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Craig Edwards edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 9 revisions
Table of Contents
Enabling talkative mode
Enabling or disabling learning mode
Ignoring users
Using the dashboard

Configuring the bot through Discord

Users with the manage messages permission on channel, or server owners can configure channel-specific bot settings. All such settings are documented on this page. You can view the settings for a channel using @Sporks config show as shown below:

@Sporks config show

Enabling talkative mode

When in talkative mode, the bot will reply to all channel messages it has a response for, regardless of if it is mentioned by a user. This is off by default, as many users will not want this feature. To enable it type:

@Sporks config set talkative on

or, to disable talkative mode:

@Sporks config set talkative off

BIG FAT WARNING If you enable talkative mode, you are configuring the bot to explicitly not follow the expected best practices for Discord bots. You may encounter unexpected side effects, annoy your users making them quit, or perhaps even cause the end of the world. You have been warned!!!

Enabling or disabling learning mode

By default, Sporks will learn from all channels on your servers. For privacy you may decide you don't want the bot to learn on specific channels, to do this, run the following commands from within the channel in question:

@Sporks config set learn off

or to enable learning for a channel (the default), do:

@Sporks config set learn on

Note that if learning is disabled the bot can still respond to facts it already knows when addressed.

Ignoring users

Each channel has an ignore list of users. You can add to, show and remove this list using @Sporks config ignore. To add a user to the ignore list:

@Sporks config ignore add @username

And, to remove a user:

@Sporks config ignore del @username

If you wish to list the current entries in the list, simply issue the following command:

@Sporks config ignore list

Users on the ignore list are completely ignored, this also includes any scripts you may be running on your bot and even the ability to execute the ignore command. This means if you ignore yourself by accident you can only remove that ignore by using the bot's web dashboard. Note that you don't need to add bots to this list, as all other bots and webhooks are ignored as standard and this can't be overridden.

Using the dashboard

You can also configure any of these settings via the fully featured web dashboard. If you have accidentally added an ignore entry for yourself, this is the easiest way to remove the ignore entry so you may use the bot again. To edit the settings for a channel, simply select them from the drop-down list:

Dashboard channel selection

Once you have done this, change the settings as required:

Dashboard settings editing

Changes will take effect on discord immediately.