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This is the repository of information models developed under the use-case of DIGN-Energi Produktdata workstream


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The DIGIN program is the Norwegian grid operators' digitalisation initiative, where Norwegian DSOs, the TSO, regulator and others have joined forces to create the fundament for full digital interaction in both planning and operation of the electrical grid.

Development work in DIGIN is organized as coordinated work packages, all supporting the overall vision of the program.
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. IEC 61968-4 Scope
  3. Roadmap
  4. Tools and Examples
  5. License
  6. Contact
  7. Versioning

About The Project

The 'Product data project' is a project under the DIGIN program. Deliverables from this project will enable automated exchange of data related to planning and operation of the electrical grid. The project is working with standard exchange formats for data such as: :

  • Product data
  • Descriptions (requirements) of functions for grid equipment required when purchasing
  • Test protocol data (FAT/SAT)
  • Data about components of grid equipment (asset data)

Automated exchange of data will improve data quality and simplify current manual registration processes.

Centralized publishing of new and historic product data is another goal for the project. This will avoid establishment of redundant databases for standard data at the grid operators, contractors, and manufacturers.

CIM, the standard for exchange of power systems related information (data), has been extended to cover the data needs of the DSOs.

The outcome of the project is:

  • A dedicated CIM profile to be used by the DSOs and product suppliers (IEC 61968-4:2019), adapted to the Norwegian industry
  • An increasing number of standard products which can exchange data according to CIM
  • Standard schemas (XML) for exchange of data according to CIM
  • JSON schemas are available on request, see contact information
  • A validation tool, assuring data transfer and -formats are according to CIM

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An AssetCatalogue is a collection of information regarding available types of products and materials that are used to build or install assets, to maintain assets or to operate assets.

Each catalogue item is for a specific product available from a specific manufacturer. Herein, the AssetCatalogue usecase is further divided into two scenarios:

  • AssetShipmentCatalogue - The target AssetCatalogue message within the scenario may contain reference information such as weight, dimennsions, drawingNumber and modelNumber about a specific ProductAssetModel.
  • AssetSpecificationCatalogue - The target AssetCatalogue message within the scenario may contain reference information such as typeOfCooling, minSoundPressureLevel and paintThickness about a specific ProductAssetModel as well as the AssetInfo rating information for it.

The AssetCatalogue message is used to exchange asset catalogue information. Example applications include replacement of generic assets and long term planning.

  • While installing assets, a maintenance person may query the catalogue for a specific product model of interest.
  • In long term planning, a project may have a set of requirements and the organisation’s catalogue of approved product models is used as a basis of decision-making.

An engineer or analytic queries the catalogue and applies the selection rules in order to identify catalogue items with specifications that meet the project requirements

This section should list any usecase and their related explanation used to bootstrap the project. Leave any related usecase for the development and enhancement.

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IEC 61968-4 Scope

This part of IEC 61968 specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to records and asset management. Typical uses of the message types defined in this Part of IEC 61968 include network extension planning, copying feeder or other network data between systems, network or diagram edits and asset inspection. Message types defined in other Parts of IEC 61968 may also be relevant to these use cases.

AssetCatalogue Message

The AssetCatalogue message contains an information of a Product modelled within ProductAssetModel CIM Class. Following are the assets which can be associated to a ProductAssetModel:

  • Power Transformer
  • End Device
  • Cables
  • Conductors
  • Earth ground wire
  • Switchgear
  • Disconnectors
  • Fuses
  • Circuit Breakers
  • LoadBreakSwitch
  • Auxiliary Equipment
  • Current Transfomers
  • Voltage Transformers
  • Structure Devices
  • Connectors
  • Terminations
  • Bushing
  • Compensators
  • Generators
  • Protection Devices

DIGIN Extensions

In this project, for the two above mentioned scenarios - ProductShipmentCatalogue and ProductRequirementCatalogue, the metamodel extensions are being developed by the DIGIN team after deep consideration on the concerns of the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and vendors.

