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Conversion Example of .NET Maui app from MongoDb Atlas Device SDK to Couchbase Mobile

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Conversion Example of MongoDb Atlas Device Sync to Couchbase Lite for DotNet Maui Developers

The original version of this application was built with the MongoDb Atlas Device SDK for .NET and Atlas Device Sync.


The original application is a basic To Do list. The original source code has it's own opinionated way of implementing an DotNet Maui application and communicating between different layers. This conversion is by no means a best practice for Maui development or a show case on how to properly communicate between layers of an application. It's more of an example of the process that a developer will have to go through to convert an application from one SDK to another.

Minor UI updates were made to replace references to Realm with Couchbase. Colors and icons were also updated to align with the Couchbase brand. The project’s name and namespace were left unchanged, as the goal is to provide a conversion example.


  • .NET and .NET MAUI workloads installed on your development machine and your and your development environment configured to run Maui applications.
  • Basic .NET Maui knowledge
  • Xcode installed for iOS Debugging
  • An capable IDE (JetBrains Rider, Visual Studio, or Visual Studio Code)
  • Understanding of the Realm SDK for .NET

Fetching the App Source Code

Clone this repository from GitHub using the command line or your Git client:

git clone

Capella Configuration

Before running this application, you must have Couchbase Capella App Services set up. Instructions for setting up Couchbase Capella App Services and updating the configuration file can be found in the file in this repository. Please ensure you complete these steps first.

App Overview

The following diagram shows the flow of the application

App Flow

Maui App Conversion

The following is information on the application conversion process and what files were changed.

Nuget Changes

The application was initially built using .NET 7.0 and the .NET MAUI workload for that version. It has since been upgraded to .NET 8 and the corresponding .NET MAUI workload to take advantage of Microsoft’s long-term support (LTS) for this release.

The Realm SDK Nuget packages were removed from the project. The Couchbase Lite Nuget package was added to the RealmToDo.csproj file.

  <PackageReference Include="Couchbase.Lite" Version="3.2.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug" Version="8.0.1" />
  <PackageReference Include="CommunityToolkit.Mvvm" Version="8.3.2" />
  <PackageReference Include="CommunityToolkit.Maui" Version="9.1.0" />

App Services Configuration File

The original source code had the configuration for Atlas App Services stored in the atlasConfig.json file located projects root folder. This file was removed and the configuration for Capella App Services was added in the capellaConfig.json.

You will need to modify this file to add your Couchbase Capella App Services endpoint URL, as outlined in the Capella setup instructions.

FodyWeavers Removal

FodyWeawvers is used for the Realm Atlas Device SDK for LINQ support. This was removed from the project as it is not needed for Couchbase Lite.

Android Registration for Couchbase Lite

The Couchbase Lite SDK requires registration of the SDK for Android. The MainApplication class was modified to register the Couchbase Lite SDK.

public class MainApplication : MauiApplication
 public MainApplication(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership ownership)
 : base(handle, ownership)
 protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();

Changes to Services

Registering of Interfaces, Services, ViewModels, and Views

The original source code relied on static classes for accessing services, which made testing challenging. To improve testability, the standard Dependency Injection (DI) pattern available in .NET MAUI was adopted. The MauiProgram.cs file was updated to register all services, view models, and views with the DI container using the builder.

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IDatabaseService, CouchbaseService>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAuthenticationService, AuthenticationService>();
//add view models
builder.Services.AddTransient <EditItemViewModel>();
builder.Services.AddTransient <ItemsViewModel>();
builder.Services.AddTransient <LoginViewModel>();
//add the views
builder.Services.AddTransient <EditItemPage>();
builder.Services.AddTransient <ItemsPage>();
builder.Services.AddTransient <LoginPage>();


The original source code uses the Realms.Sync.App to handle authentication.

The Couchbase Lite SDK manages authentication differently than the Mongo Realm SDK. Code was added to deal with these differences.

Handling Authencation of the App

The authentication of the app is called from the IAuthenticationService interface. The implementation AuthenticationService was added to handle the authentication of the app.

Authentication is done via the Couchbase Capella App Services Endpoint public REST API in the CouchbaseService LoginAsync method to resolve the SDK differences between Realm SDK and Couchbase Lite SDK without having to refactor large chunks of code.


