Following the coronavirus crisis, many disposable masks are found in the outdoor environment: in the street, in nature. This crisis brings a new type of waste to the environment. In order to complete the research in waste detection in the natural environment, I have decided to build a detection system capable of identifying and segmenting these masks.
This type of detector could be of interest for building automated systems for collecting waste in the streets for example.
- Collection
For this purpose, 65 images of masks found outdoors were used. For the moment, this dataset is small because I started the project at the beginning of 2021. Nevertheless, my relatives and I are collecting new ones every day in order to complete this dataset.
- Annotation
The data are annotated and reviewed with LabelBox but many other platforms exist. A JSON file is exported and put into the data/
folder of the repository.
To perform instance segmentation on this dataset, I've decided to use the Mask-RCNN architecture by Kaiming He et al. from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) in 2017. Mask-RCNN is moslty based on Faster-RCNN, which is a two stage detector composed of a region-proposal network, followed by two branches predicting the class and the box offset for each proposed region. The authors extended Faster-RCNN with a third parallel branch, outputting a binary mask for the element in each region. Mask-RCNN distinguished itself at the COCO 2017 challenges and is widely used nowadays.
I've used the Matterport implementation of Mask-RCNN to build my detector, which use Python 3, Keras 2.1.5 and TensorFlow 1.14, and adapted it to my needs.
- Mask-RCNN implementation
In my repository, I cloned and named the Matterport repository as maskrcnn/. I adapted the file for it to handle annotations file from LabelBox.
- Environment
In my repository, I created a virtual environment with the following command :
virtualenv -p /Users/camillecochener/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3 venv
Don't forget to activate it using :
source venv/bin/activate
Then, I installed the required libraries :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Dataset
Images can be downloaded from LabelBox thanks to the script I wrote :
python data/annotations.json
Then, the dataset can be split intro three folder train/val/test the script :
python data
- Inspect Data
To check if the dataset is well loaded, one can run the inspect_data.ipynb notebook. It's the originally notebook from the Matterport repository.
- Training
I definitly recommend to train the model with a GPU. I transfered my repository to Google Colab in order to get a GPU and 12Go of RAM. All the previous steps are sum up in the run_training_colab.ipynb which allows to train the model.
Models are stored in a logs directory at the root, at each epoch.
- Test
To test the model, I simply used the inspect_model.ipynb notebook.
- Demo
Next steps
- Retrain the model with more images
- Compute performance metrics
- Adapt the demo.ipynb notebook to my use case
- Package the code