The extensions developed within DIGIN Produktdata workstream have namespace.

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The project has a plan to undergo the enhancement of each aforementioned product asset. Following is the short term development plan of the DIGIN Team and achievements:

General Extensions


AssetSpecification has general extensions related to specification or requirements the product such as electrical, dimensional, protective and audiable parameters. Follow are the UML diagram and detailed XML schema.

      UML Class Diagram

      Profile Diagram


      A specification or requirements of a product in terms of dimentions or techncial or any other.


      A containment of asset info. It contains the datasheet or nameplate information of assets which are shipped within a single product.


      Enumeration «enumeration» in package 'DIGINAssetSpecification'

        • shipping : Public
        • installed : Public
        • universal : Public
        • inStock : Public


      Extension to AssetInfo

        • functionKind : FunctionKind Public, Specific information of what kind of function the AssetInfo data refers to or are supposed to fulfill.


      Specific information of what kind of function the AssetInfo data refers to or are supposed to fulfill.

        • breaker : Circuit breaker function.
        • currrentTransformer : Current transformer function.
        • disconnectingCircuitBreaker : Disconnecting cricuit breaker function.
        • disconnectingLoadBreaker : Disconnecting load breaker function.
        • disconnector : Disconnector function.
        • faultIndicator : Fault indicator function.
        • fuse : Fuse function.
        • groundDisconnector : Ground disconnector function.
        • jumper : Jumper function.
        • loadBreakSwitch : Load break switch function.
        • petersenCoil : Petersen coil function.
        • potentialTransformer : Potential transformer function.
        • powerTransformer : Power transformer function.
        • seriesCompensator : Series compensator function.
        • shuntCompensator : Shunt compensator function.
        • surgeArrester : Surge arrester function.
        • tapChanger : Tapchanger function.
        • thermometer : Thermometer function.
        • waveTrap : Wave trap function.
        • opticalFiber : Optical fiber cable function.
        • umbilical : Umbilical cable function.
        • opticalGroundWire : Optical ground wire function.


      Description of the assets cooling method or principles.

        • typeOfCooling : String Public, Type of transformer cooling class (four letter code ONAN, ONAF etc.) or any other cooling type or system used on the asset.


      Dimensions and weight of an asset.

        • metricType : ContextKind Public, The kind of context dimension and weight applies to.
        • productDiameter : Length Public, Diameter of product.
        • productHieght : Length Public, Height of product.
        • productLength : Length Public, Length of product.
        • productWeight : Mass Public, Weight of product.
        • productWidth : Length Public, Width of product.


      Information about protective measures against corrosion used on the asset surface.

        • minSoundPressureLevel : Pressure Public, Lowest possible sound pressure level in dB(A) according to IEC 60076-10.


      Information about sound emission from the asset during normal operation.

        • galvanizationThickness : Length Public, Thickness of galvanization on the asset surface.
        • paintThickness : Length Public, Thickness of paint on the asset surface.


      Extension to Medium

        • kind : DIGINMediumKind Public, Kind of this medium.


      Replacement of enumeration MediumKind for the purpose of extending MediumKind attributes.

        • vacuum : Public, Vacuum.


Domain has general extensions related UnitSymbol and DataTypes.

      UML Class Diagram


      Replacement of enumeration UnitSymbol for the purpose of extending UnitSymbol attributes.

        • kgPerm : Public, Linear density in kilogram/meter (kg/m). The unit can be used to describe the weight per length without taking the cross-section of the object into consideration.


      Replacement of DataType Mass for the purpose of correcting the DataType. As the standard has used unit "g", which is not supported. DIGINMass uses unit "kg" which is supported.

        • multiplier : UnitMuliplier Public
        • unit : DIGINUnitSymbol = kg Public
        • value : Float, Public


      Force in newtons.

        • multiplier : UnitMuliplier Public
        • unit : DIGINUnitSymbol = N Public
        • value : Float, Public


      Mass per length. Enables specification of weight without details of the cross-section.