Registering new users is out of scope of the conversion, so this functionaliy was removed. Capella App Services allows the creating of Users per endpoint via the UI or the REST API. For large scale applications it's highly recommended to use a 3rd party OpendID Connect provider.

Create User Model

The Couchbase Lite SDK doesn't provide a user object for tracking the authenticated user, so a new model was created.

Updating Item Domain Model

The Item class was modified to remove the Realm annotations and to refactor some properties to meet standard .NET naming conventions.

The .NET serialization library makes it easy to convert the item class to a JSON string for storage in Couchbase Lite, so changes were made to the class to make it serializable by the .NET serialization library.

Some fields need to be "Observable" in order for the UI in the application to dynamically update if changes are detected. Those fields the SetProperty and OnPropertyChanged methods were implemented from the MVVM toolkit.

IDatabaseService Interface

The original source code had a RealmService class that was used to interact with the Realm Atlas Device SDK and was a static class. This was replaced with an IDatabaseService interface and a CouchbaseService class that implements the interface. The CouchbaseService class is used to interact with the Couchbase Lite SDK.

Implementation of CouchbaseService

A heavy amount of code was refactored to implement the CouchbaseService from the original RealmService. The highlights of those changes are as follows.

Init Method

The Init method was updated to start Couchbase logging and to read in the file from the capellaConfig.json file.

Database.Log.Console.Level = LogLevel.Debug;

//get the config from disk
await using var fileStream = await FileSystem.Current.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("capellaConfig.json");
using StreamReader reader = new(fileStream);
var fileContent = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
AppConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CouchbaseAppConfig>(
  new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true }


For more information on logging in Couchbase Lite, please review the Documentation.

InitDatabase Method

A new InitDatabase method was created to initialize the database once the user is authenticated into the app.

Opening Database

The first step in the InitDatabase method is to determine the database name and then either create a new database or open the existing one. The CreateCollection method is used to create a new collection if it doesn’t already exist, or to return the existing collection if it does.

var username = CurrentUser!.Username.Replace("@", "-").Replace(".", "-");
var databaseName = $"tasks-{username}";

//set up the database
var databaseConfig = new DatabaseConfiguration
  Directory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
_database = new Database(databaseName, databaseConfig);
_taskCollection = _database.CreateCollection(_collectionName, _scopeName);

Creating Index for Query

In the next part of the InitDatabase method, an index is created for the collection to speed up queries.

var indexConfig = new ValueIndexConfiguration(["ownerId"]);
_taskCollection.CreateIndex("idxTasksOwnerId", indexConfig);

Cached Query Setup

Two basic queries are created for the application. One to get the current users tasks and one to get all tasks. Queries are compiled when created from the database.createQuery method. By initializing the query when the service is intialized, we can use the query later in the application without having to recompile the query each time the SetTaskLiveQuery method is run.

var query = "SELECT * FROM data.tasks  as item ";
_queryAllTasks = _database.CreateQuery(query);
var queryMyTasks = $"{query} WHERE item.ownerId = '{CurrentUser!.Username}'";
_queryMyTasks = _database.CreateQuery(queryMyTasks);

Caching queries aren't required, but can save memory and CPU time if the same query is ran multiple times.

Replicator Setup

Next the Replication Configuration is created using the Endpoint URL that is provided from the resource file described earlier in this document. The configuration is setup in a PushAndPull configuration which means it will pull changes from the remote database and push changes to Capella App Services. By setting continuous to true the replicator will continue to listen for changes and replicate them. Authentication is added to only sync information based on the current authenticated user.

var targetEndpoint = new URLEndpoint(new Uri(AppConfig.EndpointUrl));
var replicatorConfig = new ReplicatorConfiguration(targetEndpoint)
  Continuous = true,
  ReplicatorType = ReplicatorType.PushAndPull,
  //configure authentication
  Authenticator = new BasicAuthenticator(CurrentUser!.Username, CurrentUser!.Password)

//configure the collection
var collectionConfig = new CollectionConfiguration();
replicatorConfig.AddCollection(_taskCollection, collectionConfig);


The Couchbase Lite SDK Replication Configuration API also supports filtering of channels to limit the data that is replicated to the device.

Replicator Status

A change listener for Replication Status is created and is used to track any errors that might happen from replication, which is then logged to the console.

