I recommend you in order to execute the test to use NVM, and in this specific case use node 16.0.0 (which is I've used). Is important to do this before proceed with the installation step.
I've coded a very self explained code and I didn't use comments, that is because I believe that good and simple code no have needs to comments. I used to write comments only for TODOs or REFACTOR.
I want to mention also that I've used babel to allow me enable features like optional chaining, very handy and producing really clean code.
I've used Vuetify as bootstrapping library for a matter of time, I'm pretty busy this days.
If you serve the project, you will find a navigation tin the left side, you will see the 2 excersices asked for the position. I would love to have more time to add some e2e tests, but I hope the code writed to be enought to evaluate my knowledges.
The only thing that I couldnt find was the nh2 logo to create the animation, I just used an invented logo. I have experience anyway with animation libraries in the past (even AS3) and with SVG/css3 animations.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint