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Salt Package Builder (salt-pack)

Salt-pack is an open-source package builder for most commonly used Linux platforms, for example: Redhat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu families, utilizing SaltStack states and execution modules to build Salt and a specified set of dependencies, from which a platform specific repository can be built.

Salt-pack relies on SaltStack’s Master-Minion functionality to build the desired packages and repository, and can install the required tools to build the packages and repository for that platform.

The Salt state file which drives the building process is found in salt/states/, which provides a typical salt virtual interface to perform the build process. The virtual interface is satisfied by execution modules for the appropriate supported platform, for example :

Redhat / CentOS : salt/modules/

Debian / Ubuntu : salt/modules/

The Redhat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu platform families build process are internally specified differently, however the external build commands are the same, with keyword arguments for platform specification, for example: rhel6, ubuntu1204.

The salt-pack project is maintained in GitHub at


The building of packages is controlled by SLS state files for the various platforms, which in turn are at the leaf node of a directory tree describing the package name and version. For example :

file_roots / pkg / <pkg name> / <version> / OS /


File / Directory Description
init.sls Initialisation SLS file describing what is to be built. Note that this can include files obtained over the Internet.
spec Directory containing file[s] describing the building of the package for this platform OS, e.g. rpm spec file for Redhat, dsc file or tarball for Debian/Ubuntu.
source various source files to be used in building the package, for example: salt-2015.8.5.tar.gz.
Operating System(OS) Description
rhel7 Redhat 7
rhel6 Redhat 6
rhel5 Redhat
debian8 Debian 8 (jessie)
debian7 Debian 7 (wheezy)
ubuntu1604 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
ubuntu1404 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
ubuntu1204 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

For example:



Currently the Redhat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu platforms are internally built differently. The Redhat/CentOS builds are pillar data driven state files (pkgbuild.sls contained in pillar_roots) and makes heavy use of Jinja macro’s to define the package to be built, the location of sources and the output that should be produced when the build succeeds. The Debian/Ubuntu builds are driven only driven by the state files and their contents. The Debian/Ubuntu builds shall eventually also be driven by pillar data, similar to Redhat/CentOS, but to date there has been insufficient time to achieve this goal.

Packages can be built individually or make use of Salt’s state.highstate to build the salt package and all of its dependencies.

There are currently three highstate SLS files for the three main platforms. These files are as follows:

redhat_pkg.sls debian_pkg.sls ubuntu_pkg.sls

Specific versions of these files for salt builds can be found in directory file_roots/versions/<salt version/ , e.g. file_roots/2015_8_8/redhat_pkg.sls and can be specified on the command line, as shown in examples below.

The current families of operating systems, Redhat/CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu have default assumptions as to the most current for those platforms, with older versions being specified by use of command line pillar data. The default values can be overridden by using build_release keyword.

Platform Default Overrides
Redhat / CentOS rhel7 rhel6, rhel5
Debian debian8 debian7
Ubuntu ubuntu1604 ubuntu1404, ubuntu1204

The pillar data to drive the build process for Redhat can be found in the following locations:

pillar_roots / pkgbuild.sls pillar_roots / versions / <version> / pkgbuild.sls

If the file pillar_roots / pkgbuild.sls has the field build_version set, then the file pillar_roots / versions / build_version / pkgbuild.sls is utilized in the building of Redhat packages.


The tools required to build salt and it’s dependencies for the various minions and their operating system/platform is handled by state files and macros which can be found in the setup directory and it’s respective operating system/platform sub-directories.

For example to install the required tools for Redhat 6, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 12 based minions, respectively :

salt rh6_minion state.sls setup.redhat.rhel6 salt jessie_minion state.sls setup.debian.debian8 salt ubuntu12_minion state.sls setup.ubuntu.ubuntu12

The files used to install the tools for each platform are as follows:


Jinja macro file describing build destination, build user, and platform packages to use for highstate.


Helper macro definitions utilized in building Salt and it’s dependencies from pillar data (provided by pkgbuild.sls). Currently utilized by Redhat/CentOS build state files.



