Command line client for the Crails framework.
Crails relies on the amazing build2
build system. If you haven't installed it yet, the following lines will do the trick :
curl -sSfO
chmod +x
And here's how to build crails from scratch:
bpkg create -d crails-build-gcc cc config.cxx=g++
cd crails-build-gcc
bpkg add ''
bpkg fetch
bpkg build crails '?sys:libssl'
bpkg install --all --recursive config.install.root=/usr/local config.install.sudo=sudo
If you already have the Boost libraries on your system, you can also edit the build line as such:
bpkg build crails \
'?sys:libboost-random' \
'?sys:libboost-program-options' \
'?sys:libboost-beast' \
'?sys:libboost-thread' \
'?sys:libboost-random' \
'?sys:libboost-system' \