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Validator API


Before getting started, you will need to have the following tools installed locally:


Install the dependencies by running the following command:

npm install


Once the project dependencies have been installed, you can start the server by running one of the following commands

# Option 1: Development mode
# The server restarted whenever a file is changed
npm run dev

# Option 2: Production mode
# The files are compiled using TypeScript and run via Node.js
npm run build
npm run start

# Option 3: Build and run with Docker locally
docker build -t validator-api:latest .
docker run -it --rm --name validator-api validator-api

# Option 4: Pull and run the Docker hub image
docker run -it --rm --name validator-api andreogle/chainapi-validator-api:latest

This will start an HTTP server on the port defined by the environment variable PORT (default: 8000). This can be configured locally by adding a .env file to the project root (see .env.example).


Once the server is running the following endpoints are exposed:

1. Healthcheck

Accessible at: GET /

This endpoint returns a static JSON object indicating that the server is running.


curl 'http://localhost:8000/'
# { "status": "alive" }

2. Validate

Accessible at: POST /validate

This endpoint accepts a single parameter (config) and returns a JSON object that indicates if the config is valid or not, as well as the specific errors returned by the airnode-validator package.


  1. config - the full Airnode config (usually defined in a config.json file)


curl --request POST 'localhost:8000/validate' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{ "config": { ... } }'
# { valid: false, errors: [...] }

Adding a new Airnode validator version

This package is intended to be kept up-to-date with Airnode releases. When a new Airnode version is released, this will include a new version of the airnode-validator package. In order to support a new validator version, the following steps need to be followed:

  1. Add the new version using an alias
# Add support for v1.2 (ignore the patch version in the alias if possible)
npm install validator-1.2@npm:@api3/[email protected]
  1. IMPORTANT: Add a test fixture

Place a valid config.json in the test/fixtures directory into a folder identified by the version. e.g. A valid config.json file should be copied to test/fixtures/1.2/config.json.

  1. Add a "case" for the new version
// ./src/validation.ts
import * as validator12 from 'validator-1.2';

const getVersionValidator = (semver: Semver) => {
  return match(semver)
    .with({ major: 1, minor: 2 }, () => validator12.parseConfig)
    .otherwise(() => {
      throw new Error(...);


The project tests can be run with the following commands:

# Runs all tests without any flags
npm run test

# Runs all tests and watches for file changes
npm run test:watch

# Runs all tests and outputs the coverage metrics to /coverage
npm run test:coverage


npm publish

docker build -t validator-api:latest .

docker tag [image-id] andreogle/chainapi-validator-api:latest
docker push andreogle/chainapi-validator-api:latest

docker tag [image-id] andreogle/chainapi-validator-api:[version]
docker push andreogle/chainapi-validator-api:[version]