Say! If you wanna contribute to stuff and things, follow this handy guide here!
go to some awesome, empty directory
say git clone
That will clone the master branch into the directory that you've navigated to. WARNING!!! You don't want to work on the master branch, you want to create your own branch each time
- Create a branch for the new feature with
git checkout -b
e.g. - git checkout new_thing
Edit it!!!!
You save changes to your local repo by using the commit command
To check the status of your next commit, say:
git status
To add files to the commit, say:
git add
eg - git add file.txt
To add all files say
git add .
To remove files from commit, say
git rm
eg - git rm file.txt
Commit your changes by saying:
git commit -m "message within quotes"
To push your changes onto the host repo, say:
git push origin <branch_name>
e.g. - git push origin new_thing
-- WARNING -- Make sure you don't push to the master branch by accident!
Navigate to the main repo at
Switch the context to the branch that you just created
Press the pull request button to begin the code review process
The rest of the team will review the code. If we suggest changes, you can make the edits on your local machine and push them into the repo.
**** Alternatively, someone on the team could pull the branch from the repo and make changes themselves. ****
- Once all the changes have been approved, a team member will merge the branch into the master branch and the whole process begins all over again!