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cloudui committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent d7c8831 commit 3cdef9f
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<button class=navbar-toggler type=button data-bs-toggle=collapse data-bs-target=#navbarContent aria-controls=navbarContent aria-expanded=false aria-label="Toggle navigation"><svg aria-hidden="true" height="24" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="24" data-view-component="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1 2.75A.75.75.0 011.75 2h12.5a.75.75.0 110 1.5H1.75A.75.75.0 011 2.75zm0 5A.75.75.0 011.75 7h12.5a.75.75.0 110 1.5H1.75A.75.75.0 011 7.75zM1.75 12a.75.75.0 100 1.5h12.5a.75.75.0 100-1.5H1.75z"/></svg></button><div class="collapse navbar-collapse text-wrap primary-font" id=navbarContent><ul class="navbar-nav ms-auto text-center"><li class="nav-item navbar-text"><a href=/#portfolio class="nav-link toggle" onclick=delaytoggle()>Portfolio</a></li><li class="nav-item navbar-text"><a class=nav-link href=/shorts title=Writing>Writing</a></li><li class="nav-item navbar-text"><a class=nav-link href=/lists title=Lists>Lists</a></li><li class="nav-item navbar-text"><a class=nav-link href= title="Blog posts">Blog</a></li></ul><div class=text-center><button id=theme-toggle>
<i class="fas fa-adjust fa-rotate-180 fa-xs" id=sun></i>
<i class="fas fa-adjust fa-rotate-180 fa-xs" id=moon></i></button></div></div></div></nav></header><div id=content><section id=single><div class=container><div class="row justify-content-center"><div class="col-sm-11 col-md-10 col-lg-6"><div class=pr-lg-4><div class="title mb-5"><h1 class="text-center mb-4">Right to Judge</h1><div class=text-center>Jun 4, 2024</div></div><div class=featured-image><img class=img-fluid style=display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto src=/images/judge.jpg alt="Right to Judge"><figcaption>Photo by <a href="">Tingey Injury Law Firm</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></figcaption></div><article class="page-content p-2"><p>I&rsquo;ve never been one to intrude on other people&rsquo;s lives. I like to exist in parallel, only interfering when it actually matters. When it comes to strangers or acquaintances, I couldn&rsquo;t care less about what they do. They lead their own lives and deal with their own struggles. Who am I to say anything.</p><p>However, we all reserve the right to judge. In these days, it&rsquo;s wonderful that people have the freedom to make almost any choice they wish. However, it also seems that we are expected to be accepting of those choices. This shouldn&rsquo;t be the case. People make bad choices&ndash;if not flat out wrong choices&ndash;all the time. Yes, you have the freedom to make those choices. Yes, it&rsquo;s ultimately your decision to make. But, it&rsquo;s also our freedom to judge. You don&rsquo;t have to comply with what we think. After all, we could be the ones that are wrong. But, just because you made a choice doesn&rsquo;t mean we don&rsquo;t have a say.</p><p>Everyone is judging everyone and everything constantly. We view the world with a certain lens and a certain set of values. A lot of people do things that go against those values. And when they do, we judge. We live in an imperfect world where no one is perfect. After all, we violate our own morals from time to time. It&rsquo;s human nature. In recent years, we&rsquo;re asked not to judge. But, why not? People aren&rsquo;t making fewer mistakes now than they did in the past. Why should we stop now?</p><p>In my experience, people are still just as judgemental as before. People may hide it, but they still view things in a critical lens. After all, we have to evaluate everything in our lives with some value system. Otherwise, how can we decide what deserves attention and what doesn&rsquo;t? When you catch that super senior flirting with freshmen, go ahead and judge. When you see that girl from your school posting feet pics on OnlyFans, it&rsquo;s fine to disapprove. A judgement is simply an opinion. An opinion that may be right or wrong. An opinion, usually without the full story. An opinion nonetheless.