├-- docker-compose.yml: defines docker config for local development
├-- Dockerfile: defines the base image used in development
├-- docs: project documentation
├-- package.json: defines project setup/dependencies
├-- packages
| ├-- client: node project that builds a web bundle
| | ├-- package.json: defines client specific setup/dependencies
| | └-- src: Client source code
| └-- service: node project that builds an express service
| ├-- package.json: defines how the service is setup
| ├-- db
| | ├-- schema.sql: current database schema dump
| | └-- migrations: A ordered set of database migrations to run to produce the schema.sql
| └-- src: Service source code
| ├-- service.ts: main service entrypoint
| └-- message-queue-worker.ts: main entrypoint for the background job
├-- terraform: provisioning infrastructure
└-- website: Base Docusaurus document site
id uuid,
name text
CREATE TABLE document (
id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
value text NOT NULL,
web_rtc_key text NOT NULL,
origin bytea NOT NULL,
latest_update_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
creator_id uuid NOT NULL,
is_public boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_document (
document_id uuid,
user_id uuid
An update queue for documents. These changes are merged with a document's origin
to produce the current state of any document.
CREATE TABLE document_updates_queue (
id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
document_id uuid NOT NULL,
document_update bytea NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
Deployment is a three phase process. First, building the static bundle that we can serve to clients.
yarn client build
Powered by nextjs, this creates the client javascript bundles for each page, and any statically generated html is generated here.
yarn service build
Uses webpack to build the typescript express application that will serve the static bundle and dynamic api from one place.