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Advent of Code 2019 - every day a different language

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Advent of Code 2019

Solutions to the Advent of Code 2019 problems. The solution for every day is written in a different language.

Table of contents:

Day 1 - Erlang

I have solved the day 1 problem using Erlang. The environment setup was very straightforward and I didn't run into any issues. This was the first time I have ever touched Erlang, so I had to Google how to do the basic stuff (e.g. read and parse the contents of the file).

Solution to part 1 was really straightforward and it does not require much further commentary.

In part 2, I made a mistake of calculating the fuel required - I wasn't paying attention to the problem statement and I calculated it once, on the sum of all values.

Day 2 - OCaml

I've decided to continue in the functional fashion for day 2 and wrote the solution in OCaml. Again, this was the first time I was using the language. It was a bit more frustrating experience than Erlang for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the environment setup took a bit longer as "The Basics" tutorial recommended to also install utop in addition to ocaml, and for that I had to install opam as well. Secondly, the fact that Str.split is in a library that needs to be linked into the program is a bit crazy to me and took me a chunk of time to figure out. It just feels inconsistent because or printf worked either directly or via an open statement. Finally, and this one is mostly due to me being a noob, I spent a decent bit of time trying to convert the input from a list of strings to a list of integers and debugging it was not the easiest. Again I had to copy the code for reading, this time I did that from the official documentation.

As for the problem itself, in the first part I made the mistake of not changing the 1. and 2. input values to the values specified in the text of the problem. Another mistake I made, which was partially because I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing, was using (List.nth values x) instead of (List.nth values (List.nth values x)). Finally, I'm pretty sure I make a copy of the list each time I call my replace function, but I don't care as the input was small enough.

In part deux I for some reason thought I need to modify positions 0 and 1 for the "verb" and "noun". Thankfully, there were no solutions like that found so I was able to fix it fairly quickly.

I really should read the problem statements more carefully.

Day 3 - SQL

People who have done advent of code before have told me that the problems keep getting progressively harder. Since 25 is actually a fairly large number in terms of different programming languages, I want to add some non-traditional ones to the list as well. I think using SQL for a programming competition falls into that category so I was excited to find that I had an idea how to solve the day 3 problem using it. However, since I don't know what to expect in part 2, it had the potential to turn sour.

The variant of SQL I decided to use was PostgreSQL, which I had installed some time ago inside Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux. Of course it was turned off and of course I tried to run service postgresql start with two wrong users (myself and postgres) before I Googled that I should probably run it as root, but all in all, it did not take me very long to set up the environment.

My approach to the problem was as follows:

  1. Generate a table consisting of inputs - one row per wire per test case
  2. Split the wire on commas into an array
  3. Explode the array into multiple rows
  4. Parse the x and y deltas (stored as intermediary table exploded_input)
  5. Calculate the cumulative sum of x and y deltas for each wire
  6. Calculate the starting and ending positions of each wire segment (calculated_xy)
  7. Join the first wire and the second wire
  8. Find where the wires intersect (intersections)
  9. Calculate the Manhattan distance
  10. Find the minimum distance (part 1 solution)

I didn't know the how to do the step 3 (explode) so I turned to my search engine of choice - Ecosia, powered by Microsoft - and the results started giving me a small panic attack that it might not go as planned. The first result was a fairly useless documentation entry for the SPLIT_PART() function where explode isn't even mentioned on the page. The second result was a more relevant thread from 2001. saying that it is not possible... I then had to turn to Google to learn about UNNEST ... WITH ORDINALITY. It was mostly smooth sailing and things went as planned from that point on. Oh, and I YOLOed the fact that there were not going to be purely horizontal or purely vertical intersections.

Thankfully part 2 just required fairly simple modifications to the intermediary tables I created along the way to keep the track of the total wire length so far.

Day 4 - Excel

One of the other non-standard "programming languages" that I have on my list to use during this advent of code is Excel. Microsoft Excel needs no introduction as I believe most of the World is already acquainted with it. When I read the problem today I got really giddy because the first part of the problem has a fairly straightforward solution in a spread-sheeting system. Nevertheless, I still couldn't be fully sure about the second part of the exercise but I decided I liked the odds.

