Jason's DotFiles for windows
These are the base dotfiles that I start with when I set up a
new environment. For more specific local needs I use the .local
Open powershell with admin privileges and execute the following command:
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/casjay-systems/windows/master/install.cmd'))
7zip ffmpeg cdburnerxp filezilla firefox cmake brackets emacs brave atom cpu-z etcher
audacity handbrake libreoffice gimp git hexchat git-lfs node mercurial github notepad++
google-chrome gvim gpg4win obs-studio vagrant vcredist-2005 vcredist-2008 vcredist-2010
vcredist-2012 vcredist-2013 vcredist-2015 vcredist-2017 vcredist-2019 transmission tor-browser
thunderbird smplayer rufus php postman powershell-core putty opera python2 python3 visual-studio-code
vivaldi vlc yarn youtube-dl windows-terminal windows-usb-dvd-tool
chocolateygui cascadiacodepl cascadia-code-nerd-font firacodepl
7zip curl sudo openssh coreutils grep sed less go