansible_tutorial] ansible_user=vagrant ansible_private_key_file="./.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key"

First line is a group. You can have many groups like [web] or [database]. You will use them later on in playbooks. Each group can contain multiple servers.

Next line contains parameters for connections. You need to start with IP address of your server or domain. After that specify user and private key path. Please DON'T use password authentication. SSH Keys are the way to go.

Test connections to your server

In command line execute following command (ansible [GROUP_NAME|IP_ADDRESS or DOMAIN|ALL] -m ping -i PATH_TO_INVENTORY_FILE):

ansible ansible_tutorial -m ping -i hosts

You should get SUCCESS status. For debugging failed connections add -vvvv parameter to command above.


Playbook is an entry level to provisioning, right after Inventory file. It's a place where you can specify a role for given host or group from inventory file. Create a YAML file and name it as you want. In our example it's just playbook.yml.

Example playbook:

- hosts: ansible_tutorial
  become: yes
  become_user: root
   - nginx

First line contains host or group from Inventory file. It's recommended to use groups, instead of hosts. Two next lines uses become that leads to privileges escalation. In Inventory file we specified ssh user as vagrant. But it does not have enough permission (sudo) to install things. We will connect as vagrant user and then switch to root user.

Last part is list of roles that we will apply to our server.

You can specify multiple groups with hosts in single playbook file, or you can keep each hosts/group in separate file.

Roles and tasks

Roles are essential part of Ansible. When you install new tool like php or nginx you should always create a role for that. Roles are reusable and they can be used in different playbooks. They hold number of tasks, handlers and templates. Think of them like unix packages.

First, create directory structure. Roles must be keep in roles directory. Inside that directory create a directory with a name of your role, like nginx. Inside nginx create another directory called tasks. Inside that create file and name it main.yml. So it should go like that:

Your directory project -> roles -> NAME_OF_THE_ROLE -> tasks -> main.yml

main.yml will be automatically included by Ansible. Inside this file place following list of tasks:

- name: install epel
    name: epel-release
    state: present
  tags: [nginx]

- name: install nginx
    name: nginx
    state: present
  tags: [nginx]

- name: enable nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started
  tags: [nginx, status]

It will contain 3 simple tasks:

  1. install epel repository
  2. install nginx
  3. run nginx

Each task should have a descriptive name. Under that you need to specify an Ansible module you want to use. Here you can find list of all modules available in Ansible. It's worth checking, you can find tons of examples there. Each module takes a list of parameters. In order to install nginx we use yum. It takes a name of a package to install and state. Present means that it will be installed. Last thing is a list of tags. They are optional but it's nice to have them.

Execute following command to run a playbook:

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

It should execute 4 tasks (additional task is named setup and it's default Ansible task for gathering information about the machine). At the end there is section called recap If playbook is executed correctly, you should not get any failed or unreachable errors. You should have only ok and changed tasks. You should write the playbooks/roles/tasks in a way where second execution of playbook will result only in ok tasks.


You can run only tasks with specific tags:

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --tags="status"


ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --tags="status,nginx"


Templates are simple text files that uses Jinja2 templating engine. Most of the time in such files you will keep configuration files for different services like nginx or php etc. Create templates directory in nginx role. This is the place where you will keep all templates for given role.

Inside this directory create nginx.conf.j2 file and copy contents from here to that file. This is just basic nginx configuration file.

Add following tasks to tasks/main.yml:

- name: copy nginx configuration file
    src: nginx.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
  tags: [nginx, config]

Required parameters for template modules are src and dest src is the name of the template file from templates directory dest is the path with filename where template should be copied. This is path on the server.

Optional parameters (it's good practice to use them with template module) owner, group user and group for setting ownership. Like in chown command mode are permissions to file. Like in chmod command. You can also use numeric version (0644 istead of u=rw,g=r,o=r)


With handlers you can execute any Ansible module when given task will result in changed state. Create another directory in nginx role and name it handlers. Inside that directory create file and name it main.yml. Place following content inside that file:

- name: restart nginx
    name: nginx
    state: restarted

Name is mandatory here. We want to restart nginx after changes in configuration file. We will use service module to restart nginx service.

Modify the template task in tasks/main.yml file:

- name: copy nginx configuration file
    src: nginx.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
  notify: restart nginx
  tags: [nginx, config]

We added notify parameter. It takes one argument which is name of the handler to execute.

Now when you will change something in the template, template task will result in changes. It will notify the handler which will restart nginx.

Defaults (variables)

Like in any other programming language you can use variables with Ansible. Create defaults directory in nginx role directory. Inside this directory add main.yml file and place following contents there:

nginx_service_name: nginx
 - epel-release
 - nginx
nginx_port: 80

Variable must have a name. Good practice is to prefix variable name with role name. Value is defined after colon. Value can be number, string, list etc. From the top we have variable with string value. Quotes around strings can be omitted. Second variable is a list with two items (strings) and last variable has numeric value.

In order to use variable in task you need to wrap them into double curly brackets {{}} and quotes "". Take a look at the example:

- name: enable nginx
    name: "{{ nginx_service_name }}"
    state: started
  tags: [nginx, status]

Name parameter from service module contains variable instead of raw string. It will be replaced with value we specified in defaults/main.yml

Lists and loops

Lists are useful feature of Ansible. You can simplify tasks by combining them together. We can replace two tasks from Roles and tasks part that installs two packages into single task.

- name: install required packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
   - epel-release
   - nginx
  tags: [nginx]

Specify the list of items by with_items statement. Yum module task will be executed twice. First with epel-release value, second iteration will install nginx. In order to get to current value we need to use special variable item. Use it as regular variable (double curly brackets and quotes).

You can also pass variable to with_items from default like so:

with_items: "{{ nginx_yum_packages }}"

Variables in templates

You can also use variables in templates. Usage is similar like in tasks, but you need to omit quotes here. Take a look at the example taken from nginx.conf.j2:

    server {
        listen       {{ nginx_port }} default_server;
        listen       [::]:{{ nginx_port }} default_server;
        server_name  _;

If you will use quotes it will appear in file after processing which is usually not a good thing.

Overriding default variables

Defaults as the name says, have only default values for variables if you don't specify it in playbook. You can override variable default value in playbooks like so:

- hosts: ansible_tutorial
  become: yes
  become_user: root
   - nginx
   nginx_port: 8080

Simply add vars block and define values that should be used in given host. Host(s) defined variables has priority over default variables so in template you will get 8080 instead of 80. You can override as many values as you want. You can also override values per host. So if you would add second playbook you can change nginx port as well.


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