A rust implementation of the conventional commit specification.
use conventional_commit_parser::parse;
use conventional_commit_parser::commit::*;
let message = r#"fix: correct minor typos in code
see the issue for details
on typos fixed.
Reviewed-by: Z
Refs #133"#;
let conventional_commit = parse(message)?;
assert_eq!(conventional_commit.commit_type, CommitType::BugFix);
assert_eq!(conventional_commit.summary, "correct minor typos in code".to_string());
assert_eq!(conventional_commit.body, Some(r#"see the issue for details
on typos fixed."#.to_string()));
assert_eq!(conventional_commit.footers, vec![
Footer {token: "Reviewed-by".to_string(), content: "Z".to_string()},
Footer {token: "Refs".to_string(), content: "133".to_string(),}
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