//write status to the console log right now for debugging 
_replicatorStatusToken = _replicator.AddChangeListener((sender, change) =>
  Console.WriteLine(change.Status.Error != null
  ? $"Replicator error: {change.Status.Error}"
  : $"Replicator status: {change.Status.Activity}");


.NET Developers should review the Couchbase Lite SDK documentation for .NET prior to making decisions on how to setup the replicator.

Handling Security of Updates/Delete

In the original app, Realm was handling the security of updates to validate that the current logged in user can update its own tasks, but not other users's task. When the switch in the application is used to see All Tasks using different subscription, they would have read-only access to the objects.

Couchbase Lite doesn't have the same security model. In this application the following approach was taken.

The code of the application was modified to validate that write access is only allowed by users that own the tasks and the Data Access and Validation script was added in the Capella setup instructions that limits whom can write updates.


Develoeprs can use a Custom Replication Conflict Resolution to receive the result in your applications code and then revert the change.

AddTask method

The AddTask method was implemented to add or update a task with the CouchbaseLite Database using JSON serialization.

var editDocument = _taskCollection!.GetDocument(item.Id);
if (editDocument != null)
  var mutEditDocument = editDocument.ToMutable();
  mutEditDocument.SetString("summary", item.Summary);
} else {
  //create new document
  var jsonString = item.ToJson();
  var mutableDocument = new MutableDocument(item.Id, jsonString);

DeleteTask method

The deleteTask method removes a task from the database. This is done by retrieving the document from the database using the _taskCollection.GetDocument method and then calling the collection Delete method. A security check was added so that only the owner of the task can delete the task.

if (item != null)
  var document = _taskCollection!.GetDocument(item.Id);
  if (document != null)

Logout method

The Logout method is used to remove anything dealing with Query and Replication, and then closes the database. This will be called when the user logs out from the application.

SetTaskLiveQuery method

Couchbase Lite doesn't support the ChangeSet API that Realm provides for tracking changes in a Realm. Instead Couchbase Lite has an API called LiveQuery

Couchbase Lite has a different way of handing replication and security than the Atlas Device SDK Subscription API. Because of this, some of the code has been simplifed to handle when filtering out the current user tasks vs all tasks in the collection.


Developers should review the Couchbase Capella App Services channels and roles documentation to understand the security model it provides prior to planning an application migration.

For the conversion of this app, the decision was made to include code that functions similar to the Realm SDK ChangeSet API. A new interface and class implementations where added to the ResultsChange.cs file.

public interface IResultsChange<T>;

internal class InitialResults<T> : IResultsChange<T>
    public IList<T> List { get; set; } = new List<T>();

internal class UpdatedResults<T> : IResultsChange<T> {
    public IList<T> Insertions { get; set; } = new List<T>();
    public IList<T> Deletions { get; set; } = new List<T>();
    public IList<T> Changes { get; set; } = new List<T>();


This represents a partial set of functionality that Realm's API provided. It is designed to maintain the application’s operational integrity without necessitating substantial code rewrites or altering the user experience associated with rendering items in the list during addition or deletion processes.

A _previousItems property is defined in the CouchbaseService which is used to track the previous items that were returned from the SetTaskLiveQuery call so that the changes can be calculated.

private Dictionary<string, Item> _previousItems = new Dictionary<string, Item>();

The SetTaskLiveQuery method was implemented using a LiveQuery as shown below:

public void SetTaskLiveQuery(
SubscriptionType subscriptionType,
Action<IResultsChange<Item>> callback)
 if (CurrentSubscriptionType != subscriptionType)
  var query = (subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Mine) ? _queryMyTasks : _queryAllTasks;

  //remove the previous listener to clean up memory
  _queryListenerToken = null;

  //set the listener for live query
  _queryListenerToken = query!.AddChangeListener((sender, change) =>
    var isInitial = _previousItems.Count == 0;
    var initialResults = new InitialResults<Item>();
    var updatedResults = new UpdatedResults<Item>();

    // used to track the current items which will
    // become the next previousItemMap after this is complete
    var currentItemsMap = new Dictionary<string, Item>();

    // used to trim out items
    // anything left over is a deletion
    var previousItemsKeys = _previousItems.Keys.ToHashSet();
    foreach (var row in change.Results)
     var json = row.GetDictionary("item")?.ToJSON();
     if (json == null) continue;
     var item = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Item>(json);
     //validate serialization worked
     if (item == null) continue;

     //used to add the field that isn't serialized, but used in bindings of the UI
     item.IsMine = item.OwnerId == CurrentUser!.Username;