Because the numbers were fairly limited in size, a generating solution where you try all of the numbers in the range would work in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, my approach for the problem was to create a list of all numbers in the range and check if they fit the criteria. It turns out the hardest part was to figure out how to solve generate that list without "dragging" the cells for an hour, but a bit of Googling revealed that I should use the Fill > Series tool from the Home ribbon.

To solve the first part, I split the checks into two (are the digits non-decreasing and are there at least two consecutive equal digits). Those columns were combined with a simple multiplication, and the result was the sum of those columns.

To make my life a bit easier in the second part, I separated the digits into individual columns. The second check was reworked into a check wether exactly two consecutive digits are the same.

Enjoy the 40+ MB spreadsheet if you are interested for the actual implementation of the solution. Column D holds the solution to the first part, and Column L for the second part.

Day 5 - Bash

Having read the problem today, I immediately recalled the words of certain Advent of Code veterans that I will have to re-implement the Intcode machine over and over in each new language. For this iteration, I've decided to try and use bash, if for no other reason than to refresh my all but forgotten knowledge of using arrays.

First thing's first, I need to split the string into an array, and it looks like using IFS=',' read ... will do the trick. Things soon turned into a nightmare as the syntax for working with arrays is exceptionally ugly in bash. Another problem is bash being really friendly towards "malformed" variable use because it will interpret a variable with a missing $ as a string and $arr[0] as "${arr[0]}[0]"...

After a fairly long slog, about an hour, I was able to finally get the first part to work correctly. I thought part 2 was now going to be a piece of cake, but boy was I wrong. The new opcodes weren't that difficult to implement, however, there were a few nuances about when to use the immediate mode and when the positional. I had to go through all of the examples to figure it out fully.

After about 20 minutes of work on the second problem, my code was working for all of the test examples from the input to both todays task and the day 2 challenge. I ran my solution on the actual input, got a solution, submitted it and... Wrong answer.

Hm, that was weird. I must have had a bug somewhere... I spot an instance where I used resolve for the parameters and I really shouldn't have done so. I ran the program again, I get 751309 this time, I submit that... And I get another wrong answer.

I ran my program on the all of the inputs again. This takes a few minutes in each iteration as my input was partially via an exported variable in a different file and partially via keyboard. To my astonishment, I find nothing wrong with it. I keep adding more and more debugging output to make sure everything is working fine. The answer I get is still 751309. Maybe I copied it wrong the first time around so I try again and, no, this wasn't the problem. 751309 is not the expected answer.

I spent the next 2 hours staring at the code, the ever increasing mountain of the debugging output, and the problem statement, being unable to find the bug. Defeated and it being already past noon, I had to go to work. While I was on the underground, I read through the detailed debugging transcript of the program, trying to follow it manually and hoping to stumble into the problem. That was to no avail, as all of the outputs appeared correct. The answer from my program is still 751309.

At work, I kicked off a few large data transformations, and during the time I was waiting for them to finish, I decided to refactor the code so that it will be easier to test it. I switched to reading everything from standard input and wrote a helper shell script that runs one test and compares it to the expected output ( I also wrote another shell script that runs all tests in one single go ( All of the small tests passed and then I finally added a failing test, for the final input to part 2, where I didn't actually know what the expected output was. I ran it just to see it fail, all the while contemplating my miserable existence, my hate for the number 751309 and what I am planning to do next. As I glanced over the output of the test case,

Files test/test.22.out and out differ
DONE 314

OUTPUT: 742621
DONE 314

I realized one thing - the output wasn't 751309 any more - it was 742621! Without investigating further, I submitted the new solution and started celebrating my new gold star. You can read my code here.

After a joyous few seconds have passed and the adrenaline rush subsided, I had one thing left to do - figure out what has changed between this run and previous runs. Since I did not touch the code - the only thing that changed was the input. I compared the "new" input from the file with the input from the script and, sure enough, they did differ - the input in the script was missing a "6" at the end. I failed at copy-paste. Palm, meet face. Face, meet palm. I wasted 2 hours at the minimum, and probably closer to 3, of my life debugging such a small mistake.

