Repository for Beat Saber Avatars, Sabers, Platforms, and Bloqs
The site requires a bit of setup.
- The file resources/fetcher.js requires the URLs in the fetcher() function to be changed from localhost.
- The settings.txt file needs to be configured with the right settings (if you don't have this file, duplicate settings.example.txt and rename it to settings.txt).
- The file resources/manifest/manifest.json needs to have it's start_url property changed to whatever you web root is set to in the settings.txt file.
When developing for this project it would make everybody's day easier if you followed the coding standards used below.
PHPDOC is used for php documentation, the syntax used will be shown below.
There are a few things that are common between all instances, these are shown here.
- Always end the short and long descriptions with a period.
- Always have an empty line between the short description and the long description.
- Always have an empty line between the descriptions and the tags (@param, @return, etc.).
Methods and functions should use this syntax for everything, simple getters and setters are optional however.
* <A short description of the function.>
* <An optional longer description if required.>
* @param <type> <$name> <an optional description.>
* @return <type> <an optional description.>
Classes use a slightly different approach than methods and functions, this is shown below.
* <A general description of the class.>
* @author <name or username> <an optional email>
* @version V<version number as an integer>