composer require anlutro/curl
- pick the latest version number from Packagist or the GitHub tag list.
$curl = new anlutro\cURL\cURL;
// the raw body from the response is returned
$html = $curl->get('');
// easily build an url with a query string
$url = $curl->buildUrl('', ['s' => 'curl']);
$html = $curl->get($url);
// post() takes an array of POST data
$url = $curl->buildUrl('', ['api_key' => 'my_api_key']);
$data = $curl->post($url, ['post' => 'data']);
// add a header before sending a request
$curl->addHeader('Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==');
// get headers from the response
$allHeaders = $curl->getHeaders();
$header = $curl->getHeaders('Accept-Charset');
Comes with a Laravel service provider and facade. Add anlutro\cURL\Laravel\cURLServiceProvider
to the array of providers in app/config/app.php
, and (optionally) add 'cURL' => 'anlutro\cURL\Laravel\cURL'
to the array of aliases in the same file.