        • multiplier : UnitMuliplier Public
        • unit : DIGINUnitSymbol = kgPerm Public
        • value : Float, Public

Product Extensions

The DIGIN teams has made a following prioritisation of the development product extentions. The details of the extention in terms of UML diagrams and XML schema are also presented.

Tags related to development

completed means the extension task has finalised by the development team and open for discussion and further enhancement,

planned means the given product is next target development, and

inprogress means the given product is in enhancement phase

no extension required mean there is no foreseen extension associated to the given product


PowerTransformer (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Extension of TransformerTankInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • insolutionType : TransformerTankInsulationKind Public, Kind of insulation used in the transformer tank.


        Enumeration «DIGIN» in package 'DIGINTransformer'.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • dry-type : Public
          • gas-filled : Public
          • liquid-immersed : Public

End Devices

EndDevice (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Communication module data sheet information.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • direction : ComDirectionKind Public, Communication module direction.
          • technology : ComTechnologyKind Public, Communication module technology kind.


        Extension to EndDeviceCapability.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • HANPort : Boolean Public, True if HAN port is available.


        Extension to EndDeviceInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • registerCount : Integer Public, The number of registers associated with an end device.


Cables (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • combined : Public
          • stranded : Public
          • tape : Public


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • concentric : Public
          • triangle : Public


        The information of the common outer layer of the multicore cable.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • armourMaterialType : CableArmourMaterialKind Public, Material of the armour.
          • multicoreConstructionKind : MulticoreCableConstructionKind Public, Kind of construftion of multicore cable.
          • innerRadiusFromCentre : Length Public, Inner radius of multicore cable measured from the center.
          • phaseReactance50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Reactance per length at 50Hz.
          • shieldKind : MulticoreCableShieldKind Public, A kind of shielding.
          • thicknessArmour : Length Public, The thickness of the armour.
          • thicknessInnerJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the inner jacket. If it doesnot exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessInnerScreen : Length Public, Thickness of semi-conducting layer (generally referred to as screen).
          • thicknessOuterJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the outer jacket. If it does not exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessShield : Length Public, The thickness of the shield.


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • galvanizedSteel : Public


        Extension of CableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • nominalCapacitance : CapacitancePerLength Public, Nominal capacitance per length of the cable.
          • ratedShortCircuitCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, One second rated short circuit current.
          • ratedVoltage : Voltage Public, Rated Voltage.
          • pullForce : Force Public, Maximum applied pulling force.
          • bendRadius : Length Public, Minimum bending radius.


        Extension of ConcentricNeutralCableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • neutralStrandXAC50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Concentric neutral reactance at 50hz. It is an AC component.


        Extension of WireInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • totalWeigthPerLength : MassPerLength Public, Weight in kg per meter of a wire.
          • typeDesignation : String Public, A string that defines the code of the wire as per the standard EN50182 ( for bare wires) or CENELEC HD 361 S4 (for cables) or any other regional or local standard.


        Information of bundled cable.


        An optical fibre cable.

Conductors (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • combined : Public
          • stranded : Public
          • tape : Public


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • concentric : Public
          • triangle : Public


        The information of the common outer layer of the multicore cable.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • armourMaterialType : CableArmourMaterialKind Public, Material of the armour.
          • multicoreConstructionKind : multicoreCableConstructionKind Public, Kind of construftion of multicore cable.
          • innerRadiusFromCentre : Length Public, Inner radius of multicore cable measured from the center.
          • phaseReactance50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Reactance per length at 50Hz.
          • shieldKind : MulticoreCableShieldKind Public, A kind of shielding.
          • thicknessArmour : Length Public, The thickness of the armour.
          • thicknessInnerJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the inner jacket. If it doesnot exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessInnerScreen : Length Public, Thickness of semi-conducting layer (generally referred to as screen).
          • thicknessOuterJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the outer jacket. If it does not exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessShield : Length Public, The thickness of the shield.


