Current stable version:
Current development version: ...
astropy == 3.0.3
easyaccess == 1.4.3
mpi4py == 2.0.0
mpich2 == 1.4.1p1 (should be included when getting mpi4py)
numpy == 1.13.3
pandas == 0.21.0 (should work with up-to-date 0.23.4)
pillow == 5.2.0 (this is the fork of PIL, *not* PIL itself)
usage: [-h] [--csv CSV] [--ra [RA [RA ...]]]
[--dec [DEC [DEC ...]]] [--coadd [COADD [COADD ...]]]
[--make_tiffs] [--make_fits] [--make_pngs]
[--make_rgbs MAKE_RGBS] [--return_list]
[--xsize XSIZE] [--ysize YSIZE] [--colors COLORS]
[--rgb_minimum RGB_MINIMUM]
[--rgb_stretch RGB_STRETCH] [--rgb_asinh RGB_ASINH]
[--db DB] [--jobid JOBID]
This program will make any number of cutouts, using the master tiles.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv CSV A CSV with columns 'COADD_OBJECT_ID ' or 'RA,DEC'
--ra [RA [RA ...]] RA (decimal degrees)
--dec [DEC [DEC ...]]
DEC (decimal degrees)
--coadd [COADD [COADD ...]]
Coadd ID for exact object matching.
--make_tiffs Creates a TIFF file of the cutout region.
--make_fits Creates FITS files in the desired bands of the cutout
--make_pngs Creates a PNG file of the cutout region.
--make_rgbs Creates 3-color images using the bands you select
(reddest to bluest), e.g.: --make_rgbs i,r,g
--make_rgbs z,i,r --make_rgbs z,r,g
--return_list Saves list of inputted objects and their matched tiles
to user directory.
--xsize XSIZE Size in arcminutes of the cutout x-axis. Default: 1.0
--ysize YSIZE Size in arcminutes of the cutout y-axis. Default: 1.0
--colors Color bands for the fits cutout. Default: i
--rgb_minimum The black point for the 3-color image. Default 1.0
--rgb_stretch The linear stretch of the image. Default 50.0.
--rgb_asinh The asinh softening parameter. Default 10.0
--db DB Which database to use. Default: Y3A2, Options: DR1,
--jobid Option to manually specify a jobid for this job.
mpirun -n 6 python --csv /path/to/csv/file --make_pngs --make_fits --colors r,Y --xsize 3 --ysize 2 --db Y3A2
mpirun -n 6 python --ra 4.9703 10.1415 --dec -48.9987 -62.0329 --make_pngs --make_fits --colors g,r,i,z,Y --make_rgbs i,r,g --make_rgb z,r,g --xsize 1 --ysize 1 --db DR1