SynD - Synapse Detector
Johannes Hjorth [email protected]
Sabine Schmitz [email protected]
The latest version of the code is available from:
You can also find the code at:
Please cite our article:
Schmitz SK, Hjorth JJJ, Joemai RMS, Wijntjes R, Eijgenraam S,
de Bruijn P, Georgiou C, de Jong APH, van Ooyen A, Verhage M,
Cornelisse LN, Toonen RF, Veldkamp W
Automated Analysis of Neuronal Morphology, Synapse Number and
Synaptic Recruitment, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 195 (2011) 185–193
DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2010.12.011