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Dirk Hoffmann edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Ways to compute an Amiga EXE file to an ADF:

Script using xdftool:

xdftool kyrios.adf format kyrios
xdftool kyrios.adf write kyrios.exe
xdftool kyrios.adf write s
xdftool kyrios.adf boot install

s is a directory with a single file called startup-sequence:

$ cd s
$ less startup-sequence 

Another way:

adfcreate sample.adf
adfinst sample.adf
adfcopy sample.adf someplainexe /
adfmakedir sample.adf s
adfcopy sample.adf startup-sequence s

startup-sequence file contained "someplainexe"

The adf toolset is from the /bin folder in

Usage: adfcreate [OPTIONS]... FILE... Create and format new adf-files.

-f, --file-system=INT	file-system for the disk
                     	  0 - OFS (default)
                     	  1 - FFS
                     	  2 - I-OFS
                     	  3 - I-FFS
                     	  4 - DC-OFS
                     	  5 - DC-FFS
-H  --hd             	format with high density
-l, --label=NAME     	use NAME as disk label
-h, --help           	display this help and exit
-V, --version        	display version information and exit

The sources are here:

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