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Cyral sidecar module for AWS EC2

Use this Terraform module to deploy a sidecar on AWS EC2 instances.

Refer to the quickstart guide for more information on how to use this module or upgrade your sidecar.


Deployment architecture

The elements shown in the architecture diagram above are deployed by this module. The module requires existing VPC and subnets in order to create the necessary components for the sidecar to run. In a high-level, these are the resources deployed:

  • EC2
    • Auto scaling group (responsible for managing EC2 instances and EBS volumes)
    • Network load balancer (optional)
    • Security group
  • Secrets Manager
    • Sidecar credentials
    • Sidecar CA certificate
    • Sidecar self-signed certificate
  • IAM
    • Sidecar role
  • Cloudwatch
    • Log group (optional)


provider "aws" {
  # Define the target AWS region
  region = "us-east-1"

module "cyral_sidecar" {
  source  = "cyralinc/sidecar-ec2/aws"  
  version = "~> 5.0" # terraform module version

  sidecar_id      = ""
  control_plane   = ""
  client_id          = ""
  client_secret      = ""
  # Leave empty if you prefer to perform upgrades directly
  # from the control plane.
  sidecar_version = ""

  # Considering MongoDB ports are from the range 27017 to 27019
  sidecar_ports = [443, 3306, 5432, 27017, 27018, 27019]

  vpc_id  = ""
  subnets = [""]

  # Inbound CIDR to SSH into the EC2 instances
  ssh_inbound_cidr        = [""]
  # Inbound CIDR to access ports defined in `sidecar_ports`
  db_inbound_cidr         = [""]
  # Inbound CIDR to monitor the EC2 instances (port 9000)
  monitoring_inbound_cidr = [""]


  • name_prefix is defined automatically. If you wish to define a custom name_prefix, please keep in mind that its length must be at most 24 characters.


Module upgrade

If you are coming from v4 of this module, read the upgrade notes for specific instructions on how to upgrade this module.

Sidecar upgrade

This module supports 1-click upgrade.

To enable the 1-click upgrade feature, leave the variable sidecar_version empty and upgrade the sidecar from Cyral control plane.

If you prefer to block upgrades from the Cyral control plane and use a static version, assign the desired sidecar version to sidecar_version. To upgrade your sidecar, update this parameter with the target version and run terraform apply.

Learn more in the sidecar upgrade procedures page.


Instructions for advanced deployment configurations are available for the following topics:


