Analytics: new or changed metrics, instrumentation, analytics, etc
Category: fix or feature that might break existing functionality
Category: identifies or fixes a bug
Category: improvements or additions to documentation
Category: code clean ups, refactors, or general enhancements
Category: non-breaking change which adds new functionality
Category: infosec/compliance remediation
Category: experimental proof-of-concept
Category: study-builder changes, study configuration changes, etc
Deploy: changes require minimal or extended downtime for participant UX or study staff
Deploy: should be applied to production incrementally, not as part of a full release
Deploy: needs cherry-picking to release candidate
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Extra attention is needed
InfoSec: changes to auth0 internals, e.g. rules, universal login, configurations, etc
InfoSec: changes to fundamental auth filter logic
InfoSec: new route/API that's behind the auth filter
InfoSec: new information are exposed to elasticsearch
InfoSec: new or existing route/API that's not behind auth
Pull requests that update Java code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Logging: involves error handling that can result in alert notifications, e.g. to slack channels
Logging: involves changes to housekeeping, so who/what/when are logged appropriately
Logging: new route or changes to existing route, so who/what/when are logged appropriately
Risk: high, new or upgraded 3rd party dependencies like storage, auth0, sendgrid, easypost, etc
Risk: high, impacts large number of features or shared components/modules
Risk: high, general elevated risk