</p><p>We can always choose to be empathetic. Most of the time, people have reasons why they do things that you may frown upon. Whehter it be from trauma, differences in upbringing, or simply a difference in values, you should always understand where people are coming from. At the same time, simply understanding doesn&rsquo;t mean you approve. Someone reading their partners texts without permission because their ex cheated on them is understandable. However, that doesn&rsquo;t make it right, nor is it the right solution. Recognizing this is a big deal because you&rsquo;ll know when you should make judgement calls. More importantly, you can diagnose a problem by understanding.</p><p>When people say don&rsquo;t judge, just don&rsquo;t judge someone&rsquo;s full character by a snapshot of behavior. They&rsquo;re not perfect, and neither are you. But, you can and should judge people&rsquo;s behavior, given enough context. Don&rsquo;t let people you care about get away with something simply because its their choice. Even if it doesn&rsquo;t harm you or anyone else, it may harm them. And its our responsibility to look after our loved ones.</p><p>Society always tends towards the progressive. After all, there are new ieas that the traditional elitists aren&rsquo;t willing to explore. But, new ideas aren&rsquo;t always good. People are welcome to make decisions in their lives. A crack down on personal choice is just tryannical. But, we don&rsquo;t have to agree with people&rsquo;s decisions. In some cases, we should oppose their decisions. Whether they choose to listen is up to them. But, we still reserve the right to judge.</p></article><br><span class="small text-secondary" style=float:right>word count: 616</span></div></div></div></div><button class="p-2 px-3" onclick=topFunction() id=topScroll>
<i class="fas fa-adjust fa-rotate-180 fa-xs" id=moon></i></button></div></div></div></nav></header><div id=content><section id=single><div class=container><div class="row justify-content-center"><div class="col-sm-11 col-md-10 col-lg-6"><div class=pr-lg-4><div class="title mb-5"><h1 class="text-center mb-4">Right to Judge</h1><div class=text-center>Jun 4, 2024</div></div><div class=featured-image><img class=img-fluid style=display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto src=/images/judge.jpg alt="Right to Judge"><figcaption>Photo by <a href="">Tingey Injury Law Firm</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></figcaption></div><article class="page-content p-2"><p>I&rsquo;ve never been one to intrude on other people&rsquo;s lives. I like to exist in parallel, only interfering when it actually matters. When it comes to strangers or acquaintances, I couldn&rsquo;t care less about what they do. They lead their own lives and deal with their own struggles. Who am I to say anything.</p><p>However, we all reserve the right to judge. In these days, it&rsquo;s wonderful that people have the freedom to make almost any choice they wish. However, it also seems that we are expected to be accepting of those choices. This shouldn&rsquo;t be the case. People make bad choices&ndash;if not flat out wrong choices&ndash;all the time. Yes, you have the freedom to make those choices. Yes, it&rsquo;s ultimately your decision to make. But, it&rsquo;s also our freedom to judge. You don&rsquo;t have to comply with what we think. After all, we could be the ones that are wrong. But, just because you made a choice doesn&rsquo;t mean we don&rsquo;t have a say.