An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by Tremor - The react library to build dashboards fast.
The current version is an alpha version. Please report any bugs you find!
Preview the components and examples storybook available at
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding tremorx
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:tremorx, "~> 0.1.1"}
# via git
{:tremorx, git: ""}
Add tremorx to the dependecies section in assets/package.json
like this:
If you don't have a package.json
file, run npm init -y
"dependencies": {
# Add this line
"tremorx": "file:../deps/tremorx"
# If in umbrella project
"tremorx": "file:../../../deps/tremorx"
Then run npm install
in the assets folder.
Then import the tremorx hooks in your assets/js/app.js
file like this:
# Import the hooks
import { TremorHooks } from "tremorx";
# Add the hooks to the LiveSocket hooks option
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
hooks: {...MyHooks, ...TremorxHooks},
Update your *_web.ex
file like this:
defp html_helpers do
quote do
# Add this line
use Tremorx
# Routes generation with the ~p sigil
Configure your tailwind.config.js
file with the follwing:
Allow tailwind to find css classes defined in this library by adding the following lines to the content
section in tailwind.config.js
content: [
# Add these two lines.
# If in umbrella.
Configure the tremorx theme tokens by adding these theme extensions in theme
section in tailwind.config.js
. You can read more about theming Here
theme: {
# Extend your theme with tremor's default config
extend: {
colors: {
tremor: {
brand: {
faint: "#eff6ff",
muted: "#bfdbfe",
subtle: "#60a5fa",
DEFAULT: "#3b82f6",
emphasis: "#1d4ed8",
inverted: "#ffffff",
background: {
muted: "#f9fafb",
subtle: "#f3f4f6",
DEFAULT: "#ffffff",
emphasis: "#374151",
border: {
DEFAULT: "#e5e7eb",
ring: {
DEFAULT: "#e5e7eb",
content: {
subtle: "#9ca3af",
DEFAULT: "#6b7280",
emphasis: "#374151",
strong: "#111827",
inverted: "#ffffff",
"dark-tremor": {
brand: {
faint: "#0B1229",
muted: "#172554",
subtle: "#1e40af",
DEFAULT: "#3b82f6",
emphasis: "#60a5fa",
inverted: "#030712",
background: {
muted: "#131A2B",
subtle: "#1f2937",
DEFAULT: "#111827",
emphasis: "#d1d5db",
border: {
DEFAULT: "#374151",
ring: {
DEFAULT: "#1f2937",
content: {
subtle: "#4b5563",
DEFAULT: "#6b7280",
emphasis: "#e5e7eb",
strong: "#f9fafb",
inverted: "#000000",
boxShadow: {
# light
"tremor-input": "0 1px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05)",
"0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 1px 2px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)",
"0 4px 6px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 2px 4px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)",
# dark
"dark-tremor-input": "0 1px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05)",
"0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 1px 2px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)",
"0 4px 6px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 2px 4px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)",
borderRadius: {
"tremor-small": "0.375rem",
"tremor-default": "0.5rem",
"tremor-full": "9999px",
fontSize: {
"tremor-label": ["0.75rem"],
"tremor-default": ["0.875rem", { lineHeight: "1.25rem" }],
"tremor-title": ["1.125rem", { lineHeight: "1.75rem" }],
"tremor-metric": ["1.875rem", { lineHeight: "2.25rem" }],
Also safelist some css classes to prevent tailwind from purging them. To do this add the following to the safelist
section in tailwind.config.js
safelist: [
variants: ["hover", "ui-selected"],
variants: ["hover", "ui-selected"],
variants: ["hover", "ui-selected"],
{ pattern: /^\-?m(\w?)-/ },
{ pattern: /^p(\w?)-/ },
{ pattern: /^text-/ },
{ pattern: /^bg-/ },
{ pattern: /^w-/ },
{ pattern: /^h-/ },
{ pattern: /^h(\w?)-/ },
{ pattern: /^grid-/ },
{ pattern: /^col-/ },
{ pattern: /^border-/ },
{ pattern: /^gap-/ },
{ pattern: /^min-/ },
In your template import the component you need. For example,
alias Tremorx.Components.Input
alias Tremorx.Components.Layout
alias Tremorx.Components.Text
Then use like the following
<Layout.col class="space-y-1.5">
<label for="name">
<Text.text class="text-tremor-content">
placeholder="juma tano"
- Accordion
- Badges
- Button
- Callout
- Card
- Date range picker
- Dialog
- Divider
- Icons
- Legend
- List
- Number Input
- Select
- Switch
- Table
- Tabs
- Text Input
- Textarea
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Donut Chart
- Line Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Funnel Chart
- Bar List
- Progress Bar
- Marker Bar
- Delta Bar
- Category Bar
- Progress Circle
- Spark Charts
- Tracker
- Dropdown
- Tooltip
- GeoJSON Map
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at