Name Version
terraform >= 1.9
aws >= 3.73.0, < 6.0.0
tls ~> 4.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.73.0, < 6.0.0
tls ~> 4.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.asg resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.lg resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.sidecar_profile resource
aws_iam_policy.init_script_policy resource
aws_iam_role.sidecar_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.init_script_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.user_policies resource resource resource resource resource
aws_route53_record.cyral-sidecar-dns-record resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.self_signed_ca resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.self_signed_tls_cert resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.sidecar_secrets resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.self_signed_ca resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.self_signed_tls_cert resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.sidecar_secrets resource
aws_security_group.instance resource resource
tls_private_key.tls resource resource
tls_self_signed_cert.tls resource
aws_ami.amazon_linux data source
aws_arn.cw_lg data source
aws_availability_zones.all data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.init_script_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.kms data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sidecar data source
aws_lbs.current data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_security_groups List of the IDs of the additional security groups that will be attached to the sidecar instances. If providing
additional_target_groups, use this parameter to provide security groups with the inbound rules to allow
inbound traffic from the target groups to the instances.
list(string) [] no
additional_target_groups List of the ARNs of the additional target groups that will be attached to the sidecar instances. Use it in
conjunction with additional_security_groups to provide the inbound rules for the ports associated with
them, otherwise the incoming traffic from the target groups will not be allowed to access the EC2 instances.
list(string) [] no
ami_id AMI ID that will be used for the EC2 instances. If not provided,
will use the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI available.
string "" no
asg_desired The desired number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 1 no
asg_max The maximum number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 3 no
asg_min The minimum number of hosts to create in the auto scaling group number 1 no
asg_min_healthy_percentage The minimum percentage of healthy instances during an ASG refresh number 100 no
associate_public_ip_address Associates a public IP to sidecar EC2 instances bool false no
ca_certificate_role_arn (Optional) ARN of an AWS IAM Role to assume when reading the CA certificate. string "" no
ca_certificate_secret_arn (Optional) ARN of secret in AWS Secrets Manager that contains a CA certificate to sign sidecar-generated certs. string "" no
client_id (Optional) The client id assigned to the sidecar. If not provided, must provide a secret containing the respective client id using secret_arn. string "" no
client_secret (Optional) The client secret assigned to the sidecar. If not provided, must provide a secret containing the respective client secret using secret_arn. string "" no
cloudwatch_log_group_name (Optional) Cloudwatch log group name. string "" no
cloudwatch_logs_retention Cloudwatch logs retention in days number 14 no
container_registry Address of the container registry where Cyral images are stored. string "" no
control_plane Address of the control plane - string n/a yes
curl_connect_timeout (Optional) The maximum time in seconds that curl connections are allowed to take. number 60 no
custom_host_role (Optional) Name of an AWS IAM Role to attach to the EC2 instance profile. string "" no
custom_tags Custom tags to be added to all AWS resources created map(any) {} no
custom_user_data Ancillary consumer supplied user-data script. Bash scripts must be added to a map as a value of the key pre, pre_sidecar_start, post denoting execution order with respect to sidecar installation. (Approx Input Size = 19KB) map(any)
"post": "",
"pre": "",
"pre_sidecar_start": ""
db_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR blocks for database access to the sidecar. Can't be combined with 'db_inbound_security_group'. list(string) n/a yes
db_inbound_security_group Pre-existing security group IDs allowed to connect to db in the EC2 host. Can't be combined with 'db_inbound_cidr'. list(string) [] no
deploy_load_balancer Deploy or not the load balancer and target groups. This option makes the ASG have only one replica, irrelevant of the Asg Min Max and Desired bool true no
dns_hosted_zone_id (Optional) Route53 hosted zone ID for the corresponding 'dns_name' provided string "" no
dns_name (Optional) Fully qualified domain name that will be automatically created/updated to reference the sidecar LB string "" no
dns_overwrite (Optional) Update an existing DNS name informed in dns_name. bool false no
ec2_ebs_kms_arn ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt/decrypt EBS volumes. If unset, EBS will use the default KMS key. Make sure the KMS key allows the principal arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_NUMBER:role/aws-service-role/, otherwise the ASG will not be able to launch the new instances. string "" no
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing Enable cross zone load balancing bool true no
health_check_grace_period The minimum amount of time (in seconds) to keep a new instance in service before terminating it if it's found to be unhealthy number 300 no
iam_policies (Optional) List of IAM policies ARNs that will be attached to the sidecar IAM role list(string) [] no
idp_certificate (Optional) The certificate used to verify SAML assertions from the IdP being used with Snowflake. Enter this value as a one-line string with literal new line characters (\n) specifying the line breaks. string "" no
idp_sso_login_url (Optional) The IdP SSO URL for the IdP being used with Snowflake. string "" no
