PluginBase is an extensive library designed to streamline the creation of Spigot plugins. This library provides a solid foundation to build upon, making plugin development more efficient and manageable.
The majority of my public Spigot plugins (CommandButtons, RankGrant+, UltraRepair, etc.) and private projects are using PluginBase!
The main module containing the core functionality of PluginBase. A rough, incomplete overview of the features is as follows:
- Schedulers (async/sync runnables, delayed/repeated tasks, etc.)
- Runtime dependency loading
- Text utilities (i.e. colorizing strings with HEX and Adventure support, centered messages, components, etc.)
- Localization/translation system
- Event handling and listener registration
- Serialization from immutable equivalents of Bukkit objects to YAML
- Custom GUIs with deserializable buttons
- Cooldown maps
- Chat input requests
- Item builder
- GSON provider
- Custom YAML configuration files
- SpigotMC resource update checker
- Cross-version compatibility utilities
A framework for creating minigames. Uses a state-based system to allow for efficient handling of games that are composed of multiple stages (i.e. preparation phase, fighting phase, celebration phase, etc.).
A module for handling SQL databases using the connection pooling library HikariCP. Some features include connection management, credential deserialization, statement handlers (prepared statements), result set handlers, and sync/async queries/executions.
A simple module that allows for easy connections to MongoDB databases.
A module that faciliates cross-server communication using Redis publish-subscribe messaging. Capable of handling objects.
Though technically a separate project, PluginBase-Lamp is an advanced command library that is frequently used alongside PluginBase. PluginBase-Lamp is available at
To use PluginBase in your project, add the JitPack repository and the module(s) you require to your
build file. An example for the pluginbase-core
module has been provided below.
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.demengc.PluginBase:pluginbase-core:[VERSION]'
repositories {
maven(url = "")
dependencies {
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or find bugs, feel free to create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the LICENSE.txt file in the repository.
A special thank you to lucko for creating helper, a major part of this library. Your contributions have been invaluable to this project.
Another special thank you to CryptoMorin for creating XSeries, a library that enables PluginBase's cross-version compatibility.
If you need help or have any questions, you can create an issue in this repository or find me on my Discord server. While support for PluginBase is limited, I'll do my best to assist where possible.