An AngularJS starter project using JSPM and ES6.
I am building this project in tutorials on my YouTube channel. The master branch is the latest sum of all the parts, and each branch listed below pertains to the parts covered in each video.
To get the code in this repository, open a command terminal and change to the directory where you want to keep your project. Then run the following command:
git clone
Then switch to the branch that you want by running:
git checkout [branch-name]
For example, git checkout setup
And finally to begin working on the code in that branch, create a new branch for your changes by running:
git checkout -b [new-branch-name]
Here are the branches and their corresponding YouTube videos:
- setup: JSPM Angular Project Setup
- gulp-setup: Setup Gulp with Browsersync and Nodemon
- eslint-setup: Configure Gulp with ESLint
- less-setup: Configure Gulp with LESS
- ngtemplate-setup: Configure Gulp with NGTemplate
- karma-setup: Set up unit testing with AngularJS, ES6, JSPM and Karma
- protractor-setup: Set up E2E tests for AngularJS with Protractor
- build-setup: Bundle an AngularJS project using JSPM