.NET 6 / .NET Standard 2.0 library and tools for reading, writing and manipulating EPUB files.
Supported EPUB versions: 2.0, 3.0, 3.1
Install-Package EpubCore
// Read an epub file
EpubBook book = EpubReader.Read("my.epub");
// Read metadata
string title = book.Title;
string[] authors = book.Authors;
Image cover = book.CoverImage;
// Get table of contents
ICollection<EpubChapter> chapters = book.TableOfContents;
// Get contained files
ICollection<EpubTextFile> html = book.Resources.Html;
ICollection<EpubTextFile> css = book.Resources.Css;
ICollection<EpubByteFile> images = book.Resources.Images;
ICollection<EpubByteFile> fonts = book.Resources.Fonts;
// Convert to plain text
string text = book.ToPlainText();
// Access internal EPUB format specific data structures.
EpubFormat format = book.Format;
OcfDocument ocf = format.Ocf;
OpfDocument opf = format.Opf;
NcxDocument ncx = format.Ncx;
NavDocument nav = format.Nav;
// Create an EPUB
EpubWriter.Write(book, "new.epub");
EpubWriter writer = new EpubWriter();
writer.AddAuthor("Foo Bar");
writer.SetCover(imgData, ImageFormat.Png);
Use the fluent EpubBookBuilder to create your Epub. Much cleaner syntax and easier to understand.
var pathToSaveEPub = "~/myepub.epub";
var uniqueIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var title = "The Title of my EBook";
var author = "Domingo Ladron";
var builder = EpubBookBuilder.Create();
.AddChapter("Chapter 1", "<html><body><h1>It was a dark and stormy night.</h1></body></html>")
As of 1.6.0, I've released a simple but effective epub CLI. This allows you to manipulate Epub files from the command line without needing to do any coding.
For complete details on installing and using the epub
CLI, you can get details here