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fcom ("find commit(s)")

This is a CLI tool that I use to parse the git history of a repo.

For example, if I use fcom to search this repo with fcom "line.(green|red)" --regex --repo davidrunger/fcom, I get this output:


gem install fcom


This gem assumes that you have git and rg (ripgrep) installed.

Basic usage

$ fcom <search string> [options]

Available options and examples

After installing, execute fcom --help to see usage examples and available options.

$ fcom --help

Usage: fcom <search string> [options]

  fcom update
  fcom 'def update'
  fcom "def update" --days 60
  fcom "[Uu]ser.*slug" -d 365 --regex
  fcom options --path spec/
  fcom "line.(green|red)" -d 365 --regex --repo davidrunger/fcom -a "David Runger"

    --repo             GitHub repo (in form `username/repo`)
    -d, --days         number of days to search back
    -r, --regex        interpret search string as a regular expression
    -i, --ignore-case  search case-insensitively
    -p, --path         path (directory or file) used to filter results
    -a, --author       author
    --rg-options       additional options passed directly to `rg` (e.g. `--rg-options "--max-columns 1000"`)
    --debug            print debugging info
    --init             create an `.fcom.yml` config file
    -v, --version      print the version
    -h, --help         print this help information

.fcom.yml config file

We highly recommend that you create an .fcom.yml file in any repository that you plan to search with fcom.

This file can be created automatically by executing fcom --init in the relevant repo/directory.

(You might (or might not) want to add .fcom.yml to your ~/.gitignore_global file, so that this file is not tracked by git.)

Example .fcom.yml config file

repo: githubusername/reponame

The advantage of creating an .fcom.yml config file is that it will make the fcom command execute more quickly, because time will not be wasted parsing the output of git remote [...] in order to determine the URL of the repo's remote repository (which is used to construct links to matching commits).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run (in this repository's root directory):

$ rm -f pkg/*.gem && rake build && gem install --local pkg/fcom-*.gem


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.