Clone the repo:
git clone
This guide assumes that you have successfully got a development enviornment set up for each of the sub projects and have been able to build all of the other projects. See also readme's for the individual projects:
- projects/or_scs/
- projects/trails/
- projects/entity-data-api/
- projects/web/
For a full development stack you require the following services running:
Service | Service Abberviation | Default Port | Swagger API URL |
Entity Data API | edapi | 8020 | |
Supply Chain Server | scs | 8000 | http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/#/ |
Organisation Registry Service | or | 8200 | http://localhost:8200/swagger-ui/#/ |
Trails Service | trails | 8300 | http://localhost:8300/swagger-ui/#/ |
Web Front End | web | 8080 |
To complete these steps you require:
- OAuthSub: auth0|00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff
- JWK_CLIENT_IDS: XXxx00XXxx00XXxx00XXxx00XXxx00XX
If you have a running instantce one way to get your OAuth Subject is to go to your browser, visit the page serving the
Mirza platform (if running locally, it will typically be http://localhost:8080). In your developer tools, look for the
tab. Click on Local Storage
and look at the cookies stored locally. In the JSON blob, find the value of
the property idToken
. You can decode that string via In the decoded JSON, look for the property
. If you logged in via Auth0, then the OAuth Sub will look like auth0|blahblahblah
Alternatively if you don't have a running instance yet you can get the OAuth Sub directly from your auth provider, for
example at the time of writing this is avaliable in Auth0 at:
Dashboard -> Users & Roles -> Users -> [Username] -> [...] -> View Details -> user_id
can be found in your auth provider (e.g, Auth0)'s settings, for example at the time of writing this is
avaliable in Auth0 at:
Dashboard -> Applications -> [Application Name] -> Client ID
The following is a configuration which will build and start all of the services:
# Fill in your proper details here:
export JWK_CLIENT_ID="JvrGZu2gNR84nrEOu1kEC3gxpcJn9wkU"
# Trails
cd ${project_root}projects/trails
stack build --fast # Look for: > Registering library for trails- Completed 3 action(s).
createdb devtrails
stack exec trails -- initdb -c "dbname=devtrails" # Look for: Right ()
stack exec trails -- server -c "dbname=devtrails" & # Look for: (Logging will be to: stdout) http://localhost:8300/swagger-ui/
cd ${project_root}projects/or_scs
./ &
# Look for:
# - CREATE DATABASE devsupplychainserver; CREATE DATABASE sql script successful
# - CREATE DATABASE devmirzaorgregistry; CREATE DATABASE sql script successful
# - Right ()
# - Listening on http://localhost:8200/swagger-ui/
# - http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/
# Add the development user to the OrgRegistry
echo ${OAuthSub} | stack exec orgRegistry -- -c "dbname=devorgregistry" user add
echo -e "0000000\nDevelopment Org\nhttp://localhost:8020" | stack exec orgRegistry -- -c "dbname=devorgregistry" org add
echo -e "0000000\n${OAuthSub}" | stack exec orgRegistry -- -c "dbname=devorgregistry" org addUser
cd ${project_root}projects/entity-data-api
stack build --fast
export MY_HOST="localhost" # Host for EDAPI
export MY_PORT="8020" # Port for EDAPI
export DEST_HOST="localhost" # Dest machine host
export DEST_PORT="8000" # Dest machine port
export JWK_URL="" # URL where your JWK is stored
export JWK_CLIENT_IDS="${JWK_CLIENT_ID}" # list of client IDs separated by ,
export EDAPI_DB_CONN='dbname=devedapi' # Connection string to a database where user credentials are stored
export GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY='XXxx00XXxx00XXxx00XX_xx00-XXxx00XXxx00X' # Google maps API key for the map display on the event search.
# Create and initalise the database
createdb devedapi
psql -d devedapi -f ${project_root}projects/entity-data-api/database/init.sql
# Look for: CREATE TABLE
# You need to bootstrap the first user into the EDAPI
export EDAPI_MODE='Bootstrap' # Proxy | API | Bootstrap
echo ${OAuthSub} | stack exec entity-data-api-proxy
# Look for: Right ()
# Once the user has been succesfully bootstrapped you can start the server.
export EDAPI_MODE='Proxy' # Proxy | API | Bootstrap
stack exec entity-data-api-proxy &
# Look for: Starting service on localhost:8020
# Web Front End
cd ${project_root}projects/web
npm install
npm run start:dev
Once the service is running navigate to http://localhost:8080/ and either sign in or signup.
The following is the format of a URN: urn:epc:id:sgtin:0000000.000000.0000