</p><p>Everyone is judging everyone and everything constantly. We view the world with a certain lens and a certain set of values. A lot of people do things that go against those values. And when they do, we judge. We live in an imperfect world where no one is perfect. After all, we violate our own morals from time to time. It&rsquo;s human nature. In recent years, we&rsquo;re asked not to judge. But, why not? People aren&rsquo;t making fewer mistakes now than they did in the past. Why should we stop now?</p><p>In my experience, people are still just as judgemental as before. People may hide it, but they still view things in a critical lens. After all, we have to evaluate everything in our lives with some value system. Otherwise, how can we decide what deserves attention and what doesn&rsquo;t? When you catch that super senior flirting with freshmen, go ahead and judge. When you see that girl from your school posting feet pics on OnlyFans, it&rsquo;s fine to disapprove. A judgement is simply an opinion. An opinion that may be right or wrong. An opinion, usually without the full story. An opinion nonetheless.</p><p>We can always choose to be empathetic. Most of the time, people have reasons why they do things that you may frown upon. Whether it be from trauma, differences in upbringing, or simply a difference in values, you should always understand where people are coming from. At the same time, simply understanding doesn&rsquo;t mean you approve. Someone reading their partners texts without permission because their ex cheated on them is understandable. However, that doesn&rsquo;t make it right, nor is it the right solution. Recognizing this is a big deal because you&rsquo;ll know when you should make judgement calls. More importantly, you can diagnose a problem by understanding.</p><p>When people say don&rsquo;t judge, just don&rsquo;t judge someone&rsquo;s full character by a snapshot of behavior. They&rsquo;re not perfect, and neither are you. But, you can and should judge people&rsquo;s behavior, given enough context. Don&rsquo;t let people you care about get away with something simply because its their choice. Even if it doesn&rsquo;t harm you or anyone else, it may harm them. And its our responsibility to look after our loved ones.</p><p>Society always tends towards the progressive. After all, there are new ieas that the traditional elitists aren&rsquo;t willing to explore. But, new ideas aren&rsquo;t always good. People are welcome to make decisions in their lives. A crack down on personal choice is just tryannical. But, we don&rsquo;t have to agree with people&rsquo;s decisions. In some cases, we should oppose their decisions. Whether they choose to listen is up to them. But, we still reserve the right to judge.</p></article><br><span class="small text-secondary" style=float:right>word count: 616</span></div></div></div></div><button class="p-2 px-3" onclick=topFunction() id=topScroll>
<i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i></button></section><script>var topScroll=document.getElementById("topScroll");window.onscroll=function(){scrollFunction()};function scrollFunction(){document.body.scrollTop>20||document.documentElement.scrollTop>20?"block""none"}function topFunction(){document.body.scrollTop=0,document.documentElement.scrollTop=0}</script></div><footer><div class="container py-3" id=recent-posts></div><div class="text-center pt-2"><span class=px-1><a href= aria-label=github><svg xmlns="" width="2.7em" height="2.7em" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M522 1352q-8 9-20-3-13-11-4-19 8-9 20 3 12 11 4 19zm-42-61q9 12 0 19-8 6-17-7t0-18q9-7 17 6zm-61-60q-5 7-13 2-10-5-7-12 3-5 13-2 10 5 7 12zm31 34q-6 7-16-3-9-11-2-16 6-6 16 3 9 11 2 16zm129 112q-4 12-19 6-17-4-13-15t19-7q16 5 13 16zm63 5q0 11-16 11-17 2-17-11 0-11 16-11 17-2 17 11zm58-10q2 10-14 14t-18-8 14-15q16-2 18 9zm964-956v960q0 119-84.5 203.5T1376 1664h-224q-16 0-24.5-1t-19.5-5-16-14.5-5-27.5v-239q0-97-52-142 