This is a simple yet powerful api mod. If you ever struggled with rendering your fluid container in Fabric, or tried transfering liquid from buck to container by using slots inside the block entity inventory and had to hard code the fluid and bucket types, this api is for you.
- Fluid Stack : A nice way of having your fluid variant type and it's amount inside a wrapper class to use
- Fluid Stack Renderer : Thanks to Kaupenjoe this is a very powerful class library to render your fluid inside a screen container. Just instantiate a new instance of the class, and simple call the drawFluid in drawBackground (of screen class) or getTooltip (will convert the capacity to milli bucket system of forge and show it instead of the 81000L base for Fabric) in the drawForeground (of the screen class)! You can use isMouseAboveArea to check if the mouse is inside the drawing rectangle to show the tooltip or not.
- Fluid Utils : This is a very powerful helper class. The normal way for transferring liquid between a block entity container and a bucket, given by the Fabric, is to right-click on the container by player. If the bucket is empty, it will be fulled and fluid will be reduced inside the container. If the bucket is full, it will become empty and the liquid will be transferred into the container. If this is the behavior you seek, you can look into >>> FluidStorageUtil.interactWithFluidStorage(Storage, PlayerEntity, Hand) <<< However, most of the time this is not the desired mechanics. What if we need to transfer multiple types of liquid into multiple tanks inside a single block entity container? Normally you would like to have a dedicated slot inside the screen for putting buckets (full or empty) in and transfer the liquid and get the result bucket inside a slot. If this is what you want, you can call >>> handleTankTransfer <<< method inside this class. It will first try to transfer liquid from bucket to tank, if it fails, it will try the reverse and tries to pull liquid from tank and put it inside the bucket. There are overloads for you to handle the transfer on one side manually if needed. Other useful method calls can be used in different cases for checking the item stack, the tank and it's capacity.
To use this library inside your own project you need to add the maven repository like this, put this code inside repository seciton of the build.gradle file, Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
maven { url '' }
Now in the dependency section, add this :
modImplementation include("com.github.drkhodakarami:fluidutils:${fluidutils_version}")
finally, in the add an entry for the proper release version of the library :