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support both virtual desktop and virtual server, based on vbox, a simple eucalyptus re-implementation by python.

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support both virtual desktop and virtual server, based on vbox, a simple eucalyptus re-implementation by python.



  • 系统由6个独立的模块组成,分别是CLC, walrus, cc, sc, nc, watch。
  • 每个独立的模块可以安装在不同的机器上,也可以多个模块安装在一台机器上
  • 每个模块都表现为一个django app
  • 每个django app的数据库是mysql
  • 模块之间的访问是通过web service来实现的,url表现形式如下 /{clc | walrus | cc | sc | nc}/api/1.0/method_name/para1/para2/
  • 系统提供一个统一的管理员WEB访问界面。


2.1 用户场景说明 2.1.1 anonymouse场景说明 只能使用公开的虚拟桌面资源。其使用方式限制为本地模式 2.1.2 user场景说明 只能使用预定义好的虚拟桌面资源,其使用方式限制为远程模式 2.1.3 powerUser场景说明 只能修改和使用预定义好的系统资源,其使用方式为远程模式

2.2 管理员场景说明 2.2.4 powerAdm 可以管理(增加,删除,修改)和使用预定义好的系统资源,包括虚拟桌面和虚拟服务器 2.2.5 superAdm 可以管理和使用一切系统资源

3.功能模块说明 3.1 CLC service 实现了所有管理云平台的功能,包括 - 监控系统健康状态:各服务的状态,各物理机器的状态 - 查看各用户的资源使用状态:用户,组,和用户对应的instance状态 - 系统运行参数配置和管理: 虚拟机机类型定义{},网络参数设置{}, - 账户和访问控制管理 - 资源管理 - 镜像资源管理(增加,修改,删除,传送) - host资源管理(增加,修改,删除) - instance资源管理(增加,修改,删除,启动/停止,网络配置,监控策略,scalling 策略,LB策略) - IP地址资源管理(当前使用状态) - app资源管理(多个instance的组合)(增加,修改,删除,启动/停止) - 提供Adm和user和anonymouse的网页访问界面 - 3.2 WALRUS service - 实现了镜像文件管理: 增加,修改,删除 - 对外提供web service,供CLC调用

3.3 CC service - 增加、删除NC - 调度instance到最适合的NC上运行 - 定时汇报host,instance状态到CLC - 对外提供web service,供CLC调用

3.4 NC service -- 按照instance的定义,运行虚拟机(包括下载镜像,设定虚拟机网络参数,设定存储,设定运行模式,访问方式和监控模式) - - 对外提供web service,供CC调用

3.5 SC service - 为walrus提供物理 存储服务, - 提供WEB DAV服务 - 对外提供web service,供其它机器调用调用

3.6 cloudWatch service -

3.7 localNC service - 实现了本地虚拟桌面

4.系统信息流说明 4.1 pull信息流 Clc会向walrus,sc直接请求相关系统状态信息 4.2 push信息流
Nc会主动向cc汇报系统状态信息 Cc会主动向clc汇报系统状态信息


5.1 每个host都包括: django project + 1-2 app + celery & python based Rabitmq consumer service 这意味着每个host都必须安装rabitmq服务,另外,其中一个rabitmq还必须作为公共的消息队列为云平台所有机器服务。

5.2 场景说明 5.2.1 NC/CC场景说明 CC上安装rabitmq, CC所属的所有NC都使用CC上的rabitmq CC/NC执行异步任务是,简单的把celery的backend设置为CC上的rabitmq即可 NC每次执行任务,其任务状态直接通过celery获取 NC上存在一个daemon进程,定期收集系统状态信息,并发布到指定消息队列上 CC上存在一个daemon进程,定期从指定的消息队列读取信息

5.2.2 CLC场景说明 CC上存在一个daemon进程,定期发布到CLC的消息队列中; CLC上存在一个daemon进程,定期从指定的队列读取消息,处理后存放在memcache中,供后续的请求使用。


  1. 管理云平台     1.1 监控系统健康状态  -- service status view & change     1.2 view user resource        -- user, group, instance, ESB, etc     1.3 网络配置管理       -- 外部访问云平台各服务器的网络设置       -- 外部访问虚拟机的网络设置       -- 虚拟机之间的网络设置     1.4 添加删除NC

