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Use the Carbone Rust SDK to communicate with the Carbone API to generate documents.


carbone-sdk-rust = "1.0.0"


Try the following code to render a report in 10 seconds. Just insert your API key, the template ID you want to render, and the JSON data-set as string. Get your API key on your Carbone account:

use std::env;
use carbone_sdk_rust::config::Config;
use carbone_sdk_rust::carbone::Carbone;
use carbone_sdk_rust::types::{ApiJsonToken, JsonData};
use carbone_sdk_rust::template::TemplateId;
use carbone_sdk_rust::errors::CarboneError;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write

async fn main() -> Result<(), CarboneError> {
    let token = "Token";

    let config: Config = Default::default();
    let api_token = ApiJsonToken::new(token.to_string())?;

    let json_data_value = String::from(r#"
            "data" : {
                "firstname" : "John",
                "lastname" : "Wick"
            "convertTo" : "odt"
    let json_data = JsonData::new(json_data_value)?;

    let template_id = TemplateId::new("YourTemplateId".to_string())?;

    let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, Some(&api_token))?;
    let report_content = match carbone.generate_report_with_template_id(template_id, json_data).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

    let mut output_file = File::create("report.pdf").expect("Failed to create file");

    if let Err(e) = output_file.write_all(&report_content) {
        eprintln!("Failed to write to file: {:?}", e);



Table of content

SDK Constructor

Example of a new SDK instance for Carbone Cloud: Get your API key on your Carbone account:

// For Carbone Cloud, provide your API Access Token as first argument:
let token = "Token";
let config: Config = Default::default();
let api_token = ApiJsonToken::new(token.to_string())?;
let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, Some(&api_token))?;

Example of a new SDK instance for Carbone On-premise or Carbone On-AWS:

// Define the URL of your Carbone On-premise Server or AWS EC2 URL:
let config: Config = Config::new("ON_PREMISE_URL".to_string(), "api_time_out_in_sec_in_u64", ApiVersion::new("4".to_string()).expect("REASON")).expect("REASON");
let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, None)?;

Generate and Download Document

Generate a document from a local template file:

pub async fn generate_report( &self, template_name: String, template_data: Vec<u8>, json_data: JsonData, payload: Option<&str>, salt: Option<&str>);

Arguments details:

  • template_name: filename of the template.
  • template_data: The content of the file in Vec<u8>.
  • json_data: A stringified JSON containing the data to populate the template.


let file_name = "name_file.extention";
let file_path = format!("your/path/{}", file_name);
let file_content = fs::read(file_path)?;

let json_data_value = String::from(r#"
            "data" : {
                "firstname" : "John",
                "lastname" : "Wick"
            "convertTo" : "odt"

let json_data = JsonData::new(json_data_value)?;

let content = match carbone.generate_report(file_name.to_string(), file_content, json_data, None, None).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Or, Generate a document from a template ID:

pub async fn pub async fn generate_report_with_template_id( &self, template_id: TemplateId, json_data: JsonData);

Argument details:

  • template_id: Template ID (Manage your templates on Carbone Studio)
  • json_data: A stringified JSON containing the data to populate the template.
let template_id = TemplateId::new("template_id".to_string())?;
let json_data = String::from(r#"
            "data" : {
                "firstname" : "John",
                "lastname" : "Wick"
            "convertTo" : "odt"

let json_data = JsonData::new(json_data_value)?;

let content = match carbone.generate_report_with_template_id( template_id, filte_content, json_data).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Add Template

pub async fn upload_template(&self,file_name: &str,file_content: Vec<u8>,salt: Option<&str>);

Add a template as file-content Vec<u8> and the function return the template ID as String.


let template_name = "template.odt".to_string();
let template_path = format!("src/{}", template_name);
let template_data = fs::read(template_path.to_owned())?;

let template_id = match carbone.upload_template(template_name, template_data, None).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Delete Template

pub async fn delete_template(&self, template_id: TemplateId);

Delete a template by providing a template ID as template_id, and it returns whether the request succeeded as a Boolean.


let template_id = TemplateId::new("template_id".to_string())?;

let boolean = match carbone.delete_template(template_id).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Generate Document Only

The generate_report function takes a template ID as String, and the JSON data-set as JsonData. It return a renderId, you can pass this renderId at get_report for download the document.

pub async fn render_data( &self, template_id: TemplateId, json_data: JsonData);


let template_id = TemplateId::new("template_id".to_string())?;

let json_data = String::from(r#"
            "data" : {
                "firstname" : "John",
                "lastname" : "Wick"
            "convertTo" : "odt"

let json_data = JsonData::new(json_data_value)?;

let render_id = match carbone.render_data(template_id, json_data).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Download Document Only


pub async fn get_report(&self, render_id: &RenderId);


let render_id = RenderId::new("render_id".to_string())?;

let content = match carbone.get_report(&render_id).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Get Template


pub async fn download_template(&self, template_id: &TemplateId);

Provide a template ID as String and it returns the file as Bytes.


let template_id = TemplateId::new("template_id".to_string())?;

let content = match carbone.download_template(&template_id).await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Get API Status


pub async fn get_status(&self);

The function requests the Carbone API to get the current status and version as String.


let status = match carbone.get_status().await {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())

Set API Config


pub fn new(api_url: String, api_timeout: u64, api_version: ApiVersion)

Set the API URL for Carbone On-premise or Carbone On-AWS.

Specify the version of the Carbone CLoud API you want to request as second argument of the constructor. By default, all requested are made to the Carbone API version 4.


let config: Config = Config::new("ON_PREMISE_URL".to_string(), "api_time_out_in_sec_in_u64", ApiVersion::new("Version".to_string()).expect("REASON")).expect("REASON");

let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, None)?;

Build commands

At the root of the SDK repository run:

cargo build

In another Rust project, you can load the local build of the SDK, in the Cargo.toml:

carbone-sdk-rust = {path = "your/local/path"}

Finally, compile your Rust project with the SDK:

cargo run 

Test commands

Execute unit tests:

cargo test

Execute unit tests with coverage:

cargo tarpaulin

👤 History

The package was originaly made by Pascal Chenevas, and open-sourced the code. The team is now maintaining the SDK and will bring all futur evolutions.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

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