Helper macro definitions for building Redhat 5, 6 and 7 releases


Common Redhat initialization state files that install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies, for example: mock, rpmdevtools, createrepo, etc.




Initialization state files install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies.



Helper macro definitions for building Debian 8 (jessie) and 7 (wheezy) releases.


Common Debian initialization state files that install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies, for example: build-essential, dh-make, pbuilder, debhelper, devscripts, etc.



Initialization state files install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies, install apt-preferences, pbuilder hooks, other repositories to access, etc.



Helper macro definitions for building Ubuntu releases.


Common ubuntu initialization state files that install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies, for example: build-essential, dh-make, pbuilder, debhelper, devscripts, gnupg, gnupg-agent, python-gnupg, etc.




Initialization state files install the relevant platform tools on the minion to build salt and it’s dependencies, install apt-preferences, pbuilder hooks, other repositories to access, etc.

Command line Pillar overrides

The build and it’s build product can be controlled by various pillar data on the command line.

The following are command line pillar data overrides available for controlling build releases, destinations, architectures, versions, etc. These keys and values are typically defined in base_map.jinja, and platform’s macro.jinja files. Note: the default for a platform is typically the newest for that platform, for example: the current default for the Ubuntu platform is ubuntu1604, previously it was ubuntu1404, however once Ubuntu 16.04 LTS was released, the default became ubuntu1604.

Key Values Default Description
build_dest Any absolute path /srv/pkgs Path describing location to place the product of the build.
build_runas Any user Redhat / CentOS - builder User to use when building - non-root on Redhat and CentOS platforms.
Debian / Ubuntu - root Currently root on Debian and Ubuntu platforms (eventually shall allow for non-root building)
build_version Any format not containing ‘.’ none Typically version of package with dot ( ‘.’ ) replaced by underscore ( ‘_’ ) to accommodate Salt parsing, for example: 2015_8_8 for 2015.8.8, 1_0_3 for 1.0.3
build_release rhel7, rhel6, rhel5 rhel7 Redhat / CentOS platforms
debian8, debian7 debian8 Debian platforms
ubuntu1604, ubuntu1404, ubuntu1204 ubuntu1604 Ubuntu platforms
build_arch i386, x86_64 x86_64 Redhat / CentOS platforms
amd64 amd64 Debian platforms
amd64 amd64 Ubuntu platforms


The tools required to create repositories for salt and it’s dependencies for the various platforms are handled by state files and macros which can be found in the repo directory.

For example to create a repository for Redhat 6, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 12 based minions, respectively :

salt rh6_minion state.sls repo.redhat.rhel6 pillar='{ "keyid" : "ABCDEF12", "build_release" : "rhel6" }' salt jessie_minion state.sls repo.debian.debian8 pillar='{ "keyid" : "ABCDEF12" }' salt wheezy_minion state.sls repo.debian.debian7 pillar='{ "keyid" : "ABCDEF12" , "build_release" : "debian7" }' salt ubuntu12_minion state.sls setup.ubuntu.ubuntu12 pillar='{ "build_release" : "ubuntu1204" }'

Where the keyid to sign the repository built is an example value ABCDEF12, and where the platform is other than the default, the build release is specified.

Signing of packages and repositories can now performed automatically utilizing Public and Private keys supplied via pillar data, with an optional passphrase supplied from pillar data on the command line. In the case of Debian / Ubuntu this is achieved by the use of gpg-agent to cache the key and pass-phase, which is utilized when signing the packages and repository.