At the very least, I have learned a lot today, namely:

  1. Don't blindly trust copy-paste. I will save the data to an input file instead from now on.
  2. Bash, although it can handle working with arrays, really isn't designed for that. Besides re-learning how to use them, I also recalled why I had forgotten it.
  3. Bash lacks strong typing, and will handle a lot of typos in the code silently. That makes it hard to build complex software in it. I'm really glad I won't have to solve other problems in it this year.
  4. I totally forgot about set -eux - had I remembered it, I would have solved the problem slightly differently (i.e. not used return values to move the position pointer). I would have also solved it probably a bit quicker as some of the the errors would become apparent earlier.
  5. Have a good and organized test suite for Intcode. I think this will be of huge importance for the coming challenges, especially as I will have to re-implement it each time.
  6. Do not rely on keyboard input (d'oh) to the programs and automate it if possible. I wasted a large amount of time because I was manually typing the values for opcode 3. Once I modified the input to my program so that it reads both the intcode operations and the inputs from the standard input, running tests became very simple and quick. It really did pay off.

Day 6 - D

Dear diary, today is a great day. I've read today's problem gave it a bit of thought and decided to use a real programming language for a change. One of the languages that I always wanted to try is D, so I installed the DMD compiler and got cracking.

For the first problem, I planned on doing a topological sort of the input. That I saved to a file. Reading the file was a fairly simple endeavor, but parsing it was much harder than I anticipated. D compiler produced errors that I had some trouble parsing, and I wasted about an hour fighting the associative array (otherwise know as map or dictionary) declaration. I used string[string[]] instead of the string[][string] to represent what would be a map<string, vector<string>> in C++. I have to say that I am not a huge fan of that form of template typing - I prefer the longer but easier to understand form of C++ and Java.

After my struggles with the compiler were done, the algorithm itself for part 1 was fairly simple. Part 2 was a basic BFS that took me just a few minutes to implement.

Overall, while D seems like a powerful language, searching for the documentation and examples was hard. I also am not sure what the complexity involved when using the associative arrays are, but I would assume it is implemented as a hash map. What I found really interesting is the fact that the compiler error messages do not seem to be that much better than C++ - but at least for the most part, they fit on the screen.

Day 7 - Haskell

Another day, another intcode, another new language. This time, the choice fell on Haskell. Why Haskell? Because a colleague at work has been raving on how Haskell is the perfect choice for implementing the intcode interpreter. It took me three days to finish writing this solution, mostly because of some obligations I had in real life that meant I didn't have the time for advent of code. That does not mean that you will be spared of complaints.

The main reason why I couldn't finish writing my solution in one sitting is because I simply didn't know Haskell. It's syntax is far less forgiving than the other langauges I used, pretty much the opposite of bash in which I implemented my last intcode interpreter. What I discovered was that Haskell really has a completely different paradigm than any other programming language I've used before.

The most annoying thing about Haskell comes when you turn to Ecosia (or Google) to figure something out. You usually are able to find a lost soul asking exactly what you want, praise the good fortune that their question has an answer but then read said answer where some prick with a hollier-than-though attitude asks the question author what they "really mean" because obviously the question makes no sense to ask in Haskell as Haskell wasn't designed to answer it. The expert then helpfully proceeds to explain a solution tangential to the problem using overly complex nomenclature so you have to spend the next 20 minutes Googling what those terms mean and hoping that you can re-forumlate your question so that you can re-use that solution. Frustrated, me? No way, where did you get that idea?

In terms of the actual code I had to write, one of the biggest challenges was the use of monads (monoids in the category of endofunctors) to handle the input and output. I've never seen a programming language so determined to prevent any interaction between the program and the user. In total, I believe I've spent about four hours just trying to get the input, output and some debugging going...

Another part of the struggle was figuring out how to send "objects" around instead of having to send a quadrillion argument to each function, but I managed to figure it out by "reading the fucking manual". Which brings me to my next point - the documentation is pretty good, and the biggest flaw it has is that is also really verbose which made finding specific tidbits of knowledge hard.