  2. 管理用户和组 (based on IAM)    manages access control through an authentication, authorization, and accounting system.    This system manages        - user identities,        - enforces access controls over resources, and        - provides reporting on resource usage as a basis for auditing and managing cloud activities.    2.1 

  3. 资源管理 3.1 compute resource(hosts & instances) 3.2 walrus resource (image) 3.3 IAM resource 3.4 CloudWatch Resource 3.5 ELB resource( load balance) 3.6 Auto Scaling resource

  4. 安全管理

  5. 报告管理 5.1 instance report 5.2 S3 report 5.3 Elastic IP report 5.4 Capacity report

  6. 镜像文件管理 6.1 上传、注册镜像文件 6.2 创建新的镜像文件 6.3 更新现有的镜像文件 6.4 删除镜像文件  

  7. CloudWatch Service 7.1 instance Metrics & Dimension 7.2 enable/disable monitoring

Task List:

  1. install memcach and python-memcache
  2. build educloud memcache api
  3. build daemon to communicate via rabbitmq: nc->cc->clc; walurs->clc, sc->cc

Host App Definition 1 NC web service: get request and run vm accordingly daemon: collect host & instance status to cc

2 CC web service: get request to select a NC to run vm daemon: collect host & NCs infor to clc

there are 3 type of CC

  • cc for virtual server
  • cc for remote virtual desktop
  • cc for local virtual desktop

3 SC web service: get request to allocate storage and mount to NC daemon: collect host info to CC

4 walrus: web service: manage images files(add/upload, modify, remove, download) daemon: collect host info to clc

5 clc web service: 1 admin web interface 2 user web interface daemon: collect host info & all other component info into memcache

Module Definition

  1. luhyaapi module
  2. luhyadb module all database definitions are here.
    • eduServer db
    • image db
    • instance db
    • build task db
    • sync task db

A few Typical Scenario

  1. user login
  2. watch educloud status
  3. list all eduServer
  4. list all images
  5. list all active instance
  6. list all tasks

I System Overview

there are 3 category scenarios, and 3 kinds of resouceshosts, images, instances) :

  1. manage virtual server
  • create image based on template;
  • submit image;
  • modify image;
    • version management
  • set image para:
    • name, OS type, 32bit/64bit, usage(desktop/server), owner-group, description, version, pubDate, size
  • create instance, and set vm para;
    • VM Type para - memory, disk, cpu, network(manage IP, access IP, internal IP, etc)
    • runtime para - host server(IP or any), access mode/para, starup para(vbox only), version, persistent/temperary etc
    • metrics para - CPU/DISK/NETWORK/alive

    below para need set nginx proxy on CC for loadbalance/HA/scale

    • HA: acive vs active, active vs standby
    • scale: default number of instance, maximum number of instance
    • run/stop vm;
      • auto vs manual
  • monitor vm; collect all metrics data
  1. manage remote virtual desktop

    • create image based on template;
    • submit image;
    • modify image;
      • version management
    • set image para:
      • name, OS type, 32bit/64bit, usage(desktop/server), owner-group, description, version, pubDate, size
    • create vm instance, and set vm para;
      • VM Type para - memory, disk, cpu, network(manage IP, access IP, internal IP, etc)
      • runtime para - host server(IP or any), access mode/para, starup para(vbox only), version, persistent/temperary, auto-shutdown, etc
      • metrics para - CPU/DISK/NETWORK/alive
    • pull image;
    • run/stop vm;
    • monitor vm; collect all metrics data
  2. manage local virtual desktop

    • create image based on template;
    • submit image;
    • modify iamge;
      • version management
    • set image para:
      • name, OS type, 32bit/64bit, usage(desktop/server), owner-group, description, version, pubDate, size create vm instance, and set vm para;
      • VM Type para - memory, disk, cpu, network(manage IP, access IP, internal IP, etc)
      • runtime para - host server(IP or any), access mode/para, starup para(vbox only), version, persistent/temperary etc
      • metrics para - CPU/DISK/NETWORK/alive
    • push/pull image;
    • run/stop vm;
    • monitor vm; collect necessary metrics data
  3. manage server/Host