Signing Process

1 The signing process utilizes gpg keys, the Public and Private keys are held in a pillar data file name gpg_keys.sls under pillar_roots, with id's and values shown in the example are significant, contents as follows :

    gpg_pkg_priv_key: |
      Version: GnuPG v1
    gpg_pkg_priv_keyname: gpg_pkg_key.pem
    gpg_pkg_pub_key: |
      Version: GnuPG v1
      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
    gpg_pkg_pub_keyname: gpg_pkg_key

2 Pillar data file gpg_keys.sls is loaded and presented to the relevant minions securely. For example, the contents of a top file loading the gpg_keys.sls :

base:   '*':
    - gpg_keys
    - pkgbuild

3 Before signing the built packages and creating the repository, ensure that the User has sufficient access right to the directory containing the packages and where the repository is to be created or updated. This is easliy achieved by a SaltStack state file: for example on Debian systems, repo/debian/init.sls :

 {% import "setup/debian/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}

    - name: {{buildcfg.build_dest_dir}}
    - user: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - group: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - dir_mode: 755
    - file_mode: 644
    - recurse:
        - user
        - group
        - mode

4 Optional parameters for signing packages is controlled from each platform's init.sls repo state file. It allows for whether a passphrase is used, the particular directory for the Public and Private keys to be found (transferred securely from the salt-master as pillar data). Examples for Redhat 6, Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8 based minions can be found in the respective files :

repo/redhat/rhel7/init.sls repo/ubuntu/ubuntu1404/init.sls repo/debian/debian8/init.sls

Example contents from Debian 8's init.sls state file :

{% import "setup/debian/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}

{% set repo_keyid = pillar.get('keyid', 'None') %}

  - repo.debian

{% if repo_keyid != 'None' %}
    - keyid: {{repo_keyid}}
    - use_passphrase: True
    - gnupghome: {{buildcfg.build_gpg_keydir}}
    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}} 
 {% endif %}
    - env:
        OPTIONS : 'ask-passphrase'
        ORIGIN : 'SaltStack'
        LABEL : 'salt_debian8'
        SUITE: 'stable'
        CODENAME : 'jessie'
        ARCHS : 'amd64 i386 source'
        COMPONENTS : 'main'
        DESCRIPTION : 'SaltStack Debian 8 package repo'

Example contents from Redhat 6's init.sls state.file :

{% import "setup/redhat/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}

{% set repo_keyid = pillar.get('keyid', 'None') %}

  - repo.redhat

    - order: last 
{% if repo_keyid != 'None' %}
    - keyid: {{repo_keyid}}
    - use_passphrase: True
    - gnupghome: {{buildcfg.build_gpg_keydir}}
    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - env:
        ORIGIN : 'SaltStack' 
{% endif %}

Debian / Ubuntu Signing Process

  1. Debian / Ubuntu platforms leverage gpg-agent when signing packages and creating repositories. The gpg-agent is installed and executed as part of the setup process on Debian / Ubuntu. For example on a Debian 8 platform's init.sls state file, the inclusion of an additional include statement :
  - setup.debian
  - setup.debian.gpg_agent

As part of the setup process, the Public and Private keys are also imported by the gpg_agent.sls state file.


The packages directory contains all of the various dependencies and salt, listed initially by name, version and platforms for that version. For example :

Each platform directory consists of an init.sls state file, a spec directory and an optional sources directory, as follows :

State file / directory Description
init.sls describes the package and version being build for that platform, its dependencies and expected results.
spec appropriate information for defining the building of package that is being performed on the specific platform, for example: spec file for rpm, dsc for Debian/Ubuntu, tarball containing control files, etc. describing what is being build for Debian/Ubuntu (used for Salt)
sources optional directory containing sources and dependencies for the package being built. Not required if all sources are obtained over the network. For example: pkg/python-timelib/0_2_4/rhel7 requires no sources since in init.sls, the macro expands to obtain the sources from
For example: package python-timelib, version 0.2.4