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • galvanizedSteel : Public


        Extension of CableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • nominalCapacitance : CapacitancePerLength Public, Nominal capacitance per length of the cable.
          • ratedShortCircuitCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, One second rated short circuit current.
          • ratedVoltage : Voltage Public, Rated Voltage.
          • pullForce : Force Public, Maximum applied pulling force.
          • bendRadius : Length Public, Minimum bending radius.


        Extension of ConcentricNeutralCableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • neutralStrandXAC50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Concentric neutral reactance at 50hz. It is an AC component.


        Extension of WireInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • totalWeigthPerLength : MassPerLength Public, Weight in kg per meter of a wire.
          • typeDesignation : String Public, A string that defines the code of the wire as per the standard EN50182 ( for bare wires) or CENELEC HD 361 S4 (for cables) or any other regional or local standard.


        Information of bundled cable.


        An optical fibre cable.

EarthGroundWire (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • combined : Public
          • stranded : Public
          • tape : Public


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • concentric : Public
          • triangle : Public


        The information of the common outer layer of the multicore cable.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • armourMaterialType : CableArmourMaterialKind Public, Material of the armour.
          • multicoreConstructionKind : multicoreCableConstructionKind Public, Kind of construftion of multicore cable.
          • innerRadiusFromCentre : Length Public, Inner radius of multicore cable measured from the center.
          • phaseReactance50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Reactance per length at 50Hz.
          • shieldKind : MulticoreCableShieldKind Public, A kind of shielding.
          • thicknessArmour : Length Public, The thickness of the armour.
          • thicknessInnerJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the inner jacket. If it doesnot exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessInnerScreen : Length Public, Thickness of semi-conducting layer (generally referred to as screen).
          • thicknessOuterJacket : Length Public, Thickness of the outer jacket. If it does not exist, then value shall be 0.
          • thicknessShield : Length Public, The thickness of the shield.


        Enumeration Class.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • galvanizedSteel : Public


        Extension of CableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • nominalCapacitance : CapacitancePerLength Public, Nominal capacitance per length of the cable.
          • ratedShortCircuitCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, One second rated short circuit current.
          • ratedVoltage : Voltage Public, Rated Voltage.
          • pullForce : Force Public, Maximum applied pulling force.
          • bendRadius : Length Public, Minimum bending radius.


        Extension of ConcentricNeutralCableInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • neutralStrandXAC50 : ReactancePerLength Public, Concentric neutral reactance at 50hz. It is an AC component.


        Extension of WireInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • totalWeigthPerLength : MassPerLength Public, Weight in kg per meter of a wire.
          • typeDesignation : String Public, A string that defines the code of the wire as per the standard EN50182 ( for bare wires) or CENELEC HD 361 S4 (for cables) or any other regional or local standard.


        Information of bundled cable.


        An optical fibre cable.


Disconnector (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Extension of SwitchInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • capacitiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum capacitive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • gasWeightPerTank : DIGINMass Public, The weight of the gas used per tank.
          • inductiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum inductive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • powerLoss : ActivePower Public, Switch power loss in Watt.
          • ratedPeakCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, Maximum prospective peak withstand current.
          • ratedShortCircuitMakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum short circuit current a breaking device can make safely under prescribed conditions of use.


        Switch test info.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • temperature : Temperature Public, Temperature at which the test is conducted.


        The results and test conditions per switch phase.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • closingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the closing device (e.g. closing coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts touch each other in all poles.
          • openingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the opening release (e.g. coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts have separated at all poles.
          • phase : PhaseCode Public, Tested phase.
          • r : Resistance Public, Phase contact resistance.
          • testVoltage : Voltage Public, Applied coil voltage under the test.

GroundDisconnector (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Extension of SwitchInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • capacitiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum capacitive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • gasWeightPerTank : DIGINMass Public, The weight of the gas used per tank.
          • inductiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum inductive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • powerLoss : ActivePower Public, Switch power loss in Watt.
          • ratedPeakCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, Maximum prospective peak withstand current.
          • ratedShortCircuitMakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum short circuit current a breaking device can make safely under prescribed conditions of use.


