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Artifacts: Conceptual Mutation Testing

This repository contains artifacts for the paper:

Conceptual Mutation Testing for Student Programming Misconceptions by Siddhartha Prasad, Ben Greenman, Tim Nelson, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

and can be found at


Getting Started

Our artifacts mostly take the form of data. We include 3 executable components, which can be run as a Docker container. As a result, artifacts can be evaluated with only the following software:

  • Git

    • Clone the repository by running: git clone
  • Spreadsheet software able to open Open Document Spreadsheet (.ods) files (Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice, Google Sheets).

  • A full installation of Docker and the Docker daemon. To build from source (instructions below), get Docker version 20.10.14 or newer.

    • Once you have installed Docker, you can either fetch the containers and check their sha256 digests:
docker pull sidprasad/wfe-clustering:latest
docker pull sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest
docker pull sidprasad/fv-eval:latest

docker images --digests | grep "sidprasad"
# output table should include the following:
# sidprasad/wfe-clustering   latest    sha256:08ce554b9d63a48b2e16fc0f953dce3801a5d1ad5978cadb31b195833d499b69
# sidprasad/chaff-eval       latest    sha256:29680a475ef9dccd3c2e665f617f64f74470a0435b33d653035bf9b3e1f2dcb6
# sidprasad/fv-eval          latest    sha256:daf0985f374f6675b72de2191a4c67d84b1eb0a823bff8edc15c5bf83027b1f6

Or you can build the containers from source (requires Docker version >= 20.10.14)

cd Clustering
docker build . -t sidprasad/wfe-clustering:latest

cd ../ChaffEval
docker build . -t sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest

cd ../FeatureVectorExamination
docker build . -t sidprasad/fv-eval:latest

If you build from source, the digests will differ from the prebuilt images.

Ensuring things work as expected:

Run a quick experiment, execute the following to ensure Docker is installed as expected.

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/wfe-clustering levenshtein DocDiff
# This should print text in clusters, a V Measure score, and a Homogeneity score.

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/chaff-eval DocDiff
# This may take a few minutes to run, and should output 2 tables.

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/fv-eval DocDiff
# This should output a list as well as a large table.

[Optional] Running all executable components

The sections below describe data and executable components that comprise this artifact, alongside how to evaluate these components. We recommend following these guidelines in order. However, if you would rather first run all executable components, you can do so by running the script (in a Unix-like terminal).

Since it launches several long-running containers, this script will take several hours to run. In our experience it may take as long as 16 hours. This script captures executable output in 15 files:

  1. 9 files related to Artifact 1.3 : Cluster Evaluation
  • wfe-clustering-semantic-DocDiff.txt
  • wfe-clustering-semantic-Nile.txt
  • wfe-clustering-semantic-Filesystem.txt
  • wfe-clustering-levenshtein-DocDiff.txt
  • wfe-clustering-levenshtein-Nile.txt
  • wfe-clustering-levenshtein-Filesystem.txt
  • wfe-clustering-tree_diff-DocDiff.txt
  • wfe-clustering-tree_diff-Nile.txt
  • wfe-clustering-tree_diff-Filesystem.txt
  1. 3 files related to Artifact 1.4: Feature Vectors (Semantic Clusters)
  • fv-eval-DocDiff.txt
  • fv-eval-Nile.txt
  • fv-eval-Filesystem.txt
  1. 3 files related to Artifact 2.2: Chaff Evaluation
  • chaff-eval-DocDiff.txt
  • chaff-eval-Nile.txt
  • chaff-eval-Filesystem.txt

Overview of Claims

Mutation testing for example suites is an effective way to make sure students solve the right problem, but requires a carefully curated set of mutants, called chaffs. Prior work has left the task of finding mutants & chaffs entirely in the hands of experts, who often fail to anticipate student misconceptions. Our work contributes:

  • A method to generate chaffs at low cost by clustering and analyzing incorrect examples
  • Evidence that chaffs selected using our clustering method out-performed expert-written chaffs.

Claim 1: A method to generate effective mutants at low cost by clustering and analyzing incorrect examples

The paper's first contribution is a method that allows instructors to cluster and examine incorrect examples for misunderstandings. To develop the method, we looked at 3 assignments from an accelerated introduction to computer science course from 2020 (DocDiff, Nile, and Filesystem). We then:

  1. Collected wheat-failing-examples (WFEs)
  2. Labelled a sample of these WFEs with associated misunderstandings to generate a ground truth.
  3. Tested 3 ways of clustering these examples, comparing the clusters against ground truth. Various clustering techniques required:
    • Syntactic Clustering: Student example code
    • Semantic Clustering:
      • Characteristics of a correct solution
      • Mutant programs that violate these characteristics
      • Feature vector for each incorrect example, generated by running WFEs against all mutant programs.

In support, we provide the following artifacts.