└── 0_2_4

    ├── debian7

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   ├── sources

    │   │   ├── timelib_0.2.4-1.debian.tar.xz

    │   │   └── timelib_0.2.4.orig.tar.gz

    │   └── spec

    │       └── timelib_0.2.4-1.dsc

    ├── debian8

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   ├── sources

    │   │   ├── timelib_0.2.4-1.debian.tar.xz

    │   │   └── timelib_0.2.4.orig.tar.gz

    │   └── spec

    │       └── timelib_0.2.4-1.dsc

    ├── rhel5

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   ├── sources

    │   │   └──

    │   └── spec

    │       └── python-timelib.spec

    ├── rhel6

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   ├── sources

    │   │   └──

    │   └── spec

    │       └── python-timelib.spec

    ├── rhel7

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   └── spec

    │       └── python-timelib.spec

    ├── ubuntu1204

    │   ├── init.sls

    │   ├── sources

    │   │   ├── timelib_0.2.4-1.debian.tar.xz

    │   │   └── timelib_0.2.4.orig.tar.gz

    │   └── spec

    │       └── timelib_0.2.4-1.dsc

    └── ubuntu1404

        ├── init.sls

        ├── sources

        │   ├── timelib_0.2.4-1.debian.tar.xz

        │   └── timelib_0.2.4.orig.tar.gz

        └── spec

            └── timelib_0.2.4-1.dsc

Layout of Init.sls

The init.sls file satifies the requirements of the state file, which is defined by a Yaml file, as follows :



-   runas: <username>
-   force: <True | False - indication if build, regardless of existing build product>
-   results: <expected product of the build process>
-   dest_dir: <directory to place the product of the build process>
-   spec: < path to the package's spec file >
-   template: jinja
-   tgt: <target for the build process>
-   sources: <sources need to build package>

Redhat - init.sls and pkgbuild.sls

On Redhat the build process is driven by pillar data present in pkgbuild.sls (or the versioned pkgbuild.sls if build_version is active), and macro expansions of that pillar data in init.sls. The pkgbuild.sls file contains pillar data for rhel7, rhel6 and rhel5 platforms, defining salt and it’s dependencies and their dependencies for that platform.

For example, the section of pillar data information to build salt on rhel7 in pkgbuild.sls is as follows :

      version: 2015.8.8-1
      noarch: True
        - python-crypto
        - python-msgpack
        - python-yaml
        - python-requests
        - python-pyzmq
        - python-markupsafe
        - python-tornado
        - python-futures
        - python-libcloud
        - salt
        - salt-master
        - salt-minion
        - salt-syndic
        - salt-api
        - salt-cloud
        - salt-ssh

This section details the following fields:

: version of salt to build

: architecture independent

: dependencies required by salt, these are build if not already built before attempting to build salt

results : expected product of building salt

The salt init.sls file for Redhat 7 is as follows, and is primarily driven by using jinja templating and macros to fill the contents of the various fields required by the init.sls :

{% import "setup/redhat/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}
{% import "setup/macros.jinja" as macros with context %}
{% set pkg_data = salt["pillar.get"]("pkgbuild_registry:" ~ buildcfg.build_release, {}) %}
{% set force = salt["pillar.get"]("pkgbuild_force.all", False) or salt["pillar.get"]("pkgbuild_force." ~ slspath, False) %}
{% set sls_name = "salt" %}
{% set pypi_name = sls_name %}

{% set pkg_info = pkg_data.get(sls_name, {}) %}
{% if "version" in pkg_info %}
  {% set pkg_name = pkg_info.get("name", sls_name) %}
  {% set version, release = pkg_info["version"].split("-", 1) %}
  {% if pkg_info.get("noarch", False) %}
    {% set arch = "noarch" %}
  {% else %}
    {% set arch = buildcfg.build_arch %}
  {% endif %}

{{ macros.includes(sls_name, pkg_data) }}

    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - force: {{force}}
{{ macros.results(sls_name, pkg_data) }}
    - dest_dir: {{buildcfg.build_dest_dir}}
    - spec: salt://{{slspath}}/spec/{{pkg_name}}.spec
    - template: jinja
    - tgt: {{buildcfg.build_tgt}}
{{ macros.build_deps(sls_name, pkg_data) }}
{{ macros.requires(sls_name, pkg_data) }}

    - sources:
      ## - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-{{version}}.tar.gz
      - {{ macros.pypi_source(pypi_name, version) }}
      - {{ macros.pypi_source("SaltTesting", "2015.7.10") }}
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-common.logrotate
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/README.fedora
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-api
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-api.service
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-api.environment
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-master
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-master.service
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-master.environment
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-minion
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-minion.service
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-minion.environment
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-syndic
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-syndic.service
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-syndic.environment
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}.bash
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{pkg_name}}-{{version}}-tests.patch

{% endif %}

The initial part of the init.sls expands required values which are then used to state the package name (sls_name) and version. Note that the Salt package in this example is retrieved from Python Package Index website, reducing the need to store salt’s versioned tarball (example of using a local salt versioned tarball is commented out). slspath is defined in salt and expands to the package’s location on the Salt Master.