Re-implementing the machine for the third time was much easier than the previous two times because I had a test suite from before. I made only one bug that persisted through the annoyingily nitpicky (but in a good way) Haskell compiler, which the tests caught very easily. The solution to part 1 was fairly simple and direct - I just take the output of the machine and pass it around.

Part 2, however, gave me much more trouble, again mostly because I don't know Haskell. I wanted to implement the feedback loop using generating functions () -> Int that would read/write to lists that all of the machines have access to, but after about an hour or two of trying I am embarassed to admit that I failed to write even a generating function that would return different values on each subsequent call... I ended up settling on re-writing the evaluate function in such a way that it knows of multiple machines and proceeds to evaulate the next one when opcode 3 is received.

Overall, I am happy with this "day" - I feel like I learnt a lot. I now can sort of read and write some Haskell code. My implementation is not the most efficient and I'm just glad that performance wasn't necessary.

Day 8 - Scratch

After reading today's problem, I decided to take another risk and try and solve this problem using the Scratch programming language. I had a pretty good idea how to solve the first part, but I did not know what to expect in the second part.

My approach was fairly straightforward for both parts. The solutions cannot be found in the repository, however, they are only available online: Part 1 and Part 2. For part 2, I exported the output to a file, and then reformatted it in the textual document to make the output readable.

Contrary to what you might believe, this problem required me to invest least amount of time compared to any other so far. Scratch is just an easy and straightforward programming langauge and is powerful enough to solve problems like these without much sweat.

Day 9 - C#

After being burnt and wasting a lot of time on IntCode re-implementations since the start of the Advent of Code, I decided to treat it seriously this time. I used C# for this iteration of it. C# is a language that I'm fairly familiar with, while not being proficient since it's been a very long since we've crossed paths the last time.

This was the right choice. Not only does C# have full support for the big integers (which I'm not sure if they were really necessary), using object oriented programming made the implementation of the original Machine trivial. The one bug I had in the implementation was that I fogot to implement the new relative writes. I probably should have restructed the helper functions to be a bit nicer, but this implementation did the trick.

Overall, this was a fairly straightforward implementation, although I overcomplicated it a bit, e.g. by having the operation 4 (write out) call a callback instead of just writing out the value directly. The one thing I dislike about C# is the fact that the default code style is inefficient in terms of new lines - both the open and the closing brackets are on their own line.

Day 10 - Ruby

I had to take a pause for a few days because I was busy with work, travel, company holiday parties... Anyway, there still are 8 languages whose knowledge I'd describe as suspect at best, so for the problems that seem to be one off they will have to make do. Problem for day 10 appears to fall into this category.

Ruby was the language of my choice for this, for no particular reason whatsoever. For the first part of the problem, I will implement a fairly slow O(N^2 M^2 (log(N) + log(M))) (where N x M is the dimension of the board) algorithm that will count the number of visible asteroids for every position. My plan is to afix the root to an asteroid, find the (x,y) distance for every other asteroid, normalize the angle by finding the (x/gcd(x,y), y/gcd(x,y)) and counting how many different angles are found. I had an off by one error because I forgot to ignore the central asteroid.

Part 2 was significantly more complicated. My approach to solve the problem involve a few steps. First, we find all of the asteroids on the same angle. Within the same angle, we sort them by their distance to get the to different "cycles" in which they will be destroyed. Finally, we sort all of the asteroids, first by their cycle, then by their angle.

That was all well and good, but it took me about 2 hours(!) to figure out all of the details both intrinsic to the task at hand, like the orientation of the coordinate system in the input, how does that orientation work with the inital laser and the computational geometry required to solve the problem.

As for my language choice, I'd say Ruby was a very cooperative language and has not been a detriment in solving the puzzle.

Day 11 - Scala

Another day, another intcode. This time, I opted for a language that I don't typically use, but I know well enough to get by. Since it's based on a JVM, I thought that it will be a breeze to get it running on Ubuntu on Windows while using IntelliJ to build it. I unfortunately have to admit that I was wrong.