    • add physical server/host;
    • set host para;
      • IP, MAC(for wake on LAN), name, location, owner-group(definiton as :,
      • physical para: memory, disk,
      • run-time option(valid only for local host):
        • autoSync, autoPoweroff, offlineEnabled, isPad,

II Adminstrator's Scenario

  1. owner-group definiton

    • the authorization value of owner group looks like "", and can be extend unlimited.
    • the account belongs to owner-group "aaa.bbb" can access resource belongs to "aaa.bbb.*";
    • the account belongs to owner-group "aaa.bbb.ccc" can NOT access resource belongs to "aaa.bbb"
    • besides authorization, there are permission associated to owner group "read, write, execute, create, delete, full"
    • each permison created for one type of resource (host, image, instance, etc)
    • finally, the owner group will looks like below:
      • name: any string
      • auth: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.*
      • permission:
        • host: None, {read | write | execute | create | delete }, Full
        • image: None, {read | write | execute | create | delete }, Full
        • instance:None, {read | write | execute | create | delete }, Full
  2. Administrator's tasks

    • admin watch system status
    • admin manage images
      • read image properties
      • add/modify image content & properties
        • this is a special instance, and associated with different properties.
      • delete image
    • admin manage hosts/servers
      • manage hosts
        • there are only one kinds of hosts need to be managed, the one that run VM locally.
        • host will auto be added when powered on.
        • host will send heartbeat to its CC every 5 minutes(configurable) via rabbitmq message queue
        • host will publish its status data to CC if there are any change
        • host and its CC should be same LAN
        • admin can pull data from host if necessary
        • admin can read/modify host properties
        • admin can delete host
        • admin can power on/off host remotely
      • manage servers
        • there are 5 kinds of servers: clc, walrus, cc, nc, sc
        • server will auto be added when power on.
        • severr will send heatbeat, and publish its status data(if any change) to its boss via rabbitmq message queue
          • clc's boss - clc
          • wlaurs's boss - clc
          • cc's boss - clc
          • nc's boss - cc
          • sc's boss - cc
        • admin can pull data from server if necessary
        • admin can remove server ( how to deal with multipl walrus ? )
    • admin manage instances
      • manage server instance
        • admin can create/modify/run/stop/delete instance
      • manage remote desktop instance
        • admin can create/modify/run/stop/delete instance
      • manage local desktop instance
        • admin can create/modify/run/stop/delete instance
        • admin can push instance to its host

II User's Scenario

There are 3 kinds of users:

  • user of virtual server, not discussed here
  • user of remote virtual desktop,
  • anonymouse user of local virtual desktop,

2.1 URVD

  • login CLC URVD portal web page
  • find his/her instance
  • start instance
  • connect to instance
  • working
  • disconnect instance
  • stop instance


  • power on the host
  • based on host's CC owner-group, list all available instance
  • run selected instance (download from walrus to CC for cache, and sync to host when running)
  • stop instance
  • power off host

III initialization

when ecCloud is installed, the next step is to initialize it with database table and insert some init data, so that system can be ready for running.

3.1 create tables either "python syncdb" or below 3 commands: python syncdb --noinput python createsuperuser --username=luhya --noinput --email [email protected] python changepassword luhya

3.2 insert data into tables python sqlcustom it will ooks for the file /sql/.sql to run when "python syncdb" call "CREATE TABLE".