For example, if the base path is /srv/salt for this example, slspath would expand as follows :


Debian / Ubuntu - init.sls

On Debian and Ubuntu the build process has not yet been converted to be driven by pillar data (it is hoped to upgrade to being by pillar data in the future when time allows), it is entirely driven by the init.sls file. Hence, using Salt’s 2015.8.8 init.sls file for Debian 8 as an example :

{% import "setup/debian/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}
{% set force = salt['pillar.get']('build_force.all', False) or salt['pillar.get']('build_force.' ~ slspath, False) %}

{% set name = 'salt' %}
{% set version = '2015.8.8' %}
{% set release_nameadd = '+ds' %}
{% set release_ver = '2' %}

{{name}}-{{version.replace('.', '_')}}:
    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - results:
      - {{name}}_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}.orig.tar.gz
      - {{name}}_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}.dsc
      - {{name}}_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}.debian.tar.xz
      - {{name}}-api_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-cloud_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-common_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-master_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-minion_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-ssh_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-syndic_{{version}}{{release_nameadd}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
    - force: {{force}}
    - dest_dir: {{buildcfg.build_dest_dir}}
    - spec: salt://{{slspath}}/spec/{{name}}_debian.tar.xz
    - tgt: {{buildcfg.build_tgt}}
    - template: jinja
    - sources:
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{name}}-{{version}}.tar.gz

The contents of the init.sls are simpler than that shown for Redhat init.sls files, due to simpler use of jinja templating, however it is planned to eventually update Debian / Ubuntu to be driven by pillar data since this simplifies specifying versions of packages and their dependencies.

Note that salt’s spec file is a tarball containing the various Debian files, such as control, changelog, service files, etc. The spec file can also be a dsc file on Debian and Ubuntu, for example the init.sls for python-urllib3 on Debian 8 :

{% import "setup/debian/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}
{% set force = salt['pillar.get']('build_force.all', False) or salt['pillar.get']('build_force.' ~ slspath, False) %}

{% set pypi_name = 'urllib3' %}
{% set name = 'python-' ~ pypi_name %}
{% set name3 = 'python3-' ~ pypi_name %}
{% set version = '1.10.4' %}
{% set release_ver = '1' %}

{{name}}-{{version.replace('.', '_')}}:
    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
    - results:
      - {{name}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}-whl_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name3}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}_all.deb
      - {{name}}_{{version}}.orig.tar.gz
      - {{name}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}.dsc
      - {{name}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}.debian.tar.xz
    - force: {{force}}
    - dest_dir: {{buildcfg.build_dest_dir}}
    - spec: salt://{{slspath}}/spec/{{name}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}.dsc
    - tgt: {{buildcfg.build_tgt}}
    - template: jinja
    - sources:
      - salt://{{slspath}}/sources/{{name}}_{{version}}.orig.tar.gz
      - salt://{{slspcd ../.ath}}/sources/{{name}}_{{version}}-{{release_ver}}.debian.tar.xz

Building Salt and Dependencies

Individual packages can be built separately or all packages can be built using highstate.

The highstate is controlled by redhat_pkg.sls, debian_pkg.sls and ubuntu_pkg.sls as stated in the Overview, and contain all of the dependencies for salt on that platform, for example Ubuntu :


{% import "setup/ubuntu/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}

{% if buildcfg.build_release == 'ubuntu1604' %}

    - pkg.libsodium.1_0_8.ubuntu1604
    - pkg.python-ioflo.1_5_0.ubuntu1604
    - pkg.python-libnacl.4_1.ubuntu1604
    - pkg.python-raet.0_6_5.ubuntu1604
    - pkg.python-timelib.0_2_4.ubuntu1604
    - pkg.salt.2015_8_8.ubuntu1604

