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0. install

  • 将仓库中的vim配置安装到本地
./myvim install
  • 只将仓库中.vimrc更新到本地
./myvim update
  • 将本地.vimrc修改更新到仓库
./myvim backup
  • 将本地.vimrc以及vim插件打包备份到仓库
./myvimall backup

note: please input :PluginInstall when first open vim to install the plugin


  • see changes in current file
    g; g, : jump to previous/after changes REF1

  • substitude in multiple files

  • make vim syntax hightlight more rich

  • triggle action when save REF

  • [x]changes font size

  • get better syntax jump and auto-complete

1. basic

1.1 basic control

  • move
    • line move

<c-e>, <c-y> : 不移动光标下逐行翻页
<c-f>, <c-b>: 整页上下翻页,光标相对位置不变
zt zz zb: 将当前行置于页首、中、尾
:n : 移动到n line
H M L : 移动光标到上中下

- word move


- block move  

`]]` / `[[` : move to next/pre fun start( which is included by " { }")  
  • edit

    • create:
      o / O : start a empty line after/before current line

    • delete
      dd : delete current line
      "_d : delete not cut

    • change
      cw : change a word(delete current word and enter insert mode)
      C : change from current to end of line
      cc : change entire line
      r{char} : change the char with {char}, and you can repeat it through move with .
      <c-r>{0-9} : paste content from register, when use yy before, the content will save in 0 register. cf" or ct" : change until next comma ", the f will overide the " and the t will stop at the "

    • copy&paste
      "+y : copy to system clipboard
      "+p : paste from syetem clipboard,ref

    • remove the ^M
      :%s/^M//g : the ^M is + to input

    • special char, unicode char <c>+v, u2713 : will input a mark,(u2713)

    plugin for search unicode number: unicode.vim

  • search
    nohl : close the highlight of search result
    :g/<pattern>[cmd]/ : list all line match pattern, sem :help :global

:%s///gn :show the total number of pattern :g// : list all results of pattern

  • substitute
    • :%s/foo/bar/g : 全局将foo替换为bar
    • :%s/foo/bar/gc : 全局将foo替换为bar,with check confirm
    • '<,'>’s/foo/bar/g : 选中区域替换
    • :s/foo/bar/g : substtudte for current line
    • :5,12s/foo/bar/g : substitude from line 5 to line 12
    • :'<,'>s/foo/bar/g : substitude for visual lines
    • :%s//&_E/g : append _E in all the current selected text. & means the content you select

:%S//{text}/gc : replace the last serached text with {text}, the empty // means using last search result.

  • compare/diff

:windo diffthis : put all files current open into diff windows
:windo diffoff : let all files leave diff mode
:diffthis : put current file into diff mode
:diffoff : put current file out of diff mode :vert diffsplit file2 : :vert makes it split the screen vertically.

  • format

    • format tab/space
      = : you can use gg=G format all the page
      gg=G : format all the pages
      nnoremap <silent> <F5> :let _s=@/ <Bar> :%s/\(\s\\|\t\)\+$//e <Bar> :let @/=_s <Bar> :nohl <Bar> :unlet _s <CR> : remove the backend tab/spaces
  • show

    • <ctrl>-l : refresh the output draw
    • <ctrl>-z : return to bash
    • fg : back to vim
  • windows

    • <C-w>x<C-w>X : exchange two Windows in a row or column
    • <c-w>r<c-w>R : rotation in row or column
    • <C-w>j<C-w>k<C-w>-h<C-w>l : jump to up/down/left/right windows
    • <C-w>s<C-w>v : duplicate the current windows in split or vertical split windows
  • ""auto complete""

<c-x> <c-o>, <c-x> <c-l>, <c-x> s

details see :help ins-completion

  • book mark

    • ma : set a book mark name a
    • ``a` : jump to exact the position of mark
    • 'a: jump to the start of line of mark
    • marks : list all the current marks
    • mA : set a global mark name A, upper case name means global mark, and it can stay even when you close vim and reopen.(supported by default viminfo behavior)
  • tabs

    • tabedit [file] : create a new tab

    • tabclose [i] : close current/[i] tab

    • tabonly : close all other tabs except current ones

    • tab split: copy current tab to a new tabs

    • gt, gT : go to next tab/ previous tab

    • [i]gt : goto tab in position i, i start from 1

    • <c>-<pgon> / <c->-<pgup> : go to next / previous tab

  • bug

  • / : freezon / unfreezon the input.