IV WEB Service and Message management

4.1 software components description

  • clc: web server, memcache, daemon, rabbitmq(status-queue and its consumer)
  • walrus: web server, daemon, rsyncd
  • cc: web server, daemon, rabbitmq(status-queue and its consumer, cmd-queue), dhcp, iptales, rsyncd
  • nc: [web server], daemon, cmd-queue's consumer, and task-worker-thread

4.2 queue definition rabitmq is used in this system for distributed task initiate and task status report. so at each rabitmq,

4.2.1 CLC

  • a "command' queue and consumer daemon,
  • a "system_status" queue and consumer daemon read data and write to memcache (http request re-direct memcache)
  • each task-related queue,

4.3 scenario description

4.3.0 pre-condition clc/walrus/cc/nc/sc daemon start and register themselves to clc :

  • /clc/register/cc/ccname
  • /clc/register/walrus
  • /clc/register/nc/ccname or /clc/register/nc each node has a few conf file : walrus: /storage/config/clc.conf cc: /storage/config/clc.conf nc: /storage/config/clc.conf, cc.conf(option)

the content of conf is : IP=''

4.3.1 image build

task definition:

all op & status belongs to one transaction ID

transaction ID = 'srcid:destid:instanceid' example : img-37eefa34:img-29aeffee:ins-abcdefa5 memcache data struct:
- key = transaction ID - value = { 'phase' : 'downloading', 'cloning', 'pending', 'running', 'stop', 'stopped', 'submit', 'submitting', 'submitted' 'progress' : integer, 'aURL' : ip:port 'message' :
'ccip' : 'ncip' : } status_queue message data struct: - 'tid' : - 'phase' : - 'progress': - 'aURL' : - 'message' : cmd_queue message data struct: - 'op' : { 'image_build', 'image_modify', 'run_vs', 'run_rvd', 'run_lvd' } - 'tid :

each CC server should be set a property as "run vs", or "run lvd" or "run rvd" when create instance, it also has a property as 'vs', or 'lvd', or 'rvd'
each instance can be assigend ccname, but it is optional imagebuild & imagemodify instance belongs to either vs or rvd, based on image usage

  • clc.view get the request,
    • send request to cc,
    • and return a wizard page, this page is divided into 3 phase
      • preparing phase : only display the status (by getting status data from memcache/db)
      • running & editing phase : provide run & stop button (by getting the status data from memcache/db)
      • submitting phase: provide submit button and display the status ( by getting status data from memcache/db)
  • cc.view get the request,
    • send cmd to cmd_queue
    • and return back "OK"
  • nc daemon get the cmd message from cmd_queue
    • perform download phase: CC download phase

      • ask CC to download image from walrus by RPC
      • get the status data from anonymouse reply queue, and send it to cc's status queue, until completed
      • send a cmd to cmd_queue to start NC download phase NC download phase
      • start thread to download image from CC,
      • report status date to CC's status queue, until completed
      • send a cmd to cmd_queue to start NC clone phase
    • perform NC clone phase

      • start to clone a new image
      • report status date to CC's status queue until completed
    • perform run instance operation:

      • report status data to CC's status queue until VM is running
    • perform stop instance operation:

      • report status data to CC's status queue until VM is stopped
    • perform submit instance operation: NC upload phase:

      • start thread to upload image to CC
      • report upload progress to CC's status queue until completed
      • send a cmd to cmd_queue to start CC upload phase CC upload phase:
      • ask CC to upload image to walrus by RPC
      • get the status data from anonymouse reply queue, and send it to cc's status queue until completed

4.3.2 image modify

4.3.3 Vritual server running

4.3.4 Remote virtual desktop running

4.3.5 Local virutal desktop running

V Network management

5.1 Pre-condition

  • CLC/CCs are in one network, CC/NCs are in one network, they can be two independent network
  • CLC, CCs are configured with public static IP addr
  • NCs are configured with public/private static IP addr (PUBLIC mode vs PRIVATE mode)

5.2 Network Mode

5.2.1 Local Virutal Desktop

  • NC has static valid IP addr that is managed by 3rd party
  • VM runs on NC in NAT mode,
  • user access VM from NC directely
  • VM access internet by NC (NC is able to access internet)

5.2.2 Remote Virtual Desktop(only need port resource allocation)

  • In PUBLIC mode, each NC has a public IP addr

    • VM runs on NC in NAT mode
    • user access VM by NC.ip:port
    • VM access internet by NC (NC is able to access internet)
  • In PRIVATE mode, each NC has a private IP addr

    • VM runs on NC in NAT mode
    • user access VM by CC.ip:port, and iptable forwarding it to NC.ip:port
    • VM access internet by NC (NC is able to access internet)
    • CC is responsible to manage port assignment

