A web-application for displaying simplified de Bruijn Graphs created by the Trinity de novo transcriptome assembler.
Requirements: Perl GraphViz (dot)
To generate the datafiles for a Trinity assembly, first navigate to the base directory of GVART.
cd path/to/GVART
Then, run the supplied Perl script within the bin directory supplying the Trinity assembly fasta file. (The default filename for this file is Trinity.fasta)
perl bin/parse_trinity_assembly.pl path/to/Trinity.fasta
This will generate a javascript datafile within the data directory for each TR reported in the assembly.
Open a web browser and navigate to the GVART directory on your local filesystem. Then, use the text input at the top of the page to select a TR for viewing, either by typing the name of the datafile of the form TR###_data.js, or selecting it from the dropdown list.