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Puppet Module for Collectd

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Example Usage

The following example will install, configure and run collectd. Also it will load the cpu, memory, disk, apache and postgresql plugins after installing all the needed dependencies. And finally define instance settings for the apache and postgresql plugins.

include 'collectd'

collectd::plugin { ['cpu', 'memory', 'disk']: }

collectd::config::plugin { 'monitor apache on www1':
  plugin   => 'apache',
  settings => '
    <Instance "www1">
      URL ""

collectd::config::plugin { 'monitor apache on www2':
  plugin   => 'apache',
  settings => '
    <Instance "www2">
      URL ""

collectd::config::plugin { 'my postgresql plugin config':
  plugin   => 'postgresql',
  settings => template('/path/to/some/template.erb'),

collectd::config::plugin { 'my plugin with hashed config':
  plugin   => 'interface',
  settings => {
    'interface'       => ['lo','sit0'],
    'ignore_selected' => true

collectd::config::plugin { 'another one':
  plugin   => 'df',
  settings => {
    'mount_point'       => [ '/afs', '/boot', '/proc' ],
    'fs_type'           => [ 'nfs', 'devpts', 'iso9660' ],
    'ignore_selected'   => true,
    'values_percentage' => true,
    'report_inodes'     => true,
    'report_by_device'  => false

If you want to completely disable package management, do the following:

class { 'collectd':
  manage_package => false

You'll also find more usage examples in spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp.

Be sure to have a look at the READMEs and comments in the files created under /etc/collectd/ to make sense of how the configuration is structured.

Classes and Defined Types

This module defines the following classes and defined types:

  • collectd
  • collectd::plugin
  • collectd::config::plugin
  • collectd::config::global
  • collectd::config::type
  • collectd::config::chain

There is detailed inline documentation for each of these classes/types.

The following classes and types are used behind the scenes, and in most cases you shoudn't need to care about them:

  • collectd::package
  • collectd::config
  • collectd::service
  • collectd::setup::defaultplugins
  • collectd::setup::loadplugin
  • collectd::setup::registerplugin
  • collectd::setup::settings

Client-Server setup

To avoid making assumptions on how you're supposed to organise your collectd infrastructure, setting up how metrics are passed along from one node to another is left to you. One caveat you should be aware of though: collectd instances receiving metrics from other ones must know about the Dataset type of these metrics. To ease sharing this information, this puppet module exports them from collectd::config::type, which allows easy collection on other nodes. Short example:

If you declare something like this on emitting instance(s):

collectd::config::type { 'haproxy':
  value => 'bin:COUNTER:0:U, bout:COUNTER:0:U',

Then you can/should collect the exported Dataset type(s) on the receiving instance(s) using the following statement. This will ensure the above haproxy DS is present in /etc/collectd/custom-types.db.

Concat::Fragment <<| tag == 'collectd_typesdb' |>>


This module relies on stdlib and concat.

If you install collectd-dsl on your puppetmaster, you'll be able to use the collectd_dsl() function in your manifests and templates.

collectd::config::plugin { 'configure df':
  type     => 'df',
  settings => collectd_dsl('
    device          "/dev/sda1"
    report_reserved :true
    report_inodes   :true

Moreover, if settings is given a Hash, it will call collectd_dsl() using a recursive procedure, where nested hashes will be treated as new blocks for collectd_dsl(), and arrays will cause multiple lines with the same key.

The following code:

collectd::config::plugin { 'threshold_processes':
  plugin   => 'threshold',
  settings => {
    'plugin "processes"' => {
      'type "fork_rate"' => {
        'percentage' => false,
        'warning_max' => 1 * 1500

will lead to the following collectd config:

<Plugin threshold>
  <Plugin "processes">
    <Type "fork_rate">
      Percentage false
      WarningMax 1500

Note the way collectd_dsl() does the conversion of all the keys to CamelCase, and observe how the boolean is correctly translated to an unquoted keyword in collectd (which is important because collectd's liboconfig grammar is typed). Also note the necessity to pass the number 1500 in numeric context by mulitplying it by 1, as puppet < 4.x would treat it as a regular string, which would cause the collectd threshold plugin to fail.

Here is the same config as it would appear in hiera:

  plugin: threshold
    'plugin "processes"':
      "type fork_rate":
        percentage: false
        warning_max: 1500

Note that hiera correctly types both booleans and numbers.


There a some rspec tests in the spec/ directory.

The following instructions will hopefully setup the stuff required for running the tests (the first 3 are optional):

$ curl -L | bash -s stable
$ rvm install 1.9.3
$ rvm use --create 1.9.3@puppet-collectd
$ gem install rspec-puppet puppetlabs_spec_helper puppet-lint puppet

And then, run the tests:

$ rake lint
$ rake spec