5.2.3 Virutal Server

Each VS has a PUBLIC IP assigned for access, and these public IP addr is managed by CC's DHCP

  • In PUBLIC mode, each NC has a public IP addr (need public IP pool for VM service, itself, managed by CC DHCP ) (need port resouce for VM management)

    • VM runs on NC in bridge mode with assigned Public IP & MAC
    • user access VM by pubIP:port(80)
    • VM access internet by NC (NC is able to access internet)
  • In PRIVATE mode, each NC has a private IP addr sudo ifconfig eth0:1 broadcast netmask (need public IP pool for VM service, assigned to CC by IP alias cmd above ) (need private IP pool for VM service, managed by CC DHCP) (need port resouce for VM management)

    • CC also manage VMs private IP & mac by its DHCP server
    • VM runs on NC in bridge mode with assigned Private IP & MAC
    • CC add interface alias with related Public IP addr
    • user access VM by CC.pubIP:port, and iptable forwarding it to NC.priIP:port
    • VM access internet by NC (NC is able to access internet)

========================== VI Data structure

6.1 cmd definition

6.1.1 cmd from cc to nc

{ 'type' : 'cmd', 'op' : 'image/create', 'image/modify', 'image/run', 'image/stop', 'image/submit', 'paras' : tid }

6.1.2 (RPC) cmd from nc to cc { 'type' : 'cmd', 'op' : 'image/prepare', 'image/run', 'image/stop', 'image/submit', 'paras' : tid } result from cc to nc { 'type' : 'taskstatus', 'phase' : "downloading", "editing", "submitting" 'progress' : progress, 'vmstatus' : 'init', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped' 'tid' : tid 'errormsg' : '' }

6.1.3 status report message (from nc to cc, from cc to nc) { 'type' : 'taskstatus', 'phase' : "downloading", "editing", "submitting" 'progress' : progress, 'vmstatus' : 'init', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped' 'tid' : tid } { 'type' : 'nodestatus', 'ip' : 'role' :

} { 'type' : 'hoststatus',

} { 'type' : 'insstatus', }

Phase: init, preparing, editing, submitting State: preparing : init, downloading, done editing : stopped, running submitting: init, uploading, done

6.1.3 VM runtime options { # general 'ostype' : 'usage' :

# hardware
'memeory'           :
'cpus'              :
'disk_type'         :
'audio_para'        :

# network
'netwowrkcards'     :
    { 'nic_type': "", 'nic_mac': "" , 'nic_ip': ""},
    { 'nic_type': "", 'nic_mac': "" , 'nic_ip': ""},
    { 'nic_type': "", 'nic_mac': "" , 'nic_ip': ""},
    ... ...
'publicIP'          :
'privateIP'         :
'rdp_port'          :
'accessURL'         : []
'mgr_accessURL'     :
'iptable_rules'     :
    ... ...

# related to issuer
'run_with_snapshot' : 1, 0


========================================= VII CC's resource and network management

Ubuntu RDP client : remmina

5.1 core and clusters are in same LAN

  • The ip0 of each server(clc & cc & nc) is statically configured
  • at lease two cluster: one for vss, one for rvd

5.1.1 for internal user

  • for accessing desktop vm

    • desktop cluster server own a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- NAT mode --- port from port pool -> accessing/managed url is : nc_ip:rdp_port
  • for accessing server vm

    • server cluster server own a DHCP service and a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- bridge mode --- mac and IP addr from DHCP service (valid LAN IP pool) --- port number from port pool -> URL --- manage URL: nc_ip:rdp_port --- service URL: lan_ip

5.1.2 for external user

  • pre-requisite

    • clc MUST be configured with a valid external IP: clc_eip
    • cc MUST be configured with a valid external IP: cc_eip
  • for accessing desktop vm

    • desktop cluster server own a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- NAT mode --- port from port pool -> iptable route: cc_eip:rdp_port ----> nc_ip:port -> accessing url is : cc_eip:rdp_port
  • for accessing server vm