        Switch test info.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • temperature : Temperature Public, Temperature at which the test is conducted.


        The results and test conditions per switch phase.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • closingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the closing device (e.g. closing coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts touch each other in all poles.
          • openingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the opening release (e.g. coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts have separated at all poles.
          • phase : PhaseCode Public, Tested phase.
          • r : Resistance Public, Phase contact resistance.
          • testVoltage : Voltage Public, Applied coil voltage under the test.

Jumper (inprogress)

Fuse (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Fuse datasheet information.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • applicationType : String Public, Fuse application type according to standards. Eg. 'gG', 'aM'.
          • maxBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, Current in ampere^2 seconds for maximum breaking capacity test at voltage according to IEC 60269-1 and IEC 60269-2 requirements.
          • minPreArcingCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, Minimum Pre-arcing current in Amps^2 seconds.
          • sizeType : String Public, Fuse dimensions according to standards. E.g 'NH1', 'NH00', 'D01' tec.


        Fuse melting times in seconds as a function of prospective current in ampere. Relationship between melting times (Y1-axis) vs. unit current(X-axis).


        Maximum cut off current i kA as a function of prospective short circuit current in kA. Relationship between cut off current (Y1-axis) vs. unit prospective short circuit current (X-axis).

Breaker (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Extension of SwitchInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • capacitiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum capacitive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • gasWeightPerTank : DIGINMass Public, The weight of the gas used per tank.
          • inductiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum inductive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • powerLoss : ActivePower Public, Switch power loss in Watt.
          • ratedPeakCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, Maximum prospective peak withstand current.
          • ratedShortCircuitMakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum short circuit current a breaking device can make safely under prescribed conditions of use.


        Switch test info.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • temperature : Temperature Public, Temperature at which the test is conducted.


        The results and test conditions per switch phase.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • closingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the closing device (e.g. closing coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts touch each other in all poles.
          • openingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the opening release (e.g. coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts have separated at all poles.
          • phase : PhaseCode Public, Tested phase.
          • r : Resistance Public, Phase contact resistance.
          • testVoltage : Voltage Public, Applied coil voltage under the test.

Recloser (inprogress)

LoadBreakSwitch (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Extension of SwitchInfo.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • capacitiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum capacitive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • gasWeightPerTank : DIGINMass Public, The weight of the gas used per tank.
          • inductiveBreakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum inductive current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
          • powerLoss : ActivePower Public, Switch power loss in Watt.
          • ratedPeakCurrent : CurrentFlow Public, Maximum prospective peak withstand current.
          • ratedShortCircuitMakingCapacity : CurrentFlow Public, The maximum short circuit current a breaking device can make safely under prescribed conditions of use.


        Switch test info.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • temperature : Temperature Public, Temperature at which the test is conducted.


        The results and test conditions per switch phase.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • closingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the closing device (e.g. closing coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts touch each other in all poles.
          • openingTime : Seconds Public, The time interval from the opening release (e.g. coil) is activated to the instant when the arcing contacts have separated at all poles.
          • phase : PhaseCode Public, Tested phase.
          • r : Resistance Public, Phase contact resistance.
          • testVoltage : Voltage Public, Applied coil voltage under the test.

InterrupterUnit (no extension required)

OperatingMechanism (no extension required)

Auxiliary Equipment

CurrentTransformer (planned)


PotentialTransformer (planned)





Structure Devices







Connector (planned)

Clamp (planned)

Termination (planned)

Joint (planned)

Bushing (completed)


        UML Class Diagram

        Profile Diagram


        Test result for a bushing, such as capacitance and power factor.

        • ATTRIBUTES
          • c1Capacitance : Capacitance Public, Factory measured capacitance, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.
          • c1PowerFactor : PerCent Public, Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.
          • c2Capacitance : Capacitance Public, Factory measured capacitance measured between the power factor tap and ground.
          • c2PowerFactor : PerCent Public, Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and ground.
          • temperature : Temperature Public, Temperature at which the test is conducted.


