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Releases: dseaton/ocw-contentful

Migration to AWS Data Source

14 Jun 18:41
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Open Learning Engineering provides JSON data from s3. The data are more complete and allow us to get closer to replicating OCW in out beta testing.

This code still allows a user to import OCW content into Contentful. However, one needs s3 credentials in order to so. There is no timeline for allowing others to get these credentials, but it should be possible in the not to distant future.

OCW to Contentful via JSON data from OCW

08 May 19:33
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OCW provides courseware data in a JSON format organized by department. Each department has a list of courses with metadata and file links nested by type. In order to get to a single course, we load the department data, then access a single course (ocw uids are keys) or loop through courses. Department URL example:

This code version provides methods to import these OCW data into Contentful.