    • server cluster server own a DHCP service and a RDP port pool
    • server cluster server own a eip pool -> each vm in node runs in --- bridge mode --- mac(lan_mac) and IP addr(lan_ip) from DHCP service (valid LAN IP pool) --- port number from port pool -> a new eip is assigned to cluster server: vm_eip -> enable iptable for package forwarding: --- service router : vm_eip ----> lan_ip --- manage router : cc_eip:rdp_port -> nc_ip:rdp_port -> URL --- manage URL: cc_eip:rdp_port --- service URL: vm_eip

5.2 core and clusters are in different LAN

  • The internal ip0 of each server(clc & cc & nc) is statically configured
  • at lease two cluster: one for vss, one for rvd
  • clc MUST be configured with a valid external IP: clc_eip
  • cc MUST be configured with a valid external IP: cc_eip

5.2.1 for internal user

  • for accessing desktop vm

    • desktop cluster server own a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- NAT mode --- port from port pool -> accessing/managed url is : nc_ip:rdp_port
  • for accessing server vm

    • server cluster server own a DHCP service and a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- bridge mode --- mac and IP addr from DHCP service (valid LAN IP pool) --- port number from port pool -> URL --- manage URL: nc_ip:rdp_port --- service URL: lan_ip

5.2.2 for external user

  • for accessing desktop vm

    • desktop cluster server own a RDP port pool -> each vm in node runs in --- NAT mode --- port from port pool -> iptable route: cc_eip:rdp_port ----> nc_ip:port -> accessing url is : cc_eip:rdp_port
  • for accessing server vm

    • server cluster server own a DHCP service and a RDP port pool
    • server cluster server own a eip pool -> each vm in node runs in --- bridge mode --- mac(lan_mac) and IP addr(lan_ip) from DHCP service (valid LAN IP pool) --- port number from port pool -> a new eip is assigned to cluster server: vm_eip -> enable iptable for package forwarding: --- service router : vm_eip ----> lan_ip --- manage router : cc_eip:rdp_port -> nc_ip:rdp_port -> URL --- manage URL: cc_eip:rdp_port --- service URL: vm_eip

======================================== VIII. What happens when you run a vm ?

8.1 when you create/modify a new image

  • select a image, click "create"/"modify" button
  • browser will send request /clc/image/create/task/begin/(?P\w+) to clc
  • clc will do below things
    • generate tid
    • add a new record to ectaskTransaction
    • display clc/wizard/image_create_wizard.html
  • then user click "prepare" button on wizard page
    • send request /clc/image/create/task/prepare/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)$ to clc
    • clc pick a cc, and send request /cc/api/1.0/image/create/task/prepare to it with tid.
    • cc response with picked nc ip, and clc save ccip & ncip into ectaskTransaction
    • cc work together with nc to download from walrus to cc and then to nc
      • during this time, nc will report progress status to cc, and cc forward to clc
      • user can access status info by request /clc/image/create/task/getprogress/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)$
  • then user click "run" button on wizard page
    • send request /clc/image/create/task/run/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)$ to clc
    • clc update ectaskTransaction records with new phase
    • clc prepare the runtime_option and POST request /cc/api/1.0/image/create/task/run to cc POST DATA = {tid, ncip, runtime_opiton}
    • cc then do below things
      • send 'image/run' command to nc with message {runtime_option}
      • add iptable rules if there are
    • nc get 'image/run' command
      • downlaod image and report progress
      • run image and report status

8.2 when you define a new instance 8.2.1 define VS 8.2.2 define VD 8.2.3 define LVD

8.3 when you run a new instance 8.3.1 run VS 8.3.2 run VD 8.3.3 run LVD

lvd cluster - public

rvd cluster

  • public prot range = ncip:port

  • private public IP + private IP + port = ccip:port => ncip:port

vs cluster

  • manual => manual => vm public IP => RDP URL : ncip:port => server URL: vm publicIP:port

  • public dhcp public IP + port => => vm mac => dhcp => vm public IP => RDP URL : ncip:port => server URL: publicIP:server port

  • private dhcp public IP + private IP + port

======================================== IX. App virtualization

9.0 restore ubuntu sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install timeshift