SeriesCompensator (no extension required)

ShuntCompensator (no extension required)

PetersenCoil (inprogress)

Protection Equipment




See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Tools and Examples


XSD Diagram

  • XSD Diagram is a free Xml Schema Definition (XSD) diagram viewer for Windows written in C# Framework.NET 2.0.

  • This program is free software and may be distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

  • The latest source code is available at

  • For download and use, follow the instruction at


  • CIMTool is an open source tool that supports the Common Information Model (CIM) standards used in the electric power industry. It is potentially useful for other semantic applications too. CIMTool can be downloaded in several forms from the


  • This product is an opensource product governed by a group of companies under the leadership of ENTSO-E.

  • You can get the source code on request under the GPL license CeCill-B ( manuals), however, you can download the addins from

  • CimConteXtor is an add-in to “Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect” (EA) product which exists since 2010.

  • It extends EA functionalities by providing a framework that allows creation and management of UML profiles "based on" existing UML models, and helps you to do these profiles according to a rigorous methodology that is explained in the Annex of CimConteXtor user manual.

DIGIN Energi Validation Tool

  • As a part of the DIGIN Energi, DNV has developed a XML validator for validating a XML file against a XSD file. The validation results a written in a text file which can be opened and viewed by any text editor (e.g. notepad).
  • The validation can be done in 2 ways, with or without self-provided xml schema.
  • The tool is open source and can be downloaded from


Example of DSO Transformer Specification

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m:AssetCatalogue xmlns:m="" 
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../Schema/DIGINProfile_iec61968_part4_TransformerProductData_v026.xsd ">
			<m:name>22_415_500 Model</m:name>
				<m:minSoundPressureLevel unit="dB">60</m:minSoundPressureLevel>
						<m:ratedS unit="VA" multiplier="k">500</m:ratedS>
						<m:ratedU unit="V" multiplier="k">22</m:ratedU>
							<m:loss unit="W">500</m:loss></m:EnergisedEndNoLoadTests>
							<m:power unit="VA">4000</m:power>
						<m:ratedS unit="VA" multiplier="k">500</m:ratedS>
						<m:ratedU unit="V">415</m:ratedU></m:TransformerEndInfos>

Example of Manufacturer Transformer Shipment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m:AssetCatalogue xmlns:m="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../Schema/DIGINProfile_iec61968_part4_TransformerProductData_v026.xsd ">
			<m:name>Distribution Transformer 0123</m:name>
					<m:name>TransformerOil Type 4</m:name>
				<m:volumeSpec unit="m3">370</m:volumeSpec></m:Medium></m:Asset>
					<m:name>Cooling Option 2</m:name>
					<m:name>Metrics Transformer</m:name>
				<m:productHeight unit="m" multiplier="m">1522</m:productHeight>
				<m:productLength unit="m" multiplier="m">1167</m:productLength>
				<m:productWeight unit="kg">1832</m:productWeight>
				<m:productWidth unit="m" multiplier="m">855</m:productWidth>
				<m:minSoundPressureLevel unit="dB">58</m:minSoundPressureLevel>
				<m:galvanisationThickness unit="m" multiplier="micro">40</m:galvanisationThickness>
				<m:paintThickness unit="m" multiplier="micro">80</m:paintThickness>
					<m:name>Manufacturer X inc</m:name>
						<m:ratedS unit="VA" multiplier="k">500</m:ratedS>
						<m:ratedU unit="V" multiplier="k">22</m:ratedU>
								<m:name>No Load Test 001</m:name>
							<m:energisedEndVoltage unit="V" multiplier="k">22</m:energisedEndVoltage>
							<m:loss unit="W">532</m:loss></m:EnergisedEndNoLoadTests>
								<m:name>Open Circuit Test 001</m:name>
							<m:energisedEndVoltage unit="V" multiplier="k">22</m:energisedEndVoltage></m:EnergisedEndOpenCircuitTests>
								<m:name>Short Circuit Test 001</m:name>
							<m:power unit="VA">3978</m:power>
						<m:ratedS unit="VA" multiplier="k">500</m:ratedS>
						<m:ratedU unit="V">415</m:ratedU>
								<m:name>Short Circuit Test 001</m:name>
								<m:name>Open Circuit Test 001</m:name>
							<m:openEndVoltage unit="V">415</m:openEndVoltage>
							<m:phaseShift unit="deg">30</m:phaseShift></m:OpenEndOpenCircuitTests></m:TransformerEndInfos>
					<m:name>Tap Changer model 987</m:name>

