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Algorithms related to graphs
This repository contains exercise algorithms from Coursera Course on Graph.
Completed course with 83.33 %.


  • TLE on Negative cycle shortest path problem.
  • Optional Advance section (A* , Contraction Hirerachy, TSP).
  • Transtive Closure.

BFS vs SPFA: Both are exactly same and uses queue to push relaxed nodes, but in BFS we never visit a node again while in SPFA we can visit.
BFS is technically suitable for uniform cost edges(unweight graph), like edges of cost 1, BSF finds minimum edges to reach a node.
It only consider minimum number of edges, NOT COST!

To practice BFS/DFS/Dijkstra/Bellmand Ford/Flyod Warshall/SPFA in a single problem

Algroithm #Description #Time Complexity #Space Complexity #Misc
Dijkstra Single Source Shortest Path for weighted graph O((V + E) log V) and for dense graph O(E log V) O( V ) cant work on grah with -ve edges.
Bellman Ford Single Source Shortest path with -ve edges O( V . E ) O( V ) Handle -ve edges and can also find -ve cycle.
Shortes Path faster Algorithm(SPFA) Single Source Shortest path with -ve edges O( V . E ) O( V ) Unlike Bellmand Ford , this uses a queue to ush only those nodes which are relax and if they are not already in queue. Above problem can be solved using SPFA also.
Johnson Algorithm All Pair Shortest Path 283 290 Works betters in sparse graph as it uses Bellman-Ford and Dijsktra.
Fllyod-Warshall All Pair Shortest Path O( V ^3 ) 290 typically used in dense graph.
Kahn Algorithm Topological Sort O( V + E ) 290
Kruskal Algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree O( V + E ) 290
Prim Algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree O( V + E ) 290
Hierholzer's Algroithm Euler Path in a graph Practice:
Tarjan Algorithm For finding SCC in directed graph 283 290 For undirected graph we use SCC but for directed we cant use that as a directed edge is in different. Practice:
Tarjan Algorithm For finding bridges and articulation point Practice:
Johnson All Simple cycle For finding all cycles 283 290 A SCC can contain multiple elementary cycle.
Bipartite test 301 283 290 Color the Graph with 2 color if possible its bi-partite
Hungarain Algorithm Maximum Matching Bipartite + Weighted
Blosson Algorithm Maximum Matching Unweighted + Non-bipartite, like we used Christofide Algorithm for TSP.
Hopcroft Karp Maximum Matching Unweighted + Bipartite
Edmond-Karp Algorithm Max-Flow O( V + E ) 290 Augmented Path
Dinic Algorithm Max-Flow O( V + E ) 290 Augmented Path, Another class of algorithm for max flow uses push-relabel.

Euler Cycle: Visit each edge exactly once and end on same node where it start. Possibly if graph has even degree.
To find a cycle then start from any node.
If there is a Euler cycle there would be Euler Path also but reverse is not true.

Euler Path: May start and end on different node.
For undirected graph, atmost 2 node can have odd degree.
For directed graph, at most 1 node has outDgree-inDgree =1(start node) and inDegree - outDegree=1 (end node).
Hierholzer's Algorithm is used to find an Euler Path.

Hamiltonian Cycle: It's a NP-Hard problem to find if a cycle exists or not.


Algorithms related to graphs






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