9.1 Prepare

  • Windows 2008 Server + Terminal Service, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are not supported.
  • install tl-wts-tools.exe (include SeamlessRDP)
  • rdesktop 1.8.0 or later from
  • allow execution of "seamlessrdpshell.exe" as an initial program or enable the option "Allow users to start both listed and unlisted programs on initial connection". This is accomplished through the "RemoteApp Manager" tool (remoteprograms.msc). Add "seamlessrdpshell.exe" as a "RemoteApp Program",

9.2 Running SeamlessRDP Without ThinLinc rdesktop -A 'c:\Program Files\ThinLinc\WTSTools\seamlessrdpshell.exe' -s 'notepad' rdesktop -A 'c:\Program Files\ThinLinc\WTSTools\seamlessrdpshell.exe' -s 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\winword.exe' rdesktop -A 'c:\Program Files\ThinLinc\WTSTools\seamlessrdpshell.exe' -s 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\winword.exe' -r disk:mydisk=/Users/luhya -u 'Administrator' -p '1qaz!2wsx@'

9.3 Open Issues

  • account issue

    • Enable domain user 'remote desktop logon' ( one ADC with multiple TSs ) step 1: in ADC, Group Policy Management Console -> Group Policy Objects -> right click your default domain policy -> edit -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Allow log on through remote desktop services Add "Remote Desktop Users" and "Domain User" to this policy. step 2: in ADC, run 'gpupdate /force' step 3: in TS server, install terminal service. step 4: in TS server, Start -> Administrative Tools -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration - RDP-Tcp -> right click - properties - security - Add - Domain Users - Grant then User Access and Guest Access - OK. step 5: in TS server, restart the machine

    • Automating the Domain Join: change computer name (sysprep.exe)

    • some usefull vbox cmd line VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate win2k8 some valuable properties - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP, value: - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/MAC, value: 080027AE378E - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/Netmask, value: - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/Broadcast, value: - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/Status, value: Up - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/Count, value: 1

        - /VirtualBox/HostGuest/SysprepExec,      value:
        - /VirtualBox/HostGuest/SysprepArgs,      value:
        - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/OS/LoggedInUsersList, value: luhya,Administrator,
        - /VirtualBox/GuestInfo/OS/LoggedInUsers

      VBoxManage metrics list get vm performance data

      VBoxManage guestcontrol vmname execute "c:\Windows\System32\sysprep\sysprep.exe" run syspre automatically - How to Create the Sysprep.inf Answer File(

    tools: python-ad

  • scale issue

9.4 task & scripts 9.4.1 change host name $computerName = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem $name = "virt-app-22" $computername.Rename($name) 9.4.2 join to domain $domain = "myDomain" $user = "myUserAccount" $password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password for $user" -AsSecureString $password = "myPassword!" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $username = "$domain$user" $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password) Add-Computer -DomainName $domain -Credential $credential Restart-Computer 9.4.3 Install Power Shell 3.0 Guide: Package: 9.4.4 run power shell script on windows startup - set execution policy PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" - in "任务计划程序"中 创建一个新的任务,并制定需运行的脚本和启动条件 9.4.5 manage AD from Linux by adtool - Managing Active Directory from Linux with adtool ( - adtool home page (


  1. install AD, AD LDS, AD CA on windows 2008 server, this make LDAPS enabled by default
  2. change password policy :
     Default Domain Policy -> 计算机配置 -> 策略 -> windows设置 -> 安全设置 -> 账户策略 -> 密码策略 -> 禁用“密码必须符合复杂性要求”
  3. install adtool in Ubuntu: apt-get install ldap-util openssl adtool
     configure as below:
     uri ldaps://
     binddn cn=administrator,cn=Users,dc=educloud,dc=com
     bindpw 1qaz!2wsx@
     searchbase dc=educloud,dc=com

     BASE    dc=educloud,dc=com
     URI     ldaps://
     TLS_REQCERT allow

9.4.6 add new protocol handler for browser in Ubuntu


support both virtual desktop and virtual server, based on vbox, a simple eucalyptus re-implementation by python.






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