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Cerberus allows volunteers to sign in and out digitally and collects time data

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Build Status codecov Dependencies


Cerberus is a walk-up-and-use system for volunteers. Visit times are tracked without requiring account creation; name and signature only. Features include a signature pad, charts, volunteer directory, CSV generation, and user system for administrators.

This project is built with Angular and Firebase.


  1. Install Yarn: brew install yarn
  2. Install Angular CLI: npm i -g @angular/cli
  3. From project root folder install all the dependencies: yarn install

Running the app

Run command: yarn start

A window will automatically open at localhost:4200. Angular files are being watched. Any change automatically creates a new bundle and reloads your browser.

Running unit tests

Run yarn test to execute all unit tests with code coverage.

Running end-to-end tests

Run yarn e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via yarn start.

Running TSLint

Run yarn lint (frontend) to execute the linter via TSLint.

File Structure

└── src
    ├── app
    |   ├── auth        # authentication services and store
    |   ├── core        # components and services required for app
    |   ├── material    # module with Angular Material imports
    |   ├── feature     # feature module
    |   |   |
    |   |   ├── actions
    |   |   ├── components    # presentational components; visual layer
    |   |   ├── containers    # container components; provide data to components
    |   |   ├── effects
    |   |   ├── reducers
    |   |   ├── selectors         
    |   |   ├── feature.module.ts
    |   |   └── feature-routing.module.ts    # configures feature routes
    |   |
    |   ├── shared                   # functions, components used across modules
    |   ├── app.module.ts
    |   └── app-routing.module.ts    # configures lazy-loading for feature modules
    └── mocks.ts    # mock classes/objects for testing