The is the official implementation of the paper: Semi-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation, which will be presented at EMNLP 2018.
Email: [email protected]
Clone this project
git clone
cd sa-nmt
Download from google drive then decompress it. Make sure the data folder is a subfolder of sa-nmt.
Train the Transformer
python -c configs/transformer.yaml
Then average the last five checkpoints
python third_party/tensor2tensor/ --prefix "model-transformer/model_step_" --checkpoints 96000,97000,98000,99000,100000 --output_path "model-transformer/model_avg"
python -c configs/transformer.yaml
(Plsease replace [K] in the following commands with 2, 4 or 6)
Copy the base model
cp -r model-transformer model-sat-[K]
Train the SAT
python -c configs/sat-[K].yaml
Then average the last five checkpoints
python third_party/tensor2tensor/ --prefix "model-sat-[K]/model_step_" --checkpoints 96000,97000,98000,99000,100000 --output_path "model-sat-[K]/model_avg"
Evaluate the model
python -c configs/sat-[K].yaml
- Each steps will takes a long time (maybe one day, depend on your gpu device).
- By default, we use 8 gpu devices when train and predict. If you have less then 8 gpus, you should modify the yaml config files (num_gpus, batch_size and tokens_per_batch).
- Raise an issue or email me if you have problem.