There is a simple test struct called Tri implemented to make sure local and global rotations are working.
The 3D -> 2D projection being used is orthographic (ignore z values).
I used vcpkg and msvc buildtools for SDL
- F1: Resets everything
- F2: Local Transformations: Rotations center around each shapes location (default)
- F3: Global Transformations: Rotations center around world axes
- F4: Coordinate System Transformations: Everything rotates and moves relative to the world axes
- F5: Hides local shape axes
- W/S: Controls rotation around the world x-axis
- A/D: Controls rotation around the world y-axis
- Q/E: Controls rotation around the world z-axis
- Up/Down: Controls translation along the world x-axis
- Left/Down: Controls translation along the world y-axis
- PgDown/PgUp: Controls translation along the world z-axis