instance_metadata_token Instance Metadata Service token requirement string "required" no
instance_type Amazon EC2 instance type for the sidecar instances string "t3.medium" no
key_name AWS key name string "" no
launch_template_tags_resource_types Set of resource types to be used to add custom tags to the launch template. See also custom_tags. set(string)
load_balancer_certificate_arn (Optional) ARN of SSL certificate that will be used for client connections to Snowflake. string "" no
load_balancer_scheme EC2 network load balancer scheme (internal or internet-facing)
Parameter has no effect in case deploy_load_balancer = false.
string "internal" no
load_balancer_security_groups List of the IDs of the additional security groups that will be attached to the load balancer.
Parameter has no effect in case deploy_load_balancer = false.
list(string) [] no
load_balancer_sticky_ports List of ports that will have session stickiness enabled.
This parameter must be a subset of 'sidecar_ports'.
list(number) [] no
load_balancer_subnets Subnets to add load balancer to. If not provided, the load balancer will assume the subnets
specified in the subnets parameter.
Parameter has no effect in case deploy_load_balancer = false.
list(string) [] no
load_balancer_tls_ports List of ports that will have TLS terminated at load balancer level
(snowflake support, for example). If assigned, 'load_balancer_certificate_arn'
must also be provided. This parameter must be a subset of 'sidecar_ports'.
list(number) [] no
monitoring_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR blocks for health check and metric requests to the sidecar. If restricting the access, consider setting to the VPC CIDR or an equivalent to cover the assigned subnets as the load balancer performs health checks on the EC2 instances. list(string) n/a yes
name_prefix Prefix for names of created resources in AWS. Maximum length is 24 characters. string "" no
recycle_health_check_interval_sec (Optional) The interval (in seconds) in which the sidecar instance checks whether it has been marked or recycling. number 30 no
reduce_security_group_rules_count If set to false, each port in sidecar_ports will be used individually for each CIDR in db_inbound_cidr to create inbound rules in the sidecar security group, resulting in a number of inbound rules that is equal to the number of sidecar_ports * db_inbound_cidr. If set to true, the entire sidecar port range from min(sidecar_ports) to max(sidecar_ports) will be used to configure each inbound rule for each CIDR in db_inbound_cidr for the sidecar security group. Setting it to true can be useful if you need to use multiple sequential sidecar ports and different CIDRs for DB inbound (db_inbound_cidr) since it will significantly reduce the number of inbound rules and avoid hitting AWS quotas. As a side effect, it will open all the ports between min(sidecar_ports) and max(sidecar_ports) in the security group created by this module. bool false no
repositories_supported List of all repositories that will be supported by the sidecar (lower case only) list(string)
secret_arn Full ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret used to store the sidecar secrets. If unset, sidecar will manage its own secret. See the topic Bring Your Own Secret in the Advanced documentation section. string "" no
secret_role_arn (Optional) ARN of an AWS IAM Role to assume when reading the secret informed in secret_arn. string "" no
secrets_kms_arn ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt/decrypt secrets. If unset, secrets will use the default KMS key. string "" no
sidecar_id Sidecar identifier string n/a yes
sidecar_ports List of ports allowed to connect to the sidecar through the load balancer and security group. The maximum number of ports is limited to Network Load Balancers quotas (listeners and target groups). See also 'load_balancer_tls_ports'. Avoid port 9000 as it is reserved for instance monitoring. list(number) n/a yes
sidecar_private_idp_key (Optional) The private key used to sign SAML Assertions generated by the sidecar. Enter this value as a one-line string with literal new line characters (
) specifying the line breaks.
string "" no
sidecar_public_idp_certificate (Optional) The public certificate used to verify signatures for SAML Assertions generated by the sidecar. Enter this value as a one-line string with literal new line characters (
) specifying the line breaks.
string "" no
sidecar_version (Optional, but required for Control Planes < v4.10) The version of the sidecar. If unset and the Control Plane version is >= v4.10, the sidecar version will be dynamically retrieved from the Control Plane, otherwise an error will occur and this value must be provided. string "" no
ssh_inbound_cidr Allowed CIDR blocks for SSH access to the sidecar. Can't be combined with 'ssh_inbound_security_group'. list(string) n/a yes
ssh_inbound_security_group Pre-existing security group IDs allowed to ssh into the EC2 host. Can't be combined with 'ssh_inbound_cidr'. list(string) [] no
subnets Subnets to add sidecar to (list of string) list(string) n/a yes
tls_certificate_role_arn (Optional) ARN of an AWS IAM Role to assume when reading the TLS certificate. string "" no
tls_certificate_secret_arn (Optional) ARN of secret in AWS Secrets Manager that contains a certificate to terminate TLS connections. string "" no
tls_skip_verify (Optional) Skip TLS verification for HTTPS communication with the control plane and during sidecar initialization bool false no
volume_size Size of the sidecar disk number 15 no
volume_type Type of the sidecar disk string "gp3" no
vpc_id AWS VPC ID to deploy sidecar to string n/a yes


Name Description
ami_id EC2 AMI id
autoscaling_group_arn Auto scaling group ARN
ca_certificate_secret_arn ARN of the CA certificate secret used by the sidecar
cloudwatch_log_group_name Name of the CloudWatch log group where sidecar logs are stored
dns Sidecar DNS endpoint
iam_role_arn Sidecar IAM role ARN
launch_template_arn Launch template ARN
load_balancer_arn Load balancer ARN
load_balancer_dns Sidecar load balancer DNS endpoint
secret_arn ARN of the secret with the credentials used by the sidecar
security_group_id Sidecar security group id
tls_certificate_secret_arn ARN of the TLS certificate secret used by the sidecar