Show alert messages with AngularJS (for easy Ruby on Rails integration)
bower install angularjs-notify --save
For a working example, see http://embed.plnkr.co/PRMFJ9/preview or the examples folder.
You just need to add the angularjsNotify
module to your AngularJS app and include the
service when you need to show notifications.
module('examples', [
controller('angularjsNotifyExampleController', [
'$scope', 'Notify',
function ($scope, Notify) {
$scope.addNotification = function (msgType, msg) {
Notify.addMessage(msg, msgType);
The notifications will appear where the angularjsNotify directive in included inside your app's HTML template:
You can use CSS to set the position for the directive where you want the notifications to appear (left, right, bottom, middle, etc).
You can use a provider in the configuration phase of your Angular app to customize some properties:
config(['NotifyProvider', function (NotifyProvider) {
NotifyProvider.config.displayTime = 3000;
By default, angularjs-notify will setup contextual methods for integration with Twitter Bootstrap (the template used for displaying messagesis also a Twitter Bootstrap alert) and will try to remove some keys from Ruby on Rails responses:
var config = {
contexts: ['danger', 'warning', 'info', 'success'],
keysToSkip: ['base', 'error'],
displayTime: 7000
#Working with Ruby on Rails
Say you have an Angular app that calls a Rails server for some data and you receive a JSON response with an error like this:
{"base": ["Your are not Donald Draper!"]}
In Angular, you might deal with an $http
error response:
function (httpResponse) {
That's all, the angularjsNotify directive will display: "Your are not Donald Draper!" as a Twitter Bootstrap alert.
Multiple errors will be displayed individually.
Tested on AngularJS 1.3.15, 1.5.9 with lodash 4.16.4.