{% elif buildcfg.build_release == 'ubuntu1404' %}

    - pkg.libsodium.1_0_3.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-enum34.1_0_4.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-future.0_14_3.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-futures.3_0_3.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-ioflo.1_3_8.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-libcloud.0_15_1.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-libnacl.4_1.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-raet.0_6_3.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-timelib.0_2_4.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.python-tornado.4_2_1.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.salt.2015_8_8.ubuntu1404
    - pkg.zeromq.4_0_4.ubuntu1404

{% elif buildcfg.build_release == 'ubuntu1204' %}

    - pkg.libsodium.1_0_3.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-backports-ssl_match_hostname.3_4_0_2.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-croniter.0_3_4.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-crypto.2_6_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-enum34.1_0_4.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-future.0_14_3.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-futures.3_0_3.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-ioflo.1_3_8.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-libcloud.0_14_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-libnacl.4_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-msgpack.0_3_0.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-mako.0_7_0.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-pyzmq.14_0_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-raet.0_6_3.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-requests.2_0_0.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-timelib.0_2_4.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-tornado.4_2_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.python-urllib3.1_7_1.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.salt.2015_8_8.ubuntu1204
    - pkg.zeromq.4_0_4.ubuntu1204

{% endif %}

Hence to build salt 2015.8.8 and it’s dependencies for Ubuntu 12.04 and then sign packages and create a repository with a passphrase, using state file repo/ubuntu/ubuntu1204/init.sls:

{% import "setup/ubuntu/map.jinja" as buildcfg %}

{% set repo_keyid = pillar.get('keyid', 'None') %}

  - repo.ubuntu

{% if repo_keyid != 'None' %}
    - keyid: {{repo_keyid}}
    - use_passphrase: True
    - gnupghome: {{buildcfg.build_gpg_keydir}}
    - runas: {{buildcfg.build_runas}}
{% endif %}
    - env:
        OPTIONS : 'ask-passphrase'
        ORIGIN : 'SaltStack'
        LABEL : 'salt_ubuntu12'
        CODENAME : 'precise'
        ARCHS : 'amd64 i386 source'
        COMPONENTS : 'main'
        DESCRIPTION : 'SaltStack Ubuntu 12 package repo'
salt u12m state.highstate pillar='{ "build_dest" : "/srv/ubuntu/2015.8.8/pkgs", "build_release" : "ubuntu1204" , "build_version" : "2015_8_8" }'
salt u12m state.sls repo.ubuntu.ubuntu12  pillar='{ "build_dest" : "/srv/ubuntu/2015.8.8/pkgs", "build_release" : "ubuntu1204", "keyid" : "ABCDEF12" , "build_version" : "2015_8_8", "gpg_passphrase" : "my-pass-phrase" }'

This command shall place the product of building in destination /srv/ubuntu/2015.8.8/pkgs.

Similarly for Redhat 6 32-bit :

salt redhat7_minion state.highstate  pillar='{ "build_dest" : "/srv/redhat/2015.8.8/pkgs", "build_release" : "rhel6", "build_arch" : "i386" , "build_version" : "2015_8_8"  }'
salt redhat7_minion state.sls repo.redhat.rhel6  pillar='{ "build_dest" : "/srv/redhat/2015.8.8/pkgs", "keyid" : "ABCDEF12", "build_release" : "rhel6", "build_arch" : "i386"  , "build_version" : "2015_8_8", "gpg_passphrase" : "my-pass-phrase" }'

To individually build Salt 2015.8.8 for Redhat 7 :

salt redhat7_minion state.sls pkg.salt.2015_8_8.rhel7  pillar='{ "build_dest" : "/srv/redhat/2015.8.8/pkgs" , "build_version" : "2015_8_8" }'

Note: that currently the building of 32-bit packages on Debian and Ubuntu does not work. It had worked in early development of salt-pack but for some as yet undetermined reason it stopped working. Given the movement to 64-bit architectures, 32-bit support is a low priority task.


Salt Package Builder







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