1.2 basic setting

  • spell check
set spell spelllang=en                                                                                   
set spellfile=$HOME/.vim/en.utf-8.add

enable the spell check

]s, [s : next, previous spell error
zg : put the current word into spellfile as right
zw : put/uncomment the current word into spellfile as wrong
zG, zW : similar as zg,zw except setting on system file level

see :help spell

  • display

    • show tab/enter
      :set invlist : toggle between show/not show

    • tab as space
      set expandtab : set tab as space
      set tabstop=4 : set tab as 4 spaces
      set shifwidth=4 : set tab as 4 spaces when format
      set softtabstop=4 : 令连续的空格视为一个制表符

    • hex format:
      :%!xxd <-c num> : change to hex format, default 16byte/8word one line ,can be change by the -c num
      :%!xxd -r : return to text mode
      :set ft=xxd : highlight in hex format mode.

  • search
    set incsearch : search online
    set hlsearch : highlight search results

  • delete
    :set backspace=indent,eol,start : enable backspace over aynthing

  • without leave
    :source ~/.vimrc: refresh vimrc
    :vs ~/.vimrc : open split vimrc

  • new-filetype
    autocmd BufEnter *.tpp :setlocal filetype=cpp : set file *.tpp as *.cpp

1.3 with gvim

hide/show menu/tool/scroll bar

set guioptions-=m  "menu bar
set guioptions-=T  "toolbar
set guioptions-=r  "scrollbar

2. with plugin

2.1 plugin framwork config

  • vundle
    • init
    • install :PluginInstall

2.2 plugins config

  • cscope

    • init cscope -Rkbq // in work file :generate cscope file :cs add . 在vim 中add上一部生成的db

    • basic control -]: jump def (ctags) -O: jump last -I: jump forward

    cscope 15.9 is not stable. 15.8b is good.

  • ctags

    • init ctags -R *: generate tags file

    • basic use <C-R>-] : 跳转到定义

    • add multiple path of tags :set tags+=/path/to/other/dir/tags

  • syntax hignlight

    • Plugin 'jaxbot/semantic-highlight.vim'
  • ctrlp

input ? when invoke the ctrlp windows to get full command map help

<c-r> : switch regexp or normal in ctrlp windows
<c-t>, <c-v>, <c-x> : open selected file in new tab / new vertical split window / new horizon split window
<c-p>, <c-n> : select the next/previous string in the prompt's history
<c-z> : mark/unmark multiple file. <c-o> to open all marked files
<c-f>, <c-b> : switch search mode(files/tags/mru/buffer)
CtrlPTag : invoke with tag mode

2.3 leetcode

leetcode for vim

3 with others

3.1 with git

  • git editor
    git config --global core.editor vim

  • git difftools

configure vim as git diff tools
git config --global diff.tool vimdiff
git config --global difftool.prompt false

vimdiff use
git difftools : open diff with difftools
]c : jump to next change
[c : jump to last change
qa! : close vim diff
qa : close current file diff ,will auto jump to next file diff
dp : put current windows change to another
do : pull another change to current

zo : expand folder
zc : close folder

zR : reduce min folder
zM : expand most

git diff use:
git diff --cache : show diff include staged file
git diff --stat : show overview of diff
git diff -vv : show diff between staged and unstaged file

git diff two branch
git diff <branchA>...<branchB> -- <path/file>


4 special note

4.1 using on windows

  • error code on chinese version

add this to top of vimrc

set encoding=utf-8

set termencoding=utf-8

set fileencoding=chinese

set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,chinese

set langmenu=zh_CN.utf-8

source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim

source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim

language messages zh_cn.utf-8



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