Example of Circuitbreaker

Example of Disconnector

Example of Fuse

Example of Bushing

Example of Cable


Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022 DIGIN Energi, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software and may be distributed according to the terms of the MIT License.

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Prosjektleder: Stefan Kunz, Elvia

Email: [email protected]

DIGIN Project Link:

GitHub Project Link:


Following versions are available from DIGIN Produktdata

Version Type Description
050 beta General updates: Medium associated to AssetInfo, removed from Asset. DIGINMediumkind extension with vacuum. Functionkind extended. UnitSymbol extension. Datatypes extensions DIGINMass, Force, MassPerLength. Product updates: Extensions CableInfo, WireInfo, SwitchInfo, FuseInfo, BushingInfo. No extensions required to InterrupterUnitInfo, OperatingMechanismInfo, SeriesCompensatorInfo, ShuntCompensatorInfo. OverheadWireInfo removed.
042 beta Updated naming of MulticoreCabeInfo and BundledCableInfo. Included multicoreConstructionKind attribute in MulticoreCableInfo. Included functionKind, mRID and name attributes for BundledCableInfo.
041 beta assetKind Enumeration in AssetInfo is changed to functionKind and an association is created by AssetInfo and Asset class.
040 beta MulticoreCableInfo, OpticalFibreCableInfo and BundledCableInfo with its respective enumerations and attributes are extended.
030 beta EndDevice extension is added. ComModuleInfo a new class added
027 beta Multiplicity of MetricInfo are changed as pec IEC WG recommendation. minSoundPressureLEvel type is changed to Pressure because we are allowed to changed the initial value and multiplier and symbol. NEK attributes extensions are added to CableInfo, WireInfo, ShuntCompensator, OverheadWireInfo and SwitchInfo. Attribute LifecycleDate in Asset is added. TransformerTest attributes (basePower and temperature) are added.
026 beta Some attributes are added to Asset class and it is generalized to NEKAsset class to incorporate other relevent attributes.
025 dev AssetinfoContainer, AssetSpecification and related extension classes e.g. MetricInfo and power transformer product related classes were extended

The versioning of the file within Produktdata follow a scheme, that is:

DIGINProfile _ iecCIMPackage _ partpart# _ ProfileName/ProfileExtensionIdentifier _ cimversion _ vABC . format

For example


Item Description
CIMPackage Corresponding CIM Package i.e., 61968 in the example
part# Corresponding part of the package which defines the profile which is under extension. Otherwise, if the developed profile is absolute new extension by DIGIN then the part of the package need to identified to which it can be closely related.
ProfileName/ ProfileExtensionIdentifier Name of the existing profile or newly created profile or a profile which only focus to specific extension within the profile identified as a scenario within a defined usecase.
cimversion The version of cim IEC TC57 metamodel, currently used verion is cim100
ABC Version number in three-digit format, e.g., v001 means version of the developement in produktdata # 0.0.1

Following rules shall be used to change the versioning numbers ABC :

Verified and approved version for the given profile or usecase scenario ition for target extension Changes in Class, Enumeration class, Diagrams, and Package Changes in Attribute, Enumeration literal, Association, and Association end

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This is the repository of information models developed under the use-case of DIGN-Energi Produktdata workstream







No packages published
