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Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues edited this page Sep 22, 2011 · 2 revisions

External Downloadable Tests

As well as executing builtin tests it is possible to execute external tests. This allows non-standard tests to be constructed and tested without any requirement to modify the installed autotest client.

Executing Tests

A downloadable test is triggered and run in the standard way via the run_test method, but specifying a URL to a tarball of the test:


This will download, install, and execute the test as if it were builtin.

Constructing external downloadable tests

External downloadable tests consist of a bzip'ed tarball of the contents of a test directory. Things that need to match:

  1. The name of the tarball
  2. The name of the primary .py file
  3. The name of the test class itself


$ cat foo/
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test

class foo(test.test):
    version = 1

    def initialize(self):
        print "INIT"

    def run_once(self):
        print "RUN"
$ tar -C foo -jcvf foo.tar.bz2 .

Again, notice that you should not pack "foo" dir but the contents of it. Files must be at the "root" of the package.

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