Solarys Calc is a GPL3 command line & graphical calculator. It accepts any mathematical expression including common operators (+ - * / % ^) and some functions like:
ADD (2), a+b
SUBTRACT (2), a-b
MULTIPLY (2), a*b
DIVIDE (2), a/b
MOD (2), a%b
POW (2), a^b
SQUARE (1), a^2
SQRT (1), a^(1/2)
ROOT (2), a^(1/b)
NEG (1), -a
INVERSION (1), 1/a
LOG10 (1), log(a) base 10
LOG (2), log(b) base a
LOGN (1), log(a) base natural
EXP (1), e^a
FACT (1), a!
SIN (1)
COS (1)
TAN (1)
ASIN (1)
ACOS (1)
ATAN (1)
SINH (1)
COSH (1)
TANH (1)
RAD (1), convert a degrees to radians
DEG (1), convert a radians to degrees
CEIL (1)
RAND (0), random number in [0, 1)
SUM (N), summatory of some numbers
AVG (N), average of some numbers
PI (0 or 1), 3.14 multiplied by a if given
E (0 or 1), 2.72 multiplied by a if given
PHI (0 or 1), 1.62 multiplied by a if given
SURCIRCLE (1), surface of circle with radius a
SURTRIANGLE (3), surface of triangle with sides a, b, c
PYTHHYPO (2), hypotenuse of right triangle of legs a, b
PYTHLEG (2), leg of right triangle with other sides a, b
Run java -jar solaryscalc.jar
or java -jar solaryscalc-gui.jar