NOTE: Be aware that this is my first Rust library. Constructive feedback would be appreciated.
- Synchronous and Asynchronous native extension support
In Rust:
// Must be in the format <library name>_Init, where <library name> is the same as the dll/so (<library name>.dll, lib<library name>.so)
pub extern "C" fn example_Init(library: dart::Any) -> dart::Any {
return dart::unwrap(
.and_then(|lib: dart::Library| lib.set_native_resolver(func_resolver)));
extern "C" fn func_resolver(name: dart::String, argc: i32, auto_setup_scope: *mut bool) -> Option<dart::NativeFunction> {
use std::ops::Deref;
match name.as_str() {
Ok(str) => match str.deref() {
"test_native" => Some(test_native_fn),
"port_test" => Some(port_test_fn),
_ => None
Err(e) => unsafe { dart::propagate_error(&e) }
fn test_native_fn_inner(args: &dart::NativeArguments) -> Result<dart::String, dart::Error> {
dart::String::from_str("Hello from Rust!")
extern "C" fn test_native_fn(args: dart::NativeArguments) { dart::wrap_native_fn(&args, test_native_fn_inner) }
fn port_test(args: &dart::NativeArguments) -> Result<dart::SendPort, dart::Error> {
dart::Port::make_native_port("port_test", port_test_handler, true)
.map(|port| port.as_send_port())
extern "C" fn port_test_handler(dest_port: dart::Port, raw_message: *const dart::RawCObject) {
let message_root = dart::CObject::from(raw_message);
use dart::CObject::*;
if let Array(ref array) = message_root {
println!("Got array {}", array.length);
if let SendPort(ref reply_port) = {
println!("Got send port");
let payload =;
let response = match payload {
Int32(v) => Int32(v * 2),
Int64(v) => Int64(v * 2),
Double(v) => Double(v * 2.0),
_ => String("Cannot double given object".as_ptr())
}; response.as_raw());
} else {
println!("Received improperly formatted message")
} else {
println!("Received improperly formatted message")
extern "C" fn port_test_fn(args: dart::NativeArguments) { dart::wrap_native_fn(&args, port_test) }
In Cargo.toml:
name = "example"
crate-type = ["dylib"]
In Dart:
import 'dart-ext:example';
import 'dart:isolate';
String testNative() native 'test_native';
SendPort portTest() native 'port_test';
void main() {
final recvPort = new ReceivePort();