This is a commandline tool to assist in setting up AWS Greengrass installations.
A typical workflow is:
Create a Greengrass group
gghelper creategroup -name test
The output of the creategroup will be a tar file containing the certificates and configuration for the Greengrass Core. This should be transferred onto the GGC system and unpacked:
tar xzf 5d7b82589d-setup.tar.gz -C /greengrass
The GGC can be started with this configuration.
(cd /greengrass/ggc/core; sudo ./greengrassd start)
Add in a lambda function
gghelper lambda -pinned -d dist -handler hello_vsphere.hello_vsphere_handler -name HellovSphere -role lambda-test-get -runtime python2.7
Create a subscription between the function and cloud
gghelper createsub -source HellovSphere -target cloud -subject "hello/vsphere"
Make a deployment to download config and code to the Greengrass core
gghelper createdeployment
Going to the Greengrass Test page, create a subscription (using # will get all the messages) to see the function run periodically every 5 seconds.
This project was sponsored by VMware. And inspiration and some compatibility by the AWS Labs aws-greengrass-group-setup.