Artifact 1.1: Decomposition of Problems

This artifact can be found in the AssignmentDecomposition directory. It contains:

  • AssignmentDecomposition/AssignmentCharacteristics.ods: A decomposition of the 3 assignments under study (DocDiff, Nile, Filesystem) into characteristics and descriptions of mutant programs that violate these characteristics.
  • AssignmentDecomposition/DocDiff: : Source code for these mutants (Mutants directory) alongside correct implementations of DocDiff (Wheats directory). There are 14 mutants and 2 wheats.
  • AssignmentDecomposition/Nile: Source code for these mutants (Mutants directory) alongside correct implementations of Nile (Wheats directory). There are 12 mutants and 2 wheats.
  • AssignmentDecomposition/Filesystem : Source code for these mutants (Mutants directory) alongside correct implementations of Filesystem (Wheats directory). There are 14 mutants and 2 wheats.

While this artifact consists of source code, the execution of this code is not required to evaluate this artifact. We present this artifact as data evidencing the decomposition of problems.

Artifact 1.2: Labeled Submissions and Feature Vectors

This artifact can be found in the Clustering directory. It contains:

  • Clustering/Labelling and Clustering.ods: A spreadsheet that provides relevant code from students' wheat-failing examples (WFEs). For each assignment, for each manually analyzed WFE we provide:
    • An id for each WFE (identified by a session, timestamp, and line number)
    • Relevant source code for the failing example in the Pyret language, alongside a Python translation (required for GumTreeDiff)
    • The misunderstanding label used as ground truth.
    • The corresponding feature vectors generated during semantic clustering.

We present this artifact as data documenting our manual labelling of WFEs.

Artifact 1.3: Cluster Evaluation

This artifact is presented as a Docker container that can be used to generate both semantic and syntactic clusters using this spreadsheet, and generate clustering evaluation metrics as described in the paper. This container can either be run as follows:

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/wfe-clustering <option> <assignment>

where option can be one of semantic, levenshtein or tree_diff. and assignment should match one of DocDiff, Nile or Filesystem.

levenshtein and tree_diff clustering are quite resource intensive, and may take several hours to complete. As a result, we display progress bars as a convenience when using these options. These look something like:

Clustering by levenshtein
Clustering data from Nile
  1%█▋             | 1/122 [00:26<53:34, 26.56s/it]

Evaluating this artifact: This container should output V-Measure and Homogeneity scores similar to those in the paper.

  • levenshtein: This option prints clusters alongside exemplars of each cluster. Finally, it prints V-Measure and Homogeneity of these clusters against ground truth. V-Measure and Homogeneity should not exceed* those in Table 1 of the paper (when rounded).
  • tree_diff: This option prints clusters alongside exemplars of each cluster. Finally, it prints V-Measure and Homogeneity of these clusters against ground truth. V-Measure and Homogeneity should not exceed* those in Table 2 of the paper (when rounded).
  • semantic: V-Measure and Homogeneity should match those in Table 4 of the paper (when rounded).

The levenshtein and tree_diff techniques utlize Affinity Propagation (AP), which involves a degree of randomness. To mitigate the effect of randomness on the final clustering result, we ran AP multiple times, presenting the best-clustering result with respect to ground truth in Tables 1 and 2 of the paper. Even these best-results resulted in very low clustering correspondence.

Artifact 1.4: Feature Vectors (Semantic Clusters)

We provide the final results of feature vector generation for all student wheat failing examples by semantic clustering in the FeatureVectorExamination directory. We also provide a Docker container that can be used to evaluate these Feature Vectors.

This container can be run as follows:

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/fv-eval:latest <assignment>

where assignment should match one of DocDiff, Nile or Filesystem.

Example output should look like:

WFE pass count for DocDiff. This should match Table 8.
[148, 117, 0, 126, 57, 92, 71, 85, 131, 186, 280, 195, 120, 111]

Clusters for DocDiff
Count   Feature Vector
800     dddddddddddddd
68      dddddddddmdddd
66      mddddddddmdddd
52      ddddmddddddddd
49      dddmdddddddddd
48      mddddddddddddd
48      ddddddddddmdmm
38      dddddddddmdmdd
30      dddddddddddddm
28      dmdddddmmdmmdd
24      dddddmdddddddd
23      ddddddmddddddd
22      dmdddddddddddd
20      dmdddmdmmdmddd
15      ddddddddddmddd
15      dmdddmdmmdmmdd
13      mddddddddmdmdd
13      ddddddddddddmd
13      ddddddmdddmmmm
12      ddddddddddmmmm
11      dddmddddmdmmdd
11      dddmddmdmdmmdd
9       dddmddmdmdmddd
9       mddddddmmdmddd
6       dmdmdddddddddd
6       dddmdmddddmmmd
6       dddmddddddmmmd
6       dddmddddddmmdd
5       dddmdmddmdmmmd
5       mdddmddddddddd
5       ddddddmdddmddd
5       dddmddmdddmmdd
4       dmdddddmmdmddd
4       dddmdmddddmdmd
4       dmddddddddmmdd
4       ddddddddmdmddd
3       dmdddmddmdmddd
3       ddddddddddmdmd
3       dmdddmddmdmmdd
3       mdddddddmdmddd
3       dmdddddmddmmmm
3       dddmddmddddddd
3       dddddmddddmmdd
2       dmdddmddddmmdd
2       dmdddddmddmmmd
2       ddddddmdddmdmm
2       ddddddddddmmdd
2       dddddmddmdmddd
1       dmdmdddddddddm
1       mdddddddddmddd
1       mddddddmddmddd
1       dddmdmddmdmmdd
1       dmdddddmddmmdd
1       dddddmddmdmmdd
1       dddmdmdddddddm
1       mmdddddddddddd
1       dmdmdddmddmmmd
1       ddddddddmdmmdd
1       dddmddddddmddd
1       dmdddmddddmddd
1       dddddmddddmmmm
1       ddddddddddmmmd
1       mddddddmmmmddd