57-6 102.5-18t94-39 81-66.5 53-105T1386 856q0-121-79-206 37-91-8-204-28-9-81 11t-92 44l-38 24q-93-26-192-26t-192 26q-16-11-42.5-27T578 459.5 492 446q-44 113-7 204-79 85-79 206 0 85 20.5 150t52.5 105 80.5 67 94 39 102.5 18q-40 36-49 103-21 10-45 15t-57 5-65.5-21.5T484 1274q-19-32-48.5-52t-49.5-24l-20-3q-21 0-29 4.5t-5 11.5 9 14 13 12l7 5q22 10 43.5 38t31.5 51l10 23q13 38 44 61.5t67 30 69.5 7 55.5-3.5l23-4q0 38 .5 103t.5 68q0 22-11 33.5t-22 13-33 1.5H416q-119 0-203.5-84.5T128 1376V416q0-119 84.5-203.5T416 128h960q119 0 203.5 84.5T1664 416z"/></svg></a></span><span class=px-1><a href= aria-label=linkedin><svg xmlns="" width="2.4em" height="2.4em" fill="#fff" aria-label="LinkedIn" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><rect width="512" height="512" fill="#0077b5" rx="15%"/><circle cx="142" cy="138" r="37"/><path stroke="#fff" stroke-width="66" d="M244 194v198M142 194v198"/><path d="M276 282c0-20 13-40 36-40 24 0 33 18 33 45v105h66V279c0-61-32-89-76-89-34 0-51 19-59 32"/></svg></a></span><a href= aria-label=twitter><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="48" height="48"><path fill="#03a9f4" d="M42 37c0 2.762-2.239 5-5 5H11c-2.762.0-5-2.238-5-5V11c0-2.762 2.238-5 5-5h26c2.761.0 5 2.238 5 5V37z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M36 17.12c-.882.391-1.999.758-3 .88 1.018-.604 2.633-1.862 3-3-.951.559-2.671 1.156-3.793 1.372C31.311 15.422 30.033 15 28.617 15 25.897 15 24 17.305 24 20v2c-4 0-7.9-3.047-10.327-6-.427.721-.667 1.565-.667 2.457.0 1.819 1.671 3.665 2.994 4.543-.807-.025-2.335-.641-3-1 0 . 2.367 1.661 3.974 3.912 4.422C16.501 26.592 16 27 14.072 27c.626 1.935 3.773 2.958 5.928 3-1.686 1.307-4.692 2-7 2-.399.0-.615.022-1-.023C14.178 33.357 17.22 34 20 34c9.057.0 14-6.918 14-13.37.0-.212-.007-.922-.018-1.13C34.95 18.818 35.342 18.104 36 17.12"/></svg></a><a href= aria-label=instagram><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="48" height="48"><radialGradient id="yOrnnhliCrdS2gy~4tD8ma" cx="19.38" cy="42.035" r="44.899" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#fd5"/><stop offset=".328" stop-color="#ff543f"/><stop offset=".348" stop-color="#fc5245"/><stop offset=".504" stop-color="#e64771"/><stop offset=".643" stop-color="#d53e91"/><stop offset=".761" stop-color="#cc39a4"/><stop offset=".841" stop-color="#c837ab"/></radialGradient><path fill="url(#yOrnnhliCrdS2gy~4tD8ma)" d="M34.017 41.99l-20 .019c-4.4.004-8.003-3.592-8.008-7.992l-.019-20c-.004-4.4 3.592-8.003 7.992-8.008l20-.019c4.4-.004 8.003 3.592 8.008 7.992l.019 20C42.014 38.383 38.417 41.986 34.017 41.99z"/><radialGradient id="yOrnnhliCrdS2gy~4tD8mb" cx="11.786" cy="5.54" r="29.813" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 .6663 0 1.849)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#4168c9"/><stop offset=".999" stop-color="#4168c9" stop-opacity="0"/></radialGradient><path fill="url(#yOrnnhliCrdS2gy~4tD8mb)" d="M34.017 41.99l-20 .019c-4.4.004-8.003-3.592-8.008-7.992l-.019-20c-.004-4.4 3.592-8.003 7.992-8.008l20-.019c4.4-.004 8.003 3.592 8.008 7.992l.019 20C42.014 38.383 38.417 41.986 34.017 41.99z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M24 31c-3.859.0-7-3.14-7-7s3.141-7 7-7 7 3.14 7 7-3.141 7-7 7zm0-12c-2.757.0-5 2.243-5 5s2.243 5 5 5 5-2.243 5-5-2.243-5-5-5z"/><circle cx="31.5" cy="16.5" r="1.5" fill="#fff"/><path fill="#fff" d="M30 37H18c-3.859.0-7-3.14-7-7V18c0-3.86 3.141-7 7-7h12c3.859.0 7 3.14 7 7v12c0 3.86-3.141 7-7 7zM18 13c-2.757.0-5 2.243-5 5v12c0 2.757 2.243 5 5 5h12c2.757.0 5-2.243 5-5V18c0-2.757-2.243-5-5-5H18z"/></svg></a></div><div class="container py-4"><div class="row justify-content-center"><div class="col-md-4 text-center"><div class=pb-2><a href=><img alt="Footer logo" src=/favicon.png height=40px width=40px></a></div>&copy; 2024 All Rights Reserved<div class=text-secondary>Made with
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