When submitting jobs to Microsoft OpenPAI, a docker image in dockerhub is required in the job config. This tutorial aims to demonstrate how to maintain a docker image for OpenPAI by using dockerfile.
An account in dockerhub. You can register a free account in dockerhub to push, update and share your own docker image. the account is nessesary if you want to build your own docker image in OpenPAI.
An account in github. You will use github account to create a new repo for dockerfile.
- Write your own dockerfile to build docker image. Here is the official dockerfile reference, you might use on of the OpenPAI images as base image.
Create a new github repo to maintain the dockerfile and others files needed during docker image build process.
Use this repo to maintain dockerfile as a source control.
- Use your dockerhub account to create an autobuild image repo for your docker image and link the github repo created in the previous step. Here is an official guide for how to create a autobuild image. Below images illustrate an example process. You need to link your github account to this dockerhub account first.
- In the butobuild settings, you can triger a docker image build process manually, or auto build everytime when the github repo updates.
- You can check the build details whether the docker image build process succeeds or fails.
- After setting the auto build repo, you can focus on the dockerfile in github. And the docker image will built automatically based on the dockerfile.
- Use this autobuild image as OpenPAI job docker image. And this docker image will updated whenever the dockerfile changed.