While my solution for neither part 1 nor part 2 was particularaly nice, I really liked the power of having callbacks for input and output - they really make it simple to create interactions with the interpreter.

As for the implementation, I initially tested my intcode solution only on the large example - and it worked fine on it. Then I implemented the solution to the problem, ran it on the input for day 11, and received a wrong answer. Obviously, at that point I decided to double check my intcode interpreter was actually correct so I decided to reuse the testing script from day 9. This is where things started going wrong, as I did not have Java installed on Ubuntu. How difficult can it be to install java? Well, to download it from Oracle you need to sign in to their website. I did not find a password for it in my password manager, so I went and created an account only to find that an account using my email already exists. Password reset then did the trick and I was finally able to download the JDK for Linux. It then took me about an hour to find the right magical incantation to run my program from the command line... A minute later, I ran the program on all of the test cases and found that IntCode did not have a bug.

My attention then fully went to the "today's" part of the program and it turned out that I made two errors. I swapped the numbers for black and white colors and had the wrong order for the write color and move order. In part 2, it was mostly about printing the board in a way that's readable.

Day 12 - Perl

I felt like summonning Cthulhu today so I wrote the code in the good, old fashioned Perl. I'd be lying if I said that the curious input format made me think of using regular expressions immediately, seeing as I'm used to the scanf familiy of input functions that can take care of it with ease. However, I couldn't justify not using them once I started to write the solution.

Overall, part 1 was mostly a boring "implement this" type of a problem. There's not much to note here, save for the fact that I ran into some issues when using the arrays.

Part 2, on the other hand, was a much more challenging problem. The key insight is that the cycles can be broken up individually for each of the three axis. The full cycle can then be found as the least common multiplier of the individual cycles. My code is really ugly, and I wasted some time fixing bugs that were introduced by poor copy-pasting.

Day 13 - Kotlin

I kind of feel like every other day will be a new int code machine. This time, I opted for a language that I've never used before but shares a lot of similiraties with my last intcode attempt - Kotlin. It has the Java's BigInteger class which might not actually be necessary (I have a hunch that 64-bit integers are all that's required) but it does make the implementation feel safer.

The IntMachine part of it was pretty much a carbon copy of the one from day 11. However, Scala does have a bit better support for the BigInt which made the implementation a tiny bit cleaner.

Part 1 was really straightforward and fairly simple. I made a mistake when I counted all twos and not every third one, but that wasn't a big deal overall.

Part 2 was a whole lot harder. I started with first creating a visualisation of the map to get an understanding of how the arcanoid game looks like. Next step was to simulate the game until the end and see how the ball behaves. I liked the fact that the first bounce off the paddle was done without having to move the paddle and showed that when ball is one row above, the paddle needs to be right underneath it.

The approach I took to solve this problem was to create a secondary int machine to simulate the behaviour after bouncing the ball, see where the ball will fall and move my primary int machine's paddle to the appropriate X coordinate. Unfortunately, I was met with a curveball - if you move the paddle as the ball hits it, the balls direction changes. This mean that each time I'm about hit the ball, I had to test all three possiblities of moving the joystick and choose any that doesn't end in a game over. My code ended up being disguisting, but it did the trick... Save for the fact that there was apparently always at least one block that didn't get destroyed, but I didn't bother fixing that bug as I got the correct answer.

Day 14 - Go

I've chosen to write today's solution in a programming lanuguage that I've used a couple of times, but I don't feel comfortable in. I tactically decided not to use it on an odd day (when you have to implement intcode). The part that I strugled with the most was reading and parsing the input, on the other hand the output experience was really enjoyable - go prints out all types in a sensible manner. Another thing I didn't like is how "raw" working with dynamic arrays (so called slice) feels - I guess it has its advantages when you need full control, but that must not be that common.

The first part was a fairly straightforward problem after doing a topolgical sort starting from the FUEL. Part two was a bit more interesting. The key insight is that the number that we have to compute can be binary searched - i.e. if we can create X amount of fuel, we can also create X-1. The function to check if we can create X units of fuel is fairly simple we just need to change the starting condition from having to generate 1 unit of fuel to X.