Evaluating this artifact: Depending on the provided assignment, this container outputs a list of the most common feature vectors per assignment in the paper, as well as WFE pass count.

  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/fv-eval:latest DocDiff : WFE pass counts should match those in Table9 of the paper. The top 6 largest clusters should match those in Table 5 of the paper. If two clusters had the same size, we chose an illustrative example in Table 5.
  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/fv-eval:latest Nile : WFE pass counts should match Table 9. The top 6 largest clusters should match Table 6.
  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/fv-eval:latest Filesystem : WFE pass counts should match Table 9. The top 6 largest clusters should match Table 7.

Claim 2: Evidence that Chaffs selected using our clustering method out-performed expert-written mutants.

Our second contribution involved evaluating chaffs generated using our clustering process against expert-written chaffs that had been fine-tuned over several years. This was done by examining the feature vectors created by wheat failing examples (WFEs) against chaffs presented to students.

Artifact 2.1: The Chaffs

Chaffs presented to students for each assignment for each year are available in the ChaffEval directory. The execution of this code is not required to evaluate this artifact. We present this artifact as data evidencing our choice of chaffs across years. The number of chaffs is as follows:

│   ├───2020 (5 chaffs)
│   ├───2021 (5 chaffs)
│   └───2022 (5 chaffs)
│   ├───2020 (9 chaffs)
│   ├───2021 (9 Chaffs)
│   └───2022 (5 chaffs)
│   ├───2020 (9 chaffs)
│   ├───2021 (9 chaffs)
│   └───2022 (6 chaffs)

Artifact 2.2: Chaff Evaluation

  • Feature vectors generated by running each wheat failing example against its corresponding chaff set are presented in ChaffEval/WFE-against-chaffs.ods. We present this artifact as data evidencing our analysis of chaffs in 2022 against 2020 and 2021. These data are analyzed in Figure 4 and Table 8 of the paper.

This analysis can be re-run in Docker:

docker run --rm -it sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest <assignment>

where assignment should match one of DocDiff, Nile or Filesystem.

Example output should look like:

Assignment      Number of WFEs          WFEs in 1-m or 2-m clusters
Filesystem-2020 3359                    144 (4.286990175647514%)
Filesystem-2021 3121                    145 (4.645946811919257%)
Filesystem-2022 895                     105 (11.731843575418994%)

Evaluation for Statistical Significance using a 2-tailed Z test:
Filesystem-2021 vs Filesystem-2020:     p = 0.25205576349493997  Z = -0.6680345680639307         d = -0.016267758450340192       with CI : [-0.06  0.03]
Filesystem-2022 vs Filesystem-2020:     p = 2.354439491365171e-10        Z = -6.228511377531537  d = -0.28138932858170806        with CI : [-0.35 -0.21]
Filesystem-2022 vs Filesystem-2021:     p = 2.318715159624573e-09        Z = -5.859686061058633  d = -0.25951207993446357        with CI : [-0.33 -0.19]

Evaluating this artifact: Depending on the provided assignment, this container outputs a table comparing 1-m and 2-m wfes for handwritten chaffs (2020 and 2021) and generated chaffs (2022). It also displays the results of a 2-tailed Z test for statistical significance.

  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest DocDiff: 1-m and 2-m WFE pass counts should match those presented in Figure 4 of the paper (when rounded). The results of a Z-test should match those presented in Table 8 (when rounded).

  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest Nile: 1-m and 2-m WFE pass counts should match those presented in Figure 4 of the paper (when rounded). The results of a Z-test should match those presented in Table 8 (when rounded).

  • docker run --rm -it sidprasad/chaff-eval:latest Filesystem: 1-m and 2-m WFE pass counts should match those presented in Figure 4 of the paper (when rounded). The results of a Z-test should match those presented in Table 8 (when rounded).


Artifacts for Conceptual Mutation Testing






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