     //add item to currentMap used for filling the previousItems later
     currentItemsMap.Add(item.Id, item);
     // if it's initial, all items are insertions
     if (isInitial)
      //check to see if it's an update 
      if (_previousItems.TryGetValue(item.Id, out var previousItem))
       if (item != previousItem)
       // if it's not an update, it's an insertion 

      //remove the item from the previous items
      //required to determine deletions

    // Determine deletions
    if (!isInitial)
      foreach (var previousItem in _previousItems.Values)

    //fill the _previousItems with the current items
    foreach (var item in currentItemsMap)
      _previousItems.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

    if (isInitial)
   //change the current cached subscription type
   CurrentSubscriptionType = subscriptionType;

This code runs a live query based on the SubscriptionType passed into the method, which emulates changing of subscriptions in Realm. The queries were defined in the previous cache query setup section of this document.

If the subscription mode is configured to filter documents by the current user, the query targets documents where the ownerId field matches the user’s ID. In the case of the “All” mode, it retrieves all documents from the data.items collection, sorted by their document IDs. The query is then executed, returning the results as a callback Action<IResultsChange> object.


To replicate the API from Realm, this code had to calculate the deltas (additions, deletions, and updates) by comparing the current query results with the previous list results. This approach introduces additional complexity and requires more code than the original implementation. Using the LiveQuery API directly would be more efficient, but each time the data is updated, the entire list would be re-rendered. This could cause performance issues in the application.

There are multiple approaches to how to calculate the deltas. This example will use more memory in order to save CPU cycles, which in testing on physical devices resulted in better performance on older devices with slower processors.

ToggleIsComplete method

The ToggleIsComplete method is used to update a task isComplete field from the main listing of task. This is done by retrieving the document from the database using the _taskCollection.GetDocument method and then updating the document with the new value for the isComplete property. A security check was added so that only the owner of the task can update the task.

if (item != null)
  const string isCompleteKey = "isComplete";
  var document = _taskCollection!.GetDocument(item.Id);
  if (document == null)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Document not found");

  var mutableDocument = document.ToMutable();
  var isComplete = document.GetBoolean(isCompleteKey);
  mutableDocument.SetBoolean(isCompleteKey, !isComplete);

ViewModel changes


The SaveItem method was modified to call the AddTask method in the CouchbaseService class.


The ItemsViewModel required several changes in order to work with the changes made from implementing the CouchbaseService.


Most Maui developers uses the ObservableCollection class to track changes to a list of items. The Items property was changed to an ObservableCollection to track changes to the list of items and renamed to an upper case I to follow .NET naming conventions.

private ObservableCollection<Item> items = [];

OnAppearing method

The OnAppearing method was updated to setup the live query by calling the SetTaskLiveQuery method in the CouchbaseService class. The method was also updated to handle the callback from the SetTaskLiveQuery method and update the items list with the changes.

if (couchbaseService.CurrentUser != null)
  couchbaseService.SetTaskLiveQuery(SubscriptionType.Mine, UpdateItems);
  throw new InvalidOperationException("User is not logged in");

UpdateItems callback method

The UpdateItems method was added to handle the callback of the LiveQuery and process the results to update the items list. This was designed to be very similar to the Realm ChangeSet API where it gives two types of results, the initial items or the deltas of change.

switch (resultItems)
  case InitialResults<Item> initialItems:
    foreach (var item in initialItems.List)
   case UpdatedResults<Item> updatedItems:
     foreach (var item in updatedItems.Insertions)

     foreach (var item in updatedItems.Deletions)

     foreach (var item in updatedItems.Changes)
       var existingItem = Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == item.Id);
       if (existingItem == null) continue;
       var index = Items.IndexOf(existingItem);
       Items[index] = item;

ToggleItemComplete method

The ToggleItemComplete method was updated to call the CouchbaseService.


The DoLogin method was updated to call the CouchbaseService LoginAsync method.

More Information


The information provided in this documentation is for general informational purposes only and is provided on an “as-is” basis without any warranties, express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, warranties of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The use of this information is at your own risk, and the authors, contributors, or affiliated parties assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content.

No technical support, maintenance, or other services are offered in connection with the use of this information. In no event shall the authors, contributors, or affiliated parties be held liable for any damages, losses, or other liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the information provided.


Conversion Example of .NET Maui app from MongoDb Atlas Device SDK to Couchbase Mobile






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