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Carlos edited this page May 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Ardublockly To-do List

This is a list of pending actions and features planned for Ardublockly. This is not to be taken strictly, and a lot of these might just be ideas rather than a roadmap.

If you would like to contribute to the projects these could be some good areas to look into. It would probably be a good idea to open an issue in the GitHub issue tracker first to discuss if it's something worth doing and the best approach.

Ardublockly build system

  • Create a single script to run all steps in a single command? (very low priority)

Ardublockly desktop wrapper

  • Wait for resolution and implement appData directory move fixes
  • Move Electron front end changes script from ardublockly html injection into preload script executed from Electron
  • Add menu to directly select amongst the different Arduino boards supported
  • Executable app signing
  • Check for "built python server executable", if not found check if python is installed, if it is then run the server in a python sub-process.

Python server

  • Complete compilerserttings module unit test
  • Complete actions module unit test module
  • Check for more possible issues with unicode in Python 2
  • Experiment with the --preserve-temp-files flag to maintain temporary files and speed up CLI compilation
  • Remove tkinker file/directory selection and implement an html version
  • The server should provide fully "headless" execution

Linux specific

  • Test load sketch to board (current test in raspberry pi and ubuntu to load sketches in the IDE) with python 2 and 3
  • Current port list shows all dev/tty, as all Arduinos should be connected by USB this list can be filtered to only show ttyUSBx ports

Mac OS X specific

  • Test load sketch to board with python 2 and 3

Windows specific

  • Nothing at the moment

Ardublockly front end

  • Change delete all icon with "new"
  • Similar to Arduino IDE, select area to display button action text, and change the text with button mouse over
  • Ensure that basic empty sketch code shows on page load
  • On low resolutions ensure the blockly vertical height is lower than the viewport
  • Finish Spanish translation


  • Merge upstream changes until variables were reworked, ensure everything still works
  • Merge upstream master with latest variable changes
  • Type blocks are coming, ensure Ardublockly is ready
  • Modify zoom icons to be smaller and placed in a different position
  • Arduino setup and loop block can be copy/pasted using keyboard shorcuts, stop this from happening
  • Refactor new variable name to be able to select custom name on single action and asynchronously

Blockly changes to submit upstream

  • Any useful changes to the zoom functionality
  • Use of window.prompt

Static typing

  • logic_ternary block getType to defines type as that of its inputs
  • logic_null block right now does not return a type, this might change
  • math_number block 'errornumber' type used for debugging, remove
  • math_arithmetic getType to check types of given inputs to decide between int or float. Right now first block within sets the type.
  • math_constrain getType to check types of given inputs to decide between int or float. Right now first block within sets the type.
  • math_number getType to use regular expressions more efficiently
  • math_on_list to add static type if lists get implemented
  • controls_for getVarType function
  • controls_forEach block uses lists, these are not implemented in the Arduino generator (possible arrays), when implemented this block needs a getVarType, varType, and getType functions
  • add getVarType to the procedures blocks
  • the loops count type is set to int, user could input a decimal, so add input checking to determine type
  • Number blocks automatically trim unnecessary decimal digits "x.0 => x", change this behaviour so that "x.0" can be set as a decimal

Arduino generator

  • Text trim does not currently generate Arduino valid code

Arduino blocks

  • Code generator for lists into arrays
  • Create I2C communication blocks with hue 190
  • Update the serial print block to specify explicit type (hex, str, int, etc)
  • Look into all the serial functions and decide what else might fit in
  • Allow to add return statement (to exit) inside the Arduino setup()/loop() functions

Future features

  • Server component of the block creator to add files into project directory folder and have client side to read them and include them into the toolbox
  • Serial console for comms with Arduino
  • Serial data graphing
  • SVG image creation to displayed used pins with given function
  • Auto updating desktop application