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- an express backend that serves a default config.json to kepler-demo.
- the keplergl client has a "Save Config" button that replaces old default map with current map.
Below are two sample schools from Kyrgyzstan, colored according to their level of connectivity to the internet.
- cp ./client/.env-sample ./client/.env
- add MapBox token to ./clien/.env
- cp ./server/config-sample.json ./server/config.json
- cp ./client/config-sample.js ./client/config.js
- docker-compose up
Go to your terminal / command-line interface and type in the following lines:
- Run the backend
cd server
cp config-sample.json config.json
yarn install
yarn start
- Go back to the root directory
cd ..
- Add mapbox access token to node env
export MapboxAccessToken=<your_mapbox_token>
- Run the client
cd client
cp config-sample.js config.js
yarn --ignore-engines
yarn start
This demo is built on Here are a couple sources for learning how to work with Kepler:
- Github
- The Readme has some of the best documentation of how to integrate custom behavior with Kepler
- Vis Academy Tutorials
Kepler itself is built on Redux. An understanding of Redux is helpful for any changes to the UI. Redux has a basic tutorial that covers key concepts.