pytest-rerunfailures is a plugin for py.test that re-runs tests to eliminate intermittent failures with failed tests related fixture invalidation. Added all scoped fixtures invalidation for current test item in case of test failure before rerun occurs. Plugin able to track all related fixtures: direct injects, autouse, usefixture mark. Fixtures invalidated gracefully with executing finalizer. All reruns schedule to be executed at testrun end
You will need the following prerequisites in order to use pytest-rerunfailures:
- Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy, or PyPy3
- pytest 2.8.7 or newer
To install pytest-rerunfailures:
$ pip install pytest-rerunfailures
To re-run all test failures, use the --reruns
command line option with the
maximum number of times you'd like the tests to run:
$ pytest --reruns 5
To add a delay time between re-runs use the --reruns-delay
command line
option with the amount of seconds that you would like wait before the next
test re-run is launched:
$ pytest --reruns 5 --reruns-delay 1
To mark individual tests as flaky, and have them automatically re-run when they
fail, add the flaky
mark with the maximum number of times you'd like the
test to run:
def test_example():
import random
assert random.choice([True, False])
Note that when teardown fails, two reports are generated for the case, one for the test case and the other for the teardown error.
You can also specify the re-run delay time in the marker:
@pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=5, reruns_delay=2)
def test_example():
import random
assert random.choice([True, False])
Here's an example of the output provided by the plugin when run with
--reruns 2
and -r aR
: RRF ================================== FAILURES ================================== __________________________________ test_fail _________________________________ def test_fail(): > assert False E assert False AssertionError ============================ rerun test summary info ========================= RERUN RERUN ============================ short test summary info ========================= FAIL ======================= 1 failed, 2 rerun in 0.02 seconds ====================
Note that output will show all re-runs. Tests that fail on all the re-runs will be marked as failed.
- Plugin provide ability to store rerun stats to standalone json file:
--reruns-artifact-path {path-to-json}
Stats file fill consist next fields:
total_reruns - total rerun performed total_failed - total tests failed during run total_resolved_by_reruns - amount of tests fixed by rerun rerun_tests - List of each test rerun nodeid - pytest test nodeid status - test status after rerun: flake or failed rerun_trace - Test relevant traces for teardown, setup and test call original_trace - Original test failure trace appeared during main run
In case if it is not needed to perform reruns if many tests failed next param could be used: --max-tests-rerun {threshold}
So if during testrun will occur more failed test then threshold value no reruns would be performed.
- This plugin is not compatible with pytest-xdist's --looponfail flag.
- This plugin is not compatible with the core --pdb flag.
Update [CHANGES.rst](CHANGES.rst) to make sure changelog is updated for the new version.
Update package version in [](
Tag version with a semver like v4.1.10 and jarvis will package and upload it to artifactory