- AWS credentials exposed on the bastion host running the playbook (export AWS_etc)
- ansible 2.5 is installed on centos 7 on a machine with enough memory and cpu to do a rust compile in docker, see notes
- Amazon ECR for docker repository is set up. Mine's hard-coded in, you can edit yours in @FIXME
- Run the playbook in this repository (ansible-playbook -i ./hosts site.yml)
- Run the Kubespray playbook to set up the staged atomic kubernetes deployment (outside the scope of this document)
- Deploy the parity coindaemon docker image you built in step one and deployed in ECR with the other playbook (in development)
- built on cent7
- won't build on a tiny amazon free instance. Rustc dies compiling deps. Built on a 4cpu/4GB host
- parity's centos dockerfile is busted, needs libudev-devel as part of the yum install. will PR eventually.