Day 15 - Rust

A few of my friends have been solving advent of code this year in Rust so I decided to try my hand at implementing intcode in it. Another friend told me that 64 bit signed integers should be enough for the machine to work as expected. That made me believe that even a lack of a big integer library should not prevent me from being able to solve this problem.

How did the implementation go? My god, did it take me a while to grok Rust... I kept running into problems over and over, the first big one was how to pass in a closure instead of a function so I had to learn more about traits and references. That was just the beginning, though, as the real problems started when I wanted to do a bit more complicated state mangling - borrow, mutable borrow, immutable borrow kept getting in the way. My first breakthrough happened when I read the What is Ownership? chapter in the Rust book. That was enough to have me finish the initial impelementation of the intcode and the testing program.

As I started actually working on the soution for the part one, it became clear that what knowledge I had about Rust was not enough to implement what I had envisioned. My idea for the solution was to move the robot in a DFS-like fashion with a simulated stack. The State was to be kept in the stack (really just a Vec<State>) and each time sending an input to the machine is needed, throw the current state and the next state on the stack. If everything was searched and the robot needs to move back, do not add anything to the stack. When the intcode machine retruns an output, check if the robot actually moved to the next position. If it did not, remove the last element from the stack. The problem here was that I needed to modify the same variables in multiple different places. Therefore, I had to learn about RefCell which sort of feels like cheating and preventing Rust from doing what it's supposed to do. To find the solution was as easy as running a BFS at the end from the start to the end position.

I had a few bugs in my implementation, but those were easily discovered as I added debugging logging.

Part two after part 1 was a breeze, since all that was needed was to start the BFS at the end and return the maximal distance that the BFS found.

I have to say that this was the most miserable experience since Haskell, judging by the amount of time I spent wrestling with the language compared to the amount of time it took me to come up with the solution for the problem. With how big of an investment it turned out to be, I'm kind of sad that I won't be doing more Rust. It reminds me of C/C++, but requires a very different mindset.

Day 16 - Fortran

I've decided to try this legendary programming language because of all of the mythical tales surrounding it. The rumor has it that the programmers who know it are dying out, but the huge software projects written in it are still powering large swaths of the infrastructure the human race has become dependent on. Who knows, maybe learning this language might help with employment down the line... The first part of today's problem seemed like a fairly basic task that I thought fortran was mostly well suited to, so I decided to take the risk and implement my solution in it.

One of the amusing problems I ran into was that the gfortran compiler that I used via f95 decided the version of fortan based on the file extension.

The biggest issue I had during my implementation in part 1 was the fact that I did not know how to use dynamic strings. This meant I hardcoded some values so my code was ugly and hard to test.

Part 2, on the other hand, was a problem that required some thought. There were three observation that enabled me to solve this problem. The first was that no number before the index i will ever impact any index from i till the end. The second one was that for each index after the half way mark, you only need to calculate the sum of all of the elements until the end. Because my skip index was large, these two optimisations were more than enough.

Day 17 - PHP

Another day, another intcode. This time, I decided again to use a language that I have a decent bit of experience with - PHP. This is the first language, besides SQL, that I used in my professional carreer. I used it, or more precisely, Hack, when I worked at Facebook. In reality I wanted to use Hack, however, I ran into issues with compiling it and using pre-compiled binaries on my platform (Windows and Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux) so that just wasted some of my time while I was trying to get it to work.

Another timesink I ran into was in the intcode implementation, where I used $this->$relativeIndex instead of $this->relativeIndex. It took me a surprising amount of time to spot the mistake, even though I knew the mistake had to do with relativeIndex and it's mentioned a total of 4 times. One thing I forgot about PHP is the fact that you typically want to use variables with a & in the callback, and you must use it if you want to change them.

The solution for part 1 was really straightforward. I first started with just printing out the board and later added the storing of the board and detection of the crossings.

I feel like I cheated in part 2 because I found the path manually, but I did write some code to verify that the solution was correct before passing it into the final int machine. Another bug that crept here was the fact that I copy-pasted some code and re-used a variable I shouldn't have.


